Boy, somebody has been a busy bee!!

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Ancient AH Pilot, Retired CWO W4.
Dec 31, 2017
10 people robbed in 7 hours in New Orleans...all the more reason to carry! It can happen anywhere, anytime.

Excerpt: "New Orleans police say street muggers pulled out guns and demanded money from 10 people in a 7-hour span, according to reports.
No one was hurt and the police weren’t saying if any of the five stick-ups, which took place from 9 p.m. Thursday to 4 a.m. Friday, were related.
The total of robberies in New Orleans stood at 39 before the five robberies were reported, according to the New Orleans Times-Picayune.
Only one of the robberies resulted in an arrest, the paper reported.
James Travis III, 38, was charged with pointing a handgun at three men near Interstate 10 and stealing a backpack from one of them, according to the paper."
Just finished reading that Louisiana rated high as 2nd. amendment state. so my questions is . were these thugs just plan lucky or is my understanding about LA incorrect? Since I carry at all times (yes even in my home) I have to wonder about the odds of pulling 10 muggings and not getting shot?
What? I don't believe a word of this! ONLY 10 people robbed in 7 hours? That's the best night in 30 years if that's true!

A friend works EMS around NO. I hear the stories. Crime is so bad it can hold it's own against Chicago! I remember a buddy went there a few years back, walked out the door of the hotel, asked the clerk if things were safe in that area, and the clerk told him a man was stabbed/killed the night before 30 ft from the hotel entrance! Remember, big liberal city. I suspect they have all kinds of anti-gun laws there... to protect the criminals from getting shot!

If Trump were asked about NO, he'd say it's a xxxx-hole.
What? I don't believe a word of this! ONLY 10 people robbed in 7 hours? That's the best night in 30 years if that's true!

A friend works EMS around NO. I hear the stories. Crime is so bad it can hold it's own against Chicago! I remember a buddy went there a few years back, walked out the door of the hotel, asked the clerk if things were safe in that area, and the clerk told him a man was stabbed/killed the night before 30 ft from the hotel entrance! Remember, big liberal city. I suspect they have all kinds of anti-gun laws there... to protect the criminals from getting shot!

If Trump were asked about NO, he'd say it's a xxxx-hole.

Sorry to hear New Orleans is liberal. No Madi Grar (Spelling?) for me.
Just finished reading that Louisiana rated high as 2nd. amendment state. so my questions is . were these thugs just plan lucky or is my understanding about LA incorrect? Since I carry at all times (yes even in my home) I have to wonder about the odds of pulling 10 muggings and not getting shot?
The place was a den of snakes back in 1990 when I was there. Had to stay in well lit and busy areas and NO going to graveyards! Even then you get approached for money or cigarettes or something. The place is not safe except in day light business areas, I think I wouldn't be out at night in any big cities, SAvannah, even Indianapolis can be risky, Just take a scanner and hear for yourself, cities are horrible. There is not one that I would consider safe, not one single one.

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