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Sep 7, 2013
The Vegas story has just taken a turn into the Twilight Zone
Police have dramatically changed their account of how the Las Vegas massacre began on Oct. 1, revealing Monday that the gunman shot a hotel security guard six minutes before opening fire on a country music concert — raising new questions about why police weren’t able to pinpoint the gunman’s location sooner.

Officials had previously said that gunman Stephen Paddock, 64, of Mesquite, Nev., shot Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Campos after Paddock had unleashed his deadly volley at the Route 91 Harvest festival, an assault that began at 10:05 p.m.

They had credited Campos, who was shot in the leg, with stopping the 10-minute assault on the concert crowd by turning the gunman’s attention to the hotel hallway, where Campos was checking an alert for an open door in another guest’s room.

But Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo said Monday that Paddock shot Campos before his mass shooting — at 9:59 p.m. — and they now don’t know why Paddock stopped his attack on the crowd.
I'd say the security guys at the hotel sucked. Five minutes could have cut the carnage in half. Is anyone really surprised though that hotel security wasn't more prepared? In reality, who would have been prepared for something like this? Not to mention I doubt if the security guard had a gun or radio on hand.
I think they knew the location . When SWAT gets a call they assemble , suit up gear up , briefing, planning sometimes while in route , then deploy . They would not have rushed through the building they would have cleared as they moved . I think I remember a report that said it was 72 miniutes from call in till it was over .
Generally speaking, if its a one on one shooting such as the with the security guard, it would be a street cops responding not Swat, it would take a SGT./Lt. or higher to request Swat, 6 mikes is a lot of time but I don't think it would have changed much of the out come. I don't see a major issue with the timing, preliminary reports are generally changed hours after the preliminary are released to the public, I don't understand early releases of information before facts are known, it feeds more speculations when changes are made and gives even more ammo to the conspiracy theorist to twist the facts even further.
Probably a unarmed security guard appointed by the business. Like a bouncer in a bar or loss prevention in a store .

In many states even loss prevention must be registered too. The police have identified him as security, the police haven't changed that story and the casino hadn't contradicted the police statement, if he was working as security than several laws have been broken in Nevada....
Probably a unarmed security guard appointed by the business. Like a bouncer in a bar or loss prevention in a store .
Either way, I hope he gets a bonus. He did call it in after being shot. I've still not heard anything different from the 11 minutes from the start to the end of the shooting. I really think that's a pretty good response time to make it in the building, up to the 32nd floor and breech the door. Sure, we all wish the scum had been taken out sooner, but I still think that the guys that rushed in to confront and neutralize him are true bad ass heroes. All this nonsense about response time timelines is useless tit for tat blaming. The only person to blame here is the sorry assed shooter.
Info will come out when DOJ decides to disclose it . Nothing new every investigation is that way . Meanwhile the kook's throw out anything they can imagine as facts. The general public gets frustrated with the lack of information but will get the story as it play's out in the Court's.
Updated my post
Apparently fake news? he URL not legit after someone alerted me to it :( ; (

Yesterday breaking news that no one may have seen not just from CNN but other news outlets but quietly disappeared, I gone to the cashed news sites to see what was but wasn't released, this is from one of the news sites.

Breaking News – Police Arrest Mandalay Security Guard Jesus Compos As Second shooter. In Las Vegas Massacre

"(CNN) Breaking News – Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Compos has been arrested accused of being an accomplice and second shooter in the Las Vegas massacre that claimed the lives of 59 people and injured more than 500.

Jesus Campos had originally been praised for his apparent heroics on October 1st, as he supposedly rushed to Paddock’s suite, was shot in the upper thigh through the door, and continued to help get people to safety despite his wounds. However, FBI officials involved in the investigation now believe he was an accomplice of Paddock’s, and was involved in the initial shooting as a second gunman from the other broken window in Paddock’s 32nd-floor room."

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What gets Me is any local story or high profile crime it can be years before We get the details due to the legal process . But with this case the fake was already in full swing and with the political environment already charged its a perfect storm . And it may well come down to a criminal mind being fueled by a rich lifestyle and plenty of booze and meds . Just another end of the liner .
Guys, as I've said (broken record time?), stories and falsehoods will abound for weeks.

For example I heard where this security guard guy was going to go on a bunch of TV shows including Hannity today/yesterday, and didn't show for any of them. Wanna talk tin-hat conspiracy theory? Or was that more false flags?

Sit back. Enjoy your favorite beverage. Don't get wound up about any of this news/fake-news. Let it all unwind. We'll never know the full truth, and more than likely never know half of it. Be prepared and stay safe.