Bring in the UN

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Awesome Friend
Nov 25, 2017
I have to shake my head at this. If this does happen then there will be hell to pay. I don't believe this will happen but when there are stupid politicians pushing it then who knows what will happen. Bring the UN into Chicago because our police can't handle it? It's not enough that the borders are open to people from foreign countries that hate our country and then even provide them even more than essential of life but now they want to let the UN{foreign} troops into our country to protect us?
Yep there could not possibly be any way this is Constitutional or that any stupid politician can even call for its consideration. I will say if this does happen then all hell will break loose in this country. It just might be why there are, supposedly, hundreds of UN marked vehicles stored together in various areas across the USA.
Things in this country are really taking a turn towards the worst scenario.
It will probably get a bunch of people killed !......................
Saw this on another forum. A Cook County commissioner is the dunderhead with the hardon. Reported to have appealed to the UN for help.