CA in total lockdown ( BBC)

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Awesome Friend
Nov 14, 2019
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Most parts of the US state of California are under a strict new lockdown, as Covid-19 cases surge across the state and the country.
The stay-at-home order affects around 85% of the state's 40 million people. It will be in place for at least three weeks and cover the Christmas holiday.
Many businesses will be closed, and people will be banned from meeting anyone outside their household.
On Sunday, the US had a record number of people in hospital with Covid-19.
The country has seen a sharp rise in cases and Covid-related deaths in recent weeks. The surge could be partly down to last month's Thanksgiving holiday, when millions of Americans travelled around the US.
The new restrictions in California were triggered by intensive care capacity in hospitals shrinking. The measures came into force at 23:59 local time on Sunday (07:59 GMT on Monday) in the southern part of the state and its central valley.
A local lockdown in San Francisco came into force slightly earlier. Other areas could follow within days.
California's lockdown in March, in which all non-essential businesses were closed, was seen as an early model for the US at the beginning of the pandemic.
What are the new restrictions?
Governor Gavin Newsom has ordered that when capacity at intensive care units in any of five regions of the state goes below 15%, that region will go into lockdown within 24 hours.
The stay-at-home orders triggered in this way will be similar to the far-reaching order issued for the state after the pandemic first hit in March, but with a few significant relaxations:
  • All retail stores are able to stay open, although only at 20% capacity, along with outside spaces such as parks and beaches
  • Gatherings are prohibited, and people are required to stay at home and minimise contact with other households
  • Bars, hair salons and indoor restaurants are closed
The lockdown will last for at least three weeks, and until ICU capacity goes above 15% again.
Mr Newsom said the measures would help to "flatten the curve" and reduce the pressure on health services.
"We are at a tipping point in our fight against the virus and we need to take decisive action now to prevent California's hospital system from being overwhelmed in the coming weeks," he said last week.
How did it come to this?
The situation in California reflects a surge in infections nationwide. On Sunday, the state reported an additional 30,000 infections, a new record.
It has recorded more than 1.3 million infections and nearly 20,000 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic.
Intensive care capacity at two of the five regions set up by state officials for the purposes of the stay-at-home order - Southern California and the central San Joaquin Valley - fell below 15% on Friday.
Southern California, which includes Los Angeles and San Diego, the state's two largest cities, fell to 12.5% on Saturday, and San Joaquin to just 8.6%.

What difficulties are the authorities facing?
Republican opponents of the Democratic authorities in the state and many of its municipalities have questioned the efficacy of the new measures, and say they could harm the local economy.
"Every state is experiencing a surge, which begs the question, how do these shutdowns actually reduce cases?" state legislator James Gallagher told Fox News.
Research has found that lockdown measures have been associated with reduced infection numbers, while the World Health Organization also urges people to "avoid spaces that are closed, crowded or involve close contact" during the pandemic.
But some law enforcement officials said they did not plan to help enforce the new rules, with Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes saying in a statement: "Compliance with health orders is a matter of personal responsibility and not a matter of law enforcement."
Meanwhile, Governor Newsom has been facing accusations of hypocrisy. In November he visited a high-class restaurant in the Napa Valley, contrary to his own guidance.
San Francisco Mayor London Breed dined at the same restaurant on a different night. Both have apologised.
But White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany seized on the errors. "These images... make clear Democrats' mind-set: rules for thee but not for me," she said.
What is the situation across the country?
According to the Covid Tracking Project, 101,487 people were being treated in hospital with the disease on Sunday, while an additional 1,138 deaths were recorded.
Nearly 14.6 million people have been infected with Covid-19 in the US, and 273,374 people have died - the highest figures of any country in the world.

Moncef Slaoui, the scientist in charge of the US push for a vaccine, said there was "light at the end of the tunnel" and that he hoped the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) could give the go-ahead to a vaccine when it meets on Thursday.
But for life to get back to normal by the spring, Americans still needed to follow safety measures, he said in an interview to CBS News on Sunday.
Also on Sunday President Donald Trump announced that his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani had tested positive for the virus.
How are retail stores allowed to stay open at limited capacity if people are required to stay home? Maybe they aren't doing the "essential business thing" like some states are. Have many relatives in California. This is depressing for them.
They should not comply.
How did it come to this?
The situation in California reflects a surge in infections nationwide. On Sunday, the state reported an additional 30,000 infections, a new record.
It has recorded more than 1.3 million infections and nearly 20,000 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic.
Intensive care capacity at two of the five regions set up by state officials for the purposes of the stay-at-home order - Southern California and the central San Joaquin Valley - fell below 15% on Friday.
Southern California, which includes Los Angeles and San Diego, the state's two largest cities, fell to 12.5% on Saturday, and San Joaquin to just 8.6%.

Perhaps this may explain

A good friend of the Wife who is the head nurse on the 36 bed covid floor of the hospital made a comment about the local news reporting that the hospitals are overwhelmed and gone on to explain a puzzling situation. One, the hospitals are not overwhelmed, people would come in with like flu symptoms and get tested for both the flu and covid, no one has been tested positive for the flu since June but tested positive for covid even all of November, she currently has 12 patients on the covid floor but yet the hospital directer counts the 36 beds as full solely because it's reserved. The true count is not reflected in the reports. My daughter who works in another hospital with a 22 bed covid floor hospital says the only reason they are overwhelmed isn't because the beds are full it is because of staffing not patients, at my daughters hospital 40 nurses 6 doctors have quit and the nurses their refuse to work the covid floor, the reason the doctors quit is because of the obamacare not covid. besides staffing all of the patients except for 5 is their occupying rooms out of 22 beds on the covid floors the rest is for other health reasons not associated with covid, the problem is they lost a whole floor so available room became an issue. My daughter is going to look at the covid Vs flu testing metrics.

So how is it from June through November that zero patients have been tested positive for the flu, statistically that doesn't seem possible. In my mind this proves the numbers are fudged and the media is a co-conspirator in this manipulation. I suspect this is taking place across the nation, anyone who beleives whats being spewed over the airways and print is certifiably fxxken nuts.
I saw where two sheriffs in Ca said they would not enforce the lockdowns. I’m glad not everyone in Ca is nuts and over reacting. I’m all for taking measures to slow the virus spread, just not lockdowns.
I wonder if neurotoxins such as lead which was used in petrol (US gas) for many years has had a big impact on adult humans who are now in a position of power to make rational judgements. Could this be a possible explanations for the mass hysteria surrounding things like Covid 19?
I wonder if neurotoxins such as lead which was used in petrol (US gas) for many years has had a big impact on adult humans who are now in a position of power to make rational judgements. Could this be a possible explanations for the mass hysteria surrounding things like Covid 19?

Might explain the behavior of people in the big cities where there would be more exhaust pollution. LOL.
On Monday California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) lifted the strict regional stay-at-home order from all regions across the state even though Covid cases and deaths are soaring.

The 7 day average of new cases is higher now than it was in early December when Gavin Newsom imposed the regional lockdowns and curfew.

Newsom is hiding the key information used to drive his decisions and said the data is just too complex and would confuse and potentially mislead the public.

Many people believe Newsom lifted the stay-at-home order due to political reasons.

Watch Newsom Squirm When Asked if He Lifted California's Strict Stay-at-Home Order For Political Reasons, Including Recall Efforts

We only need 300,000 more on the recall. Newscum is terrified and so a war room meeting was called to hatch the lifting of the stay at home order. Flash, nobody listed to it anyway. Everyone sees this skinny weasel for what he is.

Yup. Hopefully Governor Nuisance will soon be on the unemployed politicians’ line.