California goes after HAM RADIO OPERATORS

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Silent Earth

Awesome Friend
Sep 25, 2013
watching from afar

Radio System, Endangering Lives Amid Blackouts and Wildfires

By Megan Fox October 15, 2019
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A man uses a bucket to fight a fire in a field outside the village of Sao Jose das Matas, near Macao, central Portugal, Wednesday, July 26 2017. (AP Photo/Armando Franca)
As if things aren't bad enough in California with wildfires and power outages, the state Fire District has decided that Ham radio equipment in remote areas must be removed unless radio operators cough up a big fee to lease the land from the government. In an email to Ham operators, Lorina Pisi wrote:

I do understand and appreciate all of the service you have provided in the past. However, with constantly changing technological advances, there is no longer the same benefit to State as previously provided. Therefore, the Department no longer financially supports HAM operators radios or tenancy. If you desire to enter into a formal agreement to operate and maintain said equipment, you must complete and submit attached collocation application along with fee as outlined on page one of application. There is cost associated with getting an agreement in place. In addition to the technical analysis fee ($2500/application), there is DGS Lease admin cost associated (typically between $3000-$5000) with preparation of lease. Also, there will be an annual rent charge based upon equipment type/space.
Ham operators have been assisting fire and emergency services for free for years. Their contributions are well-documented. The equipment costs the state nothing, as it is operated by the owners. There is no benefit to removing it and, in fact, removing the only source of communication available when the power is out and the cell towers are down is downright criminal. Ham radio is a time-tested, low-cost, reliable means of communication when emergencies strike. OffGrid Survival reports, "What is infuriating here is people are going to die because of this decision. It costs the State of California nothing to allow these repeaters on public land; in fact, Ham Radio Operators pay for the equipment and maintain the equipment at their own cost. Ham Radio operators also make nothing from running these radio repeaters; they do so as a service to the public to help ensure the public’s safety during natural disasters and emergencies."

Instead of continuing to use a system that has worked for decades, the California government has instituted a cell communication plan that has already failed.

In 2012 the federal government launched FirstNet, a public safety nationwide broadband network that many in the government think will make Ham radio operators obsolete. In reality, its nothing more than a $47 Billion Federal Cell Phone Network that itself is already obsolete. In fact, it needs LOTS of infrastructure to function, and it creates multiple, single points of failure.
According to The Atlantic, "FirstNet is in such disarray that 15 years after the problem it is supposed to solve was identified, it is years from completion—and it may never get completed at all. According to the GAO, estimates of its cost range from $12 billion to $47 billion, even as advances in digital technology seem to have eliminated the need to spend any of it."

OffGrid Survival may have identified the actual issue:

The real story here is Ham Radio is a threat to the government. We make them look stupid! They spend billions on infrastructure that breaks down, while we can literally take a hundred bucks in equipment, some random wires, and in minutes set up a radio system that can communicate with anyone in the world. Hell, I’ve used my kid’s slinky, some Television Coax Cable, and a solar battery system to build a mobile rig that I’ve used to talk to people around the world — You can check out the Radio Rig Here. They don’t want the public to realize that we can take care of ourselves, and do a much better and cheaper job doing so!
They should also consider that the government hates watching anyone succeed at anything without the state getting its cut. Most likely, the fire district knows that Ham operators aren't going to watch their whole system dismantled and expects them to pay to keep it.
Methinks my learned American friends are also missing one critical point, The Feds and Left alike hate any media or communication system that is free and unregulated. Ham users are seen as subversives by the left.

Amateur radio is heavily regulated ;) They do a better job tracking down violators than the Government. They are called to action in every emergency in this Country, they practice extensively in this state with Feds and Local Government

David A. Johnson USGS and HAM radioed Vancouver on HAM his last words "Vancouver! Vancouver! This is it!

Gerry Martin a Civilian, asked by the Washington State Governor to set up a communication post 10 miles from the mountain his last words: "Gentlemen, the uh, camper and the car sitting over to the south of me is covered (talking about David A. Johnson) It's gonna get me, too. I can't get out of here ..."

California can go straight to Fxxxxx hell!!!
When I was on a Red Cross Disaster Action Team back in the 70's we had Ham operators in every location like Red Cross HQ, shelters, and the Emergency Operations Center. When the EOC flooded in the Easter Flood of 79 in Jackson, MS, it knocked out the police and fire communications center. And there was no phone service because the lines were completely jammed. When they first set up a temporary EOC, we had communications with the EOC even though the EOC itself had no communications. I think we were the only ones in the city that knew exactly what was happening everywhere, while the whole city government was blind.
From the article

"EDITOR'S NOTE: After two readers reached out to PJ Media asking us to investigate this story further, we've determined that the details may be more complicated than at first glance. According to a press release from the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the national association for amateur radio, fears about the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) seeking to dismantle the Ham radio system may have been overblown. "By all credible and reliable accounts, the State of California has not turned its back on Amateur Radio as an emergency communication resource nor have established repeater owners been asked to remove their equipment from state-owned sites unless they pay sizeable fees," the organization said.

If that's the case, why did a CAL FIRE official send a letter to a repeater owner/group informing them that amateur radio equipment would have to be removed from state-owned sites if they didn't pay up? The official has not responded to a request for comment from the ARRL, so it's not clear what happened."
From the article

"EDITOR'S NOTE: After two readers reached out to PJ Media asking us to investigate this story further, we've determined that the details may be more complicated than at first glance. According to a press release from the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the national association for amateur radio, fears about the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) seeking to dismantle the Ham radio system may have been overblown. "By all credible and reliable accounts, the State of California has not turned its back on Amateur Radio as an emergency communication resource nor have established repeater owners been asked to remove their equipment from state-owned sites unless they pay sizeable fees," the organization said.

If that's the case, why did a CAL FIRE official send a letter to a repeater owner/group informing them that amateur radio equipment would have to be removed from state-owned sites if they didn't pay up? The official has not responded to a request for comment from the ARRL, so it's not clear what happened."

Learn mes ami's LEARN, If the Left cannot control IT, ( IT being anything they deem could be a threat to them), they will ban it or regulate out out of existance.

In 1917 when the Bolshevik revolution was under way the British government was so afraid of revolution spreading to the UK they seized as many privately own guns AND the early radio recievers and transcievers in private citizens hands as they could.

Today the feds and the Left are already recording and monitoring all our texts, E mails and other messaging media, Ham and CB is currently out of their reach.......SO FAR.
A problem in CA is that really low frequency comms that reach around the world have antennas that stretch over acres. Meanwhile people there have 0.07 acre lots. So, a ham sets up a higher frequency / smaller antenna from his house to the repeater out on federal land and transposes to the lower frequency there to reach around the world. Oh well, their loss.

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