California races to get ahead of another bad fire season

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Awesome Friend
Dec 18, 2020
For those of you living out that way, be safe. Keep the BOB handy or in the car. In the past I have read about more than a few people getting a fire fighter pounding on their door at 0200 and telling them they got minutes to get out as the fire was barreling down on them.
I guess when you follow green policy and don’t burn off. You get what you really deserve. Toasted marshmallows or maybe burned fingers. Australia has followed the same policy for some time now.
Newscum wants to spend 536 billion dollars. The heart of the problem is the USFS and the fact they have forgotten how to fight fires. The fire is reported, nothing is done until an "incident control center" is set up for the executives directing the fire, which takes about three days. And it gets worse from there--you guys do not have the time or patience to hear it all but suffice it to say fires under 5,000 acres are ignored, fires over 50,000 acres at too big to be put out.

But, if we had two superscoopers in every lake or reservoir running the length of the state (they are all 50-100 miles apart), one superscooper from each side of the fire could be sent to bomb it with water, over and over, until the fire was put out and do this ON THE FIRST DAY OF THE FIRE.

Superscoopers cost 2 million dollars each. Fifty superscoopers floating in these lakes all fire season would maybe cost another 20 million. That is 120 million, not billion, dollars and we would have almost instant protection from forest fires.

Again, the USFS is the problem now that the utility companies have been brought under control but these people are simply not intellectually capable of doing the job and many, many USFS employees know nothing about a forest (but that is another story).
The USFS is a federal agency, not State. I dont know how they do things in California, nor do I give a crap. But when we had a large fire threatening our ranch last year the FS was right on top of things and I can't say enough good things about them. Of course they have to set up a command center in order to direct the crews and aircraft and stage food, water and equipment. The FS set up a command center on our property, they also set up a crew on top of one of our hills to direct aircraft to help fight the fire. This hill gave them a great view of the fire for many miles. I also gave them permission to use our well for the crews and our pond for dipping water with the helicopters.
I'm confident that the FS saved our ranch, livestock, equipment and everything else that we own.
I lease land from the forest service, had mining claims on FS lands, and while I may not agree with them all the time I've always had a good relationship with them.
In 2010, the wildfires were sweeping across practically the whole Peoples Republik of Kalifornia. The fire people pretty much just about said there was nothing they could do about it. Now we just had an extremely sparse rainy season. One little spark and....Poof! Here we go again.
If, AND ONLY IF, the insurance companies (who have to pay to re-build everything that burns down...) would get the money to the FS, get filling ponds built, get pumps ordered and set up, get water lines into the fire danger areas and realise it is cheaper to prevent fires than to pay for the damages caused from fires......the insurance co. have the largest interest that NO FIRES cause any losses which they have to pay for, OR AM I THINKING TOO FAR???
California has state parks which usually border the National Forest. To protect them, the state has Cal Fire. Cal Fire structural protection is so good the USFS rely on them to save the structures within or near USFS land. This has worked in the past but last year Cal Fire just could not be everywhere. Separating federal from state land and federal from state fire responsibility is difficult.

For instance in 2017 sloppy maintenance by the electric companies (2) caused most of the fires. Some were in the state and some were in the federal forest. We are talking billions of dollars in damages and that does not count the timber value itself. The reason all of you should care about California's problem is that you paid for it and don't ever realize it. This was done using bankruptcy court and Gov. Gavin Newsom's slight of hand.

Fire originating from within the USFS is the responsibility of the USFS. They don't have the right to burn down your house and should be held liable. But this goes for the state and utility companies also. So when the utility companies burnt down a million acres of our federal land, the Governor quickly set up a state-sponsored fund so consumers would not sue the utility companies. Then he allowed, without opposition, their bankruptcy, a Chapter 11 not Chapter 9. In a Chapter 9, the utility companies would have had to sell everything, all assets, to cover claims. But Chapter 11 is a reorganization and the creditors just take a haircut. You are all familiar with Chapter 11, these are the serial bankruptcies the airlines use to scam taxpayers every few years. Bankruptcy is filed in Federal District Court. There, they can claim anything they want to claim. As one attorney told me, there is no such thing as a fraudulent bankruptcy. So the utility companies waltzed away from the damages they cause to federal and state lands. You all pick up the federal tab.

Now add to this the USFS. My middle daughter worked for the USFS for 15 years, she told me all this, and I didn't believe her. Almost all the budget for the USFS ends up as fire fighting expense. Fire is their industry. In the off season, firefighters get very much reduced pay. You would be amazed at how little the government pays them to risk their lives. But the USFS has to keep them happy. The answer is "controlled burns" and all the lies they tell about why they need to do them. They do them so firefighters can get fire fighting pay during the off season. The lies are so crazy stupid that my daughter summed it up with: "We have to burn the forest down in order to save it." Getting paid and getting money are the real goals of the USFS Fire. In those incident control centers the only heavy lifting which is down is on payday when management has to bend down and pick up those heavy paychecks.

This really means the USFS Fire is not interested in little fires. They need a fire to last over a month, preferably all season, so they and their employees can get that all important fire pay. They will let a little fire burn until it becomes a bigger one. They will depend on the county and Cal Fire to save their bacon when the fire impacts private property. They will tell you lies about how fire works and is fought. In many instances, those at the top calling the shots of how to actually position assets and fight the fire do not even come from that area--sometimes not even from that state. In the USFS, a supervisor who can fight a fire with minimum manpower and no airpower (water drops) is a hero, and becomes a legend. This is what they are all shooting for. In doing this no-hitter type game, they sacrifice your money, your forest and maybe your property. There is no downside for these people. If their leadership fails, they simply get on a plane and go home.

This is another story but burnt forests become deserts. Pioneer vegetation springs up which burns as fast as a fuse--a fuse leading to unburnt forest. Deserts reflect solar radiation, not absorbing it. This actually moves cloud patterns and the feedback enforces drying out of the land. Now a high percentage of the Sierra Nevada Mountains are desert and a fuse. This will go on costing YOU money until something changes. Throwing money at it, be it state or federal, will not change the basic attitude problems of the USFS. The USFS is not hiring forest people and this is one basic problem but that is another story.
Bottom line is there are too GD many people living out in the woods who know nothing but city living. Unfortunately California gets all the press every time they get a brush fire. The fire that almost burned my place, and the one that did burn a large timber tract of mine, was larger than most California fires were. But no press, which I'm fine with. California isn't the only place that has fires, all of the western states have wildfires every summer. Its just a fact of life, deal with it. California can all burn up or fall in the ocean for all I care, just hurry up about it. And DON'T move here.
This is going to be mostly California money. California is a leftist-run state whose only interests involve those it favors on the left. The reason California is even concerned about "wildfires" is now it is no longer just an issue for people living east of Interstate 5. Hell, the wine country burned down!!!! Santa Rosa burnt down. Silicon Valley's suburban housing in the Santa Cruz Mountains burnt down. Santa Barbara had a fire a few seasons back. Marin County, a San Francisco suburb, burnt down.

The Left in California does not care a thing about Paradise, CA., where 86 people were killed by fire. They care about Gavin Newsom's winery.
Got up to a smokey morning here. The Forest Service is doing a prescribed burn along our western property line. Their goal is the burn all around our property, which they say will take 2 years to complete. So far there's no danger of it spreading, but if they spend all summer burning it very well could spread.
Water crisis ‘couldn’t be worse’ on Oregon-California border (

Water crisis ‘couldn’t be worse’ on Oregon-California border

" The water crisis along the California-Oregon border went from dire to catastrophic this week as federal regulators shut off irrigation water to farmers from a critical reservoir and said they would not send extra water to dying salmon downstream or to a half-dozen wildlife refuges that harbor millions of migrating birds each year. In what is shaping up to be the worst water crisis in generations, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation said it will not release water this season into the main canal that feeds the bulk of the massive Klamath Reclamation Project, marking a first for the 114-year-old irrigation system. The agency announced last month that hundreds of irrigators would get dramatically less water than usual, but a worsening drought picture means water will be completely shut off instead. "
We just took a trip through Utah and Nevada. They are being hit very hard by the extended drought. Folks, I’m no meteorologist, but I think we’re in for a long dry spell, no pun intended.
We just took a trip through Utah and Nevada. They are being hit very hard by the extended drought. Folks, I’m no meteorologist, but I think we’re in for a long dry spell, no pun intended.
Utah, Nevada, much of California, eastern Oregon, southern Idaho and much of Wyoming are deserts. By definition they are in perpetual drought. The only thing that is important in these areas is the mountain snow pack, that is where all the water comes from in most of the west. A heavy snow pack in the mountains is far more important than how much rain has fallen in a desert valley. Probably 95% of the annual precipitation in my area falls as snow. Some of our mountain lakes are snowed in until July.
Most of the west will always be in drought guaranteed. Just that some years are worse than others. Nothing new here.
We have an adequate amount of rainfall runoff flowing through our property, but the brainiacs at the county water authority let it flow into the Pacific Ocean.
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IF you let the most stupid persons keep the steering wheel in their mind end up in a deep ditch...feel sorry for Kalifornia
Utah, Nevada, much of California, eastern Oregon, southern Idaho and much of Wyoming are deserts. By definition they are in perpetual drought. The only thing that is important in these areas is the mountain snow pack, that is where all the water comes from in most of the west. A heavy snow pack in the mountains is far more important than how much rain has fallen in a desert valley. Probably 95% of the annual precipitation in my area falls as snow. Some of our mountain lakes are snowed in until July.
Most of the west will always be in drought guaranteed. Just that some years are worse than others. Nothing new here.

Yesterday I read an article by one of the government agencies (do not recall which one) that stated most of the West's water comes from snowpack.

Listened to a interview with a JPL scientist who said historically the West is a desert. From the late 1800s through early 2000 was a unusually wet period for the region.
It may be the region is reverting back to desert.

Regardless, the region cannot sustain that many people with what water is, or is not, available.
We have an adequate amount of rainfall runoff flowing through our property, but the brainiacs at the county water authority let it flow into the Pacific Ocean.

There could be better conservation efforts to help mitigate the situation.
But as you said, brainiacs.

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