car theft on the rise

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user 6493

Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Oct 25, 2016
I found out this morning that in the last week there have been two cars stolen and burned within 5 miles or less of me,the common denominator is both cars had the keys in them,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I have gotten complacent for the fact crime is rare around here I was also leaving keys in the truck well no more.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I guess no place is completely crime free
I would advise to not leave either in your car....ever if you can avoid it.

When thieves begin to realize areas where people are relaxed in their ways, you will only experience further increases in crime and theft. Meth heads really don't care about you and your stuff, other than taking your stuff.
Over here top of the range luxury cars are being stolen in huge numbers, they have digital key entry and engine starting security systems instead of keys. trouble is you can buy a device off E bay that can scame these key fobs from 30 feet and mimic them. car thieves are just standing outside homes and waving the scanner around until they detect the key fob. Then simply using the device to open the doors, start the engine and drive off.
never had a car stolen in my entire life, my cars aren't worth stealing!!! if my car was off the road tomorrow I could buy another for around £1,000.
these are not new cars being stolen,,,,these are being taken driven around and then set on fire,,,just joy rides that end badly for the owners of said cars,,,,,,,,,,we used to put chain locks on our bikes why not on a car or truck......or on a older vehicle simply pull the coil wire off
dosent happen around here, this is a close community, everyone knows who you are and where you live, which tends to cut down on any sort of criminality.
around here any crime tends to come from outside, depends where their coming from, the last real crime around here was years ago and was a cashpoint robbery and they came all the way from the midlands in the early hours and that cashpoint dosent exist any more

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