Casualty center in the planning...

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Awesome Friend
Mar 11, 2014
either my Gov't knows or they are prepping for some shyt..
but they are planning for a mass casualty center,something we don't have
or the previous gov't didn't think was necessary..but now,out of the blue
it's something to have...
Several times now in the last year, up to 5 NATO jets have been sent up to intercept Russian warplanes flying in the direction of NATO partner nations. The last time was for about 15 days. 2 of the biggest long-range bombers Russia has. They just turned around and went back home...Testing and trying to see IF and WHEN and HOW FAST the NATO planes react. Over which route and altitude to fly...Watch the signs jontte!
either my Gov't knows or they are prepping for some shyt..
but they are planning for a mass casualty center,something we don't have
or the previous gov't didn't think was necessary..but now,out of the blue
it's something to have...

Jonnte I believe most strongly that you need to be looking SOUTH to the EU as to the EAST with Russia, both these regimes eyeball Scandinavian mineral wealth with jeleous eyes. Both are vying over the Ukraine ( Liebestraum for the EU, Barrier zone for the Russian Federation) If the Scandi governments are not prepping for war like mad then they are fools. Scandinavia needs to realise France, Germany, Holland, Italy etcetc are not your peaceful friendly neighbours.
Several times now in the last year, up to 5 NATO jets have been sent up to intercept Russian warplanes flying in the direction of NATO partner nations. The last time was for about 15 days. 2 of the biggest long-range bombers Russia has. They just turned around and went back home...Testing and trying to see IF and WHEN and HOW FAST the NATO planes react.
They learned that trick from Reagan. LOL

From the book Victory by Peter Schweizer

"Sometimes we would send bombers over the North Pole, and their (the Soviet Union's) radars would click on," recalls Gen. Jack Chain, the former Strategic Air Command commander. "It really got to them," recalls Dr. William Schneider, under-secretary of state for military assistance and technology..."They didn't know what it all meant. A squadron would fly straight at Soviet airspace, and their radars would light up and units would go on alert. Then at the last minute the squadron would peel off and return home."'​
Several times now in the last year, up to 5 NATO jets have been sent up to intercept Russian warplanes flying in the direction of NATO partner nations. The last time was for about 15 days. 2 of the biggest long-range bombers Russia has. They just turned around and went back home...Testing and trying to see IF and WHEN and HOW FAST the NATO planes react. Over which route and altitude to fly...Watch the signs jontte!

will do,thankful I have friends in that reserve unit,who also have "their radar" up and working
Well they did not do any wrong to copy that which works well, looks innocent and provides up to date info to use for a SHTF day. Watch and be wary. GP

Keep us posted jontte, you are OUR Radar...Gary