Kitty Porn?? Srsly, Rick?
Somewhere, in some box down in storage in El Salvador, I've got video of our old 'angora-mix' cat.. (..The Only cat in my life I've ever truly 'loved' - she was very intelligent, and a
Savage fly hunter.. She'd literally 'head-track them' flying around the room, and when she could 'plot a strike' - she Did, and would leap up, and grab them in her front paws - mid flight - and, watch them flounder for a bit, broken on the floor, before she Finally munched them to death..
..anyway, the 'vid' was of this One night the Wife and I were watching 'Dances with Wolves' on a (large, for the time..) 42" TV, and she plopped down smack in the middle of the living room - just transfixed, watching the scene (this was the lead-up to the 'Great Buffalo Hunt' scene, for those that know the film..) Head, moving back / forth, watching the people / movements, etc..
..but the Minute the 'chase scenes' started up (Costner, et al, charging the Buffalo / shooting / spearing, etc) and All the running, between the Buffalos / Horses ramped up into Full action.. She
charges the TV, and Jumps up,
swatting at the Buffalos!
We joked at what her brain was 'saying' at that moment: 'ohhhh, Biiiig Buggzzzz!!'
Too funny..