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HCL Supporter
Dec 16, 2017
I found catnip coming up at the end of porch today (Nepeta cataria). Catnip is a wonderful medicine and extremely gentle. It’s commonly used for colicky babies. It works very well on fevers with infants and toddlers.

It works for adults too! I’ve a friend that makes a glycerite of catnip and fennel (Foeniculum vulgare). Its very helpful with my G/I issues.

I bought a catnip plant one spring. I think from lowes. It went to seed on my porch. I must have swept some seed away. Now it comes up every year. It’s a handy plant to grow and requires no effort on my part. The blooms are nice and your cat will love you for it.

Catnip (2)_v1.jpg
Is there a medicinal difference between catnip and lemon catnip?

If by lemon catnip you mean the plant Nepata cataria spp. Citriodora I don’t know. I’ve never heard of it until now. After a little research… lemon catnip is a sub-species of catnip. They would be similar but I personally know of no one who uses lemon catnip in herbal medicine. Why would you when Nepata cataria (catnip) is so plentiful?

That said I’m sure someone some where has tinkered with it. Here is someone in the herb world who describes lemon catnip as similar. They don't say they use it.
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Mint is invasive. It could easily take over a garden or yard. I read to plant mints in pots in the garden. It didn't really help as I have a part of my yard that has lots of mint growing in it.

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