CHAMP - Lights Out (Boeing) EMP WEAPON

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Feb 5, 2012
Communist State Of Kalifornia
Boeing Website
October 22, 2012 in Defense, Technology

A recent weapons flight test in the Utah desert may change future warfare after the missile successfully defeated electronic targets with little to no collateral damage.

Boeing and the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Directed Energy Directorate, Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M., successfully tested the Counter-electronics High-powered Microwave Advanced Missile Project (CHAMP) during a flight over the Utah Test and Training Range.

CHAMP, which renders electronic targets useless, is a non-kinetic alternative to traditional explosive weapons that use the energy of motion to defeat a target.

During the test, the CHAMP missile navigated a pre-programmed flight plan and emitted bursts of high-powered energy, effectively knocking out the target's data and electronic subsystems. CHAMP allows for selective high-frequency radio wave strikes against numerous targets during a single mission.

"This technology marks a new era in modern-day warfare," said Keith Coleman, CHAMP program manager for Boeing Phantom Works. "In the near future, this technology may be used to render an enemy’s electronic and data systems useless even before the first troops or aircraft arrive."

For further Reading:
I tell you all this, bloody SKYNET is not far away now.
LOL! It would seem life is imitating art these days.
I do not fore see the the T-1000 being real anytime soon, but what's to say there isn't the technology now to build the original Terminator, or something similar?
Of course, this is what they announce as public, meaning we're MUCH further along actually. A friend of mine, won't say what he does, told me about how they'd take up position outside a suspected Taliban comm center. Then, when given the go ahead, they'd go in and secure it, and typically, most were so busy trying to figure out what went wrong, that the enemy never even had a chance to grab their weapons up. He said they'd fly a drone over, then all power would go out, and they'd flip on their night vision, and go in quick and easy. Take it as you will, grains of salt, and all that...but it's what he claimed, and I have no reason to doubt him. We not only have stuff we don't talk about, we USE it.

I asked him why it didn't interfere with their gear, and he said, man, they can just target a building if they want to. We were over a street, so we were fine.
British TV only last week had a survey about the use of artificial intelligence and its planned deployment in armed drones, ever Prof Steven Hawkings was warning of the genuine risks.. The Brit military is thinking about autonomous armed drones choose their own targets !!!
I love the show battle bots, just not sure I want to see them rolling down the streets. We really are stupid to think about building armed, intelligent and automous robots. Even if they don't turn on us themselves, anyone see were they hacked into and took over control of a moving car recently? The ultimate though was when Iran took control of the drone by hacking it. Does our govt ever learn?
British TV only last week had a survey about the use of artificial intelligence and its planned deployment in armed drones, ever Prof Steven Hawkings was warning of the genuine risks.. The Brit military is thinking about autonomous armed drones choose their own targets !!!

It's already here thanks to DARPA, we already have it deployed in one of our carrier fleet right now since these videos were produced, I know the Brits have been working closely with the Americans in design features for there own needs

US Navy autonomous Swarm boats (already limited deployment)

US Navy and Air Force LRASM works in GPS denial battlefield autonomously (already limited deployment)

US Navy LOCUST can work autonomously, in testing stages now

Then you have the new 'Predator C Avenger' can work autonomously (already limited deployment)
Heck I'm sorted for an EMP the invention, which I am not to tell anyone about, is magnetically repulsive so that'll protect us if by any chance it does happen though this machine is only used to charge and power the fort.

In the event of an EMP the nickel and copper along the rooves and walls of the star fort swartberg we'll be fine.
Heck I'm sorted for an EMP the invention, which I am not to tell anyone about, is magnetically repulsive so that'll protect us if by any chance it does happen though this machine is only used to charge and power the fort.

In the event of an EMP the nickel and copper along the rooves and walls of the star fort swartberg we'll be fine.

Hmm, 'magnetically repulsive' Only if it was that easy ;) I don't see were that would work at all and not counting the power to generate such a field. electromagnetic spectrum goes from 3Hz and below to above 3000GHz, the earth's magnetic field though still allows electromagnetic radio waves through! In classical physics electromagnetic waves are not deflected by external fields and another problem if the pulses are just the right frequency and just the right pulse modulation, it could possibly demagnetize the field ;)

I would be looking at something similar to this ovonic threshold device but like anything else regarding EMP protection it's all hypothetical!

On a side note here; why till us about something your not willing to talk about, we are all here to help one another in areas we preppers find valuable are we not?
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I'm not going to talk about it because it is a volatile source of power. Without the appropriate shielding the thinground would kill anyone within ten meters. The frequency range is between 10 to the nineteenth power and ten to the twenty first power. Wavelength range is about twenty five meters.

I hesitate to speak about it because so few people believe it is possible.
Let's face it, there really isn't much to go when discussing EMP effects. The only real testing done (that's available to the public) was years ago, small in scope, and as such, isn't really applicable anymore.

If tested with some of today's cars, they'd likely go careening off the road (those with electronic steering for example). Likewise, more delicate electronics (like cell phones) would most likely buy it pretty easily. But, without hard data from conditional testing, it's all really guesswork.

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