Chicken Sandwich from Hell

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Awesome Friend
HCL Supporter
Sep 7, 2013
If this doesn't make you shake your head and roll your eyes...

People literally getting killed over a chicken sandwich that Popeyes restaurants reintroduced. The first time it was introduced they grossly underestimated the demand leading to chronic shortages and raised tempers.

So when they brought it back to the menu they made sure they had plenty of them. But the madness from before was still lurking waiting to resurface and the reintroduction immediately led to violence.

I, uh, er, uh, I don't know what to say...

A RACIST man was beaten up and had his beloved chicken sandwich stolen after going on a sick N-word tirade inside a Popeyes fast-food restaurant.

In a Los Angeles Popeyes, a woman recently destroyed her car attempting to cut a drive-thru line.

Police are also still on the hunt for the killer of Kevin Tyrell Davis, who was reportedly murdered outside of a Popeyes for cutting the line to get hold of one of their sandwiches.

This is purely people having a fear of missing out. Here in Finland when a new shop opening, the people will line up overnight just to get a free bucket. To my knowledge there hasn't been a killing yet but it's only a matter of time.
shows what some people will do to get the crap food people eat these days.
I haven't bought a sandwich in a shop for over 30 years not that I bought many even back then.
we have had people dying over here because they had an allergy to something in the sandwich.
any sandwich or indeed any meal we eat these days we have made ourselves so we know what went into it. one thing we are both particular about is our food.
SOYLENT GREEN ANYBODY?? my< god > the money, the food, the cars, the body building studio, the blue-suede shoes...where does it all end? I love this world, I love life and thousands of the people I have met and worked with;; but I am absolutely ashamed of the fact that I am also related to some of the persons on this planet since I also am called and deemed a "human being". GP
I’ve heard the expression “it’s to die for” many times, and the sandwich is really good, but some things just weren’t meant to be taken literally....
sometimes I like to think that humanity has a chance. That maybe we are smart enough to solve the problems facing us in the world. Then things like this show me our true nature and I realize we are doomed.....
That is a new quotable quote, running down food, burning down the house, now dumbing down the human race. Fire it up, kick it up, serve it up, shoot it up, but dumbing down! OUCH. Where are we headed and who died and left someone dumbing down at the wheel? GP
During our last hurricane, people would knife each other in the store of the last of the bottled water.

Also, on black friday (about 12 yrs. ago as I recall, but I could be wrong), a security guard unlocked the store doors in the morning, and was--quite literally--trampled to death as the crowd rushed in.

So things like this don't surprise me . . . unfortunately.
yeah, I don't have much trouble getting a wife its keeping them that's the problem, they go off me regularly, current one I've had for 20 years which is longer than the other 2 put together so I must be doing something right...…...eventually!!:p
This is what we call here an "AH HA EFFECT" Now I understand how it works, ya know, like on the job training, learn by doing...We have been together for 41 years now. I am not patting myself on the back or nuthin'. I just got lucky that I caught the one everybody else wanted and she is truly BLIND with love. Never deserved her, but DAMNED if I am not blessed to have her! Probably would have stayed Military and died in some stupid US warzone and left the family alone...
She talked me INTO getting OUT OF and it was the best decision ever made.GP
I've heard people say Chick Fil A must be laced with crack, the way everyone goes on about how good it is. But now I know who's actually putting SOMETHING in their chicken sandwiches. Damn.