Chicks, Chickens and Quackers!

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Does anyone the ones on this list here which are the best chickens for meat or eggs, or both? Some varieties we don't get over here in the UK, but I think it's probably one of the best animals to have for survival, as of course!
Does anyone the ones on this list here which are the best chickens for meat or eggs, or both? Some varieties we don't get over here in the UK, but I think it's probably one of the best animals to have for survival, as of course!

Leghorns, Rhode Island Reds, Orpingtons are good laying hens that I've had..I'm going to order some Brahma and Jersey Red..I think the Leghorns and Jersey Red are good meat chickens too..not sure about the Jersey Red for good layers...I need to do more research on the meat far, I've only bought hens for the eggs...I'm sure others here know a lot more about chickens they can me you can't go wrong with any chicken! 🐔🍳🍗
He has already been banned Cindy. Was going to answer the question too, but saw it was too late.

Barred Rocks and Austrolorps are good duel purpose hens. I prefer to raise meat birds for meat and high output laying hens just for eggs. The reason is you don’t waste any food or time. The Cornish Cross is the meat bird to use. You seriously can start processing some of them in as little as 6 weeks. My favorite laying hen is the ISA Brown. Followed by Leghorns (too noisy and flighty for me, but do lay well) and then Rhode Island Reds.
He has already been banned Cindy. Was going to answer the question too, but saw it was too late.

Barred Rocks and Austrolorps are good duel purpose hens. I prefer to raise meat birds for meat and high output laying hens just for eggs. The reason is you don’t waste any food or time. The Cornish Cross is the meat bird to use. You seriously can start processing some of them in as little as 6 weeks. My favorite laying hen is the ISA Brown. Followed by Leghorns (too noisy and flighty for me, but do lay well) and then Rhode Island Reds.
Oops! I didn't know he was banned. Thanks for the information and recommendations on the layers and meat chickens anyway...I will put some of those on my order list!
Someone just came to my house and informed me backyard chickens in Arkansas and Missouri is now illegal . Commercial poultry operation have been exempt from this decree . That makes me an outlaw as I have no intentions of getting rid of my chickens . Is this a decree targeting preppers ? Buying baby chicks will be illegal in these two states for preppers / backyard farmers . Can any on here confirm or debunk this ?
Someone just came to my house and informed me backyard chickens in Arkansas and Missouri is now illegal . Commercial poultry operation have been exempt from this decree . That makes me an outlaw as I have no intentions of getting rid of my chickens . Is this a decree targeting preppers ? Buying baby chicks will be illegal in these two states for preppers / backyard farmers . Can any on here confirm or debunk this ?

Have not read any news about that. But the goverment IS after our hens, goats and cows! The feds have killed thousands of chickens, blamed in on the bird flu. Guess what test they are using? Yep, the PCR test. Have also read they are going after people’s private flocks close to the large breeders and killing their hens too.

Hide your hens folks. Mine are not visible from any road or even our driveway. Will keep it that way.
Have not read any news about that. But the goverment IS after our hens, goats and cows! The feds have killed thousands of chickens, blamed in on the bird flu. Guess what test they are using? Yep, the PCR test. Have also read they are going after people’s private flocks close to the large breeders and killing their hens too.

Hide your hens folks. Mine are not visible from any road or even our driveway. Will keep it that way.

We all have to decide when we are willing to use deadly force to stop government tyranny? It's best if the majority of us decide together that it's not much longer.
Got the little brooder building done today. I can pick it up with the tractor and move it where I want. Its too small to brood everything that we have on order so I'm going to temporarily convert the wood shed to a brooder too.
Someone just came to my house and informed me backyard chickens in Arkansas and Missouri is now illegal . Commercial poultry operation have been exempt from this decree . That makes me an outlaw as I have no intentions of getting rid of my chickens . Is this a decree targeting preppers ? Buying baby chicks will be illegal in these two states for preppers / backyard farmers . Can any on here confirm or debunk this ?

Who came to your house and advised you of that? I'd check with the local zoning to confirm it for sure. Hope it's not true..kind of doubting it is just yet in those areas...maybe a limit on how many you can have within certain Sq. Footage? And depending on where you are.
That said, I wouldn't be totally surprised if it were true
Got the little brooder building done today. I can pick it up with the tractor and move it where I want. Its too small to brood everything that we have on order so I'm going to temporarily convert the wood shed to a brooder too.
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Nicely done Arctic! A decent size and looks sturdy!
Thanks. The wife wants to paint it to match the house. What is it with women wanting to paint everything?
I'm going to start clearing the area for the new chicken facility tomorrow.

Because we want to make everything lovely! I’m going to paint my chicken tractor that is being made soon. A pretty green I think.
Arkansas Department of Agriculture activates avian emergency rule

As further mitigation against confirmed cases of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in surrounding states, the Arkansas Department of Agriculture’s Livestock & Poultry Commission has activated the Arkansas Avian Influenza Emergency Rule. The new emergency rule will be in effect from Wednesday (March 23) to July 20.

Under the emergency rule, it is prohibited to exhibit poultry and domestic waterfowl or move poultry or domestic waterfowl from or within an affected area. Poultry with commuter agreements or premovement avian influenza testing by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or antigen capture are exempt from this provision.


Poultry and waterfowl cannot be sold, bartered, traded, auctioned, or given away at fairs, swap meets, auctions, flea markets, and similar events and locations within an affected area. Chicks and ducklings three weeks of age or less originating from a NPIP certified flock are exempt from this provision…”

Yet another state where they are killing the flocks of poultry!


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For those who have chickens and want to make sure you have eggs during the non or low laying winter months. This is the number 1 way to preserve them according to studies done many years ago, as well as more current studies.

HAT TIP to Robin for bringing up this subject! 🎩👏

I was falsely under the impression that this method does not work well…because of a video I’d seen from Alaskan Preppers. Thought I’d better correct the record!


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