China: U.S. risks antagonizing North Korea

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Awesome Friend
Feb 4, 2013
In other words NK has given us a good excuse to beef up our missle defense, which China does not like B/C it could also be used to defend ourselves against them.

The 14 additional interceptors, to be installed by 2017, would bring the total to 44, according to the Pentagon.
"The reason that we are doing what we are doing and the reason we are advancing our program here for homeland security is to not take any chances, is to stay ahead of the threat and to assure any contingency," Hagel said.
Concerns about regional stability
But Hong said Monday that China believes that the anti-missile issue "matters to global strategic balance and regional stability. It also matters to strategic trust between relevant countries."
In other words NK has given us a good excuse to beef up our missle defense, which China does not like B/C it could also be used to defend ourselves against them.
Personally I don't give a damn what china thinks, don't think we need to solicit their opinion either.
However, I am sure our fearless, I mean fearful, do nothing president will NOT sack up and put north korea in its place.
It's not funny anymore!! We are now in a new COLD WAR, and this time there is a crazy man hovering over one of the buttons. We can not count on NK to have the restraint the the USSR had and any action he takes will pull the USA and CHINA into the mess making it a very big deal!!

According to the officials, the PLA has stepped up military mobilization in the border region with North Korea since mid-March, including troop movements and warplane activity.
China's navy also conducted live-firing naval drills by warships in the Yellow Sea that were set to end Monday near the Korean peninsula, in apparent support of North Korea, which was angered by ongoing U.S.-South Korean military drills that are set to continue throughout April.
North Korea, meanwhile, is mobilizing missile forces, including road-mobile short- and medium-range missiles, according to officials familiar with satellite imagery of missile bases.

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CNN) -- After weeks of hurling threats at the United States and its allies, North Korea announced Tuesday it will restart a nuclear reactor it had shut more than five years ago.
The declaration demonstrates Kim Jong Un's commitment to the country's nuclear weapons program that the international community has tried without success to persuade it to abandon.

The U.S. military has moved a Navy ship capable of intercepting missiles to waters off the coast of the Korean Peninsula, as threats from North Korea's Kim Jong Un escalate and the White House signals it wants to head off any potential conflict by flexing America's military might.

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Seoul, South Korea (CNN) -- The U.S. Navy is moving a warship and a sea-based radar platform closer to the North Korean coast in order to monitor that country's military moves, including possible new missile launches, a Defense Department official said Monday.
Let's line up Kim what's his face and Obama and just bitch slap them both. I volunteer to do the slapping.
Every day there is another push in the wrong direction. I think China should step in a spank him. If the USA goes in and tries to replace Kim with a democracy China would have to step in and stop it. If China does it they could rebuild the land the way they see fit so they still have their buffer zone, no world war needed.

beside all the obvious horrors of war, I wonder how economics would play out if the US and China end up at war. Would we cancel out our debt to them? Would they stop shipping us goods? Nearly everything here says made in china. the shelves would be empty!

Paju, South Korea (CNN) -- North Korea on Wednesday stirred up fresh unease in Northeast Asia, blocking hundreds of South Koreans from entering a joint industrial complex that serves as an important symbol of cooperation between the two countries.
Every day there is another push in the wrong direction. I think China should step in a spank him. If the USA goes in and tries to replace Kim with a democracy China would have to step in and stop it. If China does it they could rebuild the land the way they see fit so they still have their buffer zone, no world war needed.

beside all the obvious horrors of war, I wonder how economics would play out if the US and China end up at war. Would we cancel out our debt to them? Would they stop shipping us goods? Nearly everything here says made in china. the shelves would be empty!

China has already sent tanks crossed the Northern border of N. Korea in the past. China would not hesitate to do it again, but why should they do it now when they have the US kicking dirt in the N. Korean's faces.
China has already sent tanks crossed the Northern border of N. Korea in the past. China would not hesitate to do it again, but why should they do it now when they have the US kicking dirt in the N. Korean's faces.

Because if we do it we can put a friendly in power there that would give us permission to build a military base right off the Chinese border.
Because if we do it we can put a friendly in power there that would give us permission to build a military base right off the Chinese border.

That is not going to happen. We already have a friendly base in South Korea, and for the Chinese that is close enough. Right now China is supplying N. Korea with food, raw materals, munitions.
The US currently has bases in Uzbekistan & Kyrgyzstan as well as Afghanistan, and that is more of a worry for China in that oil rich region. We also have cooperation with Taiwan just off the Chinese coast. It does not need another bigger US base taking up the whole of the Korean Peninsula.
Right now China needs technology know how and they will go to any length to get it. China pulls no bones about it's plan for world domination, and they don't have to do it by all out warfare.
Looks like it's time for me to strap the grenade launchers onto the goats, this ****'s getting serious.
Looks like it's time for me to strap the grenade launchers onto the goats, this ****'s getting serious.

It's getting more than serious. South Korea's Park Geun-hye urged Japan on Friday to acknowledge its aggressive past, while pressing North Korea to engage peacefully and abandon its pursuit of nuclear weapons.
And in todays WSJ:
"On Sunday, Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday stepped into the growing tensions on the Korean peninsula with a carefully worded warning that no country should be allowed to destabilize the world.
It would be a major move for China to publicly chide Pyongyang, and one fraught with domestic political risks for Mr. Xi given the strong support for North Korea within the powerful People's Liberation Army, which Mr. Xi now leads.
Yet Chinese public opinion is turning against North Korea, and some academics are openly calling for China to turn its back on a socialist neighbor described in Chinese propaganda as being as "close as lips and teeth."

We will have to see how this plays out. At the center of this we have Kim jong Un. It's like playing chess with three players.
Old news, but this issue is still simmering, it's just on the back burner. Seems like business as usual. We quietly placate him after the heat dies down. At least he's getting less and less each time. He really pushed the envelope a couple months ago. If he isn't careful, China will pay one of his generals to enact a coup. I'm kind of surprised they haven't already, to be honest. The US would just give a wink and nod to it. Kim Jong Un is not an idiot though. We really need to watch this guy. I'm not worried about him doing anything real to us in the US (at present), but he has the potential to cause a lot of regional trouble, that would still be crappy for us from a diplomatic standpoint. And, in time, they will have ICBM capability to then actually hit us. MAD keeps most nations at bay with nukes, but I don't think it would work for Un. I wouldn't be surprised if NK had a nuclear ICBM ready within 3 years...I really wouldn't.

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