China's military is developing electromagnetic pulse weapons that Beijing plans to use against U.S.

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Feb 5, 2012
Communist State Of Kalifornia
China's military is developing electromagnetic pulse weapons that Beijing plans to use against U.S. aircraft carriers in any future conflict over Taiwan, according to an intelligence report made public on Thursday.

Portions of a National Ground Intelligence Centerstudy on the lethal effects of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and high-powered microwave (HPM) weapons revealed that the arms are part of China’s so-called “assassin’s mace” arsenal - weapons that allow a technologically inferior China to defeat U.S. military forces.

EMP weapons mimic the gamma-ray pulse caused by a nuclear blast that knocks out all electronics, including computers and automobiles, over wide areas. The phenomenon was discovered in 1962 after an aboveground nuclear test in the Pacific disabled electronics in Hawaii.

The declassified intelligence report, obtained by the private National Security Archive, provides details on China’s EMP weapons and plans for their use. Annual Pentagon reports on China's military in the past made only passing references to the arms.

“For use against Taiwan, China could detonate at a much lower altitude (30 to 40 kilometers) … to confine the EMP effects to Taiwan and its immediate vicinity and minimize damage to electronics on the mainland,” the report said.

The report, produced in 2005 and once labeled “secret,” stated that Chinese military writings have discussed building low-yield EMP warheads, but “it is not known whether [the Chinese] have actually done so.”

The report said that in addition to EMP weapons, “any low-yield strategic nuclear warhead (or tactical nuclear warheads) could be used with similar effects.”

“The DF-21 medium-range ballistic missile has been mentioned as a platform for the EMP attack against Taiwan,” the report said.

According to the report, China’s electronic weapons are part of what are called “trump card” or “assassin’s mace” weapons that “are based on new technology that has been developed in high secrecy.”

“Trump card would be applicable if the Chinese have developed new low-yield, possibly enhanced, EMP warheads, while assassin’s mace would apply if older warheads are employed,” the report said.
According to the report, China conducted EMP tests on mice, rats, rabbits, dogs and monkeys that produced eye, brain, bone marrow and other organ injuries. It stated that “it is clear the real purpose of the Chinese medical experiments is to learn the potential human effects of exposure to powerful EMP and [high-powered microwave] radiation.”

The tests did not appear designed for “anti-personnel [radio frequency] weapons” because of the limited amounts of radiation used.

However, the report said another explanation is that the Chinese tests may have been research “intended primarily for torturing prisoners,” or the tests may have been conducted to determine safety or shielding standards for military personnel or weapons.

The medical research also appeared useful for China's military in making sure that EMP weapons used against Taiwan and “any vulnerable U.S. [aircraft carrier] would not push the U.S. across the nuclear-response threshold,” the report said.

“China’s [high-altitude] EMP capability could be used in two different ways: as a surprise measure after China’s initial strike against Taiwan and other U.S. [aircraft carrier strike group] assets have moved into a vulnerable position, and as a bluff intended to dissuade the United States from defending Taiwan with a CVBG,” the Pentagon acronym for carrier strike groups.

The bluff scenario would include China’s announcement of a resumption of atmospheric nuclear testing and warn of tests during a specified period and then attacking Taiwan’s infrastructure with conventional forces.

China then would wait and see whether the U.S. carriers were deployed to defend Taiwan.
The report concluded that China could consider using EMP weapons against Taiwan’s electronic infrastructure or against U.S. carriers if a conflict breaks out in the Taiwan Strait.

“The minimization of military casualties on CVBG assets is calculated to lessen the likelihood of a U.S. nuclear response to a Taiwan strike employing nuclear EMP,” the report said. “The minimization of casualties on Taiwan is calculated to lessen the animosity among Taiwan’s population over forced reunification.”

Taiwan broke with mainland China after nationalist forces fled to the island when communists seized power in 1949.

The United States is bound by a 1979 law to prevent the forcible reunification of the island with the mainland, and China has said it is prepared to use force to claim the island.

Peter Pry, a former congressional aide who helped direct a commission on EMP several years ago, said the commission found that China plans for nuclear EMP strikes against the United States, as well as Taiwan and carrier forces, are part of its military doctrine and exercises.

“There is also evidence that China is developing, or has already developed, super-EMP nuclear weapons that generate extraordinarily powerful EMP fields, based partly on design information stolen from the United States,” Mr. Pry, president of the group EMPact America, said in an email.
Mark Stokes, a former Pentagon specialist on China's military, said the report’s details on high-powered microwave are new.

The same state-run institute, the China Academy of Engineering Physics, that makes China’s nuclear warheads is also a center of microwave weapons research, he said.

Microwave weapons would be used to shut down enemy radar, communications, computers and other electronics in an opening salvo. The weapons also could jam electronics of attacking aircraft and anti-radiation missiles, and as an anti-satellite weapon, degrade sensitive satellite electronic systems, he said.

Richard Fisher, a China military analyst, said EMP warheads are likely to be an option for China’s new DF-21D anti-ship ballistic missile for the purpose of attacking large U.S. Navy ships without inflicting immediate massive casualties.

“Less is known about the longer-term effects on personnel of this kind of radiation attack,” said Mr. Fisher, who is with the International Assessment and Strategy Center. “The more powerful nuclear-propelled neutron bomb was designed specifically for killing personnel without a massive blast.”

(The Washington Times, LLC, 2012)​
Wow now that's crazy if they are trying to build that then we must have it or something like that also how would the direct with out it taking there stuff down
LOL, i can see it now, "sorry China but what money that we owe you? we had something on record, but you wiped it out with that EMP!" LOL, besides, dont they basicly own us?
Wasn't there a story recently that China was hacking our computers that had to do with the electrical grid?
I thought all US military hardware was hardened against EMP and solar flares. Not sure but that was the rumor. Alls fair in love and war, we'll emp them back with a nuke.
In today's WSJ there is an article of how China is "quietly" buying up companies and real estate in the United Kingdom.
There is nothing quiet about China buying this up anywhere. Did you realize 35% of all cash transactions for real estate in the United States is made by Chinese foreign nationals? There really isn't anything sinister about it, it is just their backwards Communist economy where you don't actually buy property but lease it for 70 years. People realize that it is a poor investment if your goal is to provide long term wealth or a legacy. I am also peeved that US companies invest in China because after 70 years, all that investment reverts back to government control.

Now I am Chinese, and I love the people, just the government is shaddy.
There is nothing quiet about China buying this up anywhere. Did you realize 35% of all cash transactions for real estate in the United States is made by Chinese foreign nationals? There really isn't anything sinister about it, it is just their backwards Communist economy where you don't actually buy property but lease it for 70 years. People realize that it is a poor investment if your goal is to provide long term wealth or a legacy. I am also peeved that US companies invest in China because after 70 years, all that investment reverts back to government control.

Now I am Chinese, and I love the people, just the government is shaddy.

Years ago China went thru Hong Kong, kind of like money laundering to buy anything. There Government forbade outright purchases. Now that Hong Kong was given back to them they are just doing it outright. They have become Capitalist Communists.
I can see China doing it over here but not over their air space. It would take out their grid too.
What is china doing with that old aircraft carrier Ukraine sold guys remember that ?

The "Liaoning" (formerly the Soviet ship "Varyag"). According to China, it's for research and training towards their own, indigenous built carrier. Officially, it's not assigned as part of any fleet of China.
Last year, they were testing landing J-15 Flying Sharks on the deck though. The flying sharks are basically the Chinese rip-off of the Russian/Ukrainian Su-33 (which are themselves a rip-off of our F-15s).
Wow. We know that our country will never be the same, regardless of how we get attacked. It has already changed since ....well...maybe I shouldn't get political....
LOL, i can see it now, "sorry China but what money that we owe you? we had something on record, but you wiped it out with that EMP!" LOL, besides, dont they basicly own us?

Financially, it makes no sense for China to bring our power grid to a screeching halt....the good 'ol US of A is an awesome cash cow for China! However, what I do see coming is a time when the US can no longer print money fast enough to pay even the interest on our debt to China and at some point we will default. Knowing that we cannot pay, I believe China will agree to "write off" our debt with the stipulation that the US dollar be removed as the international currency, effectively making this former super power into an "also ran."

Shortly after the collapse of the U.S. economy and currency , so will the ecomony of China fail.............................the only problem is that they are the largest landowner in the U.S ( you may be evicted ).....At the current rate of interest and if we stopped borrowing, it would probably only take the U.S. 1o,ooo years to pay off the debt we now owe. It might take longer, ask a financial guru.
I agree with realisticdude. China may not want the US to collapse but until the dollar is gone and the economy crashes any country can use an EMP or something worse.
If anything, probably the other way around. Other nations have assimilated and adopted our culture including fashion, movies, television, books, etc.
How many Chinese celebs can you name? How many Japanese?
I'll bet they can name plenty of American ones.....
Heck, China even took to our way of consumerism, and turned it into a way of life.
Not sure you read the article, it is not about learning their cultural pop stars, but the apathy of society into doing nothing but self indulgent entertainment (Miley Cyrus, American Idol), not believing in anything but one self which leads to not wanting to have children, and then becoming obsolete, replacing children with pets, workers with robots because your population is too old to wipe it's own ass.
I read the article and it makes realistic sense............ except for the extinct babies, plenty born here in the U.S. ......problem ..... they are illegal Hispanics and children of non working, govt. dependent , welfare mothers................... U.S. girls idols ( Brittney and Miley ) What does that tell you about social disintegration.
Not sure you read the article, it is not about learning their cultural pop stars, but the apathy of society

Oh, I read it, but the author is forgetting one major factor.
Societal decline here is going to be FAR slower, because we've been at it for a long time.
With those other nations, they went from rice paddies to high speed trains overnight (socially speaking).

It's like a sheltered teenager who suddenly finds freedom and goes off the deep end. (China, Japan, etc.)
The US is more like a kid who had done some crazy stuff now and then, but just got a little worse as time went on. (a slow burn, vs. a fast burnout).
Another aspect to this threat is that of cyber-terrorism. I read on Twitter (via that the DHS considers this to be one of the greatest threats the U.S. is facing. Imagine what would happen to our great country if one of these individuals were to compromise our electric grid? The population would be throw into chaos immediately.
It is certainly our biggest vulnerability. It's raised every few years, and always shot down due to the cost of hardening the grid.

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