Civil War

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user 6493

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Oct 25, 2016
I am 60 yr's old I have never seen anything like this before numbers wise the people are split almost evenly,what are the chances of a split from the Union and which states would go,,,,if it did happen in the end the Clinton people are doomed to fail,,,,what do you people think and do you think it could come to your state,,,,,,,,,
I am 60 yr's old I have never seen anything like this before numbers wise the people are split almost evenly,what are the chances of a split from the Union and which states would go,,,,if it did happen in the end the Clinton people are doomed to fail,,,,what do you people think and do you think it could come to your state,,,,,,,,,
I don't think it will ever happen. The demographics in this country has changed too much and most have no loyalty to this country. Over half of the population is now on some sort of welfare, third world trash keep pouring in everyday to suck off the government tit and ALL State politicians have sold out their own States to the Federal government. Most of all, the Right (Conservatives) have been rolling over to the Left (commies, socialists, Marxists) for years now. It all sounds good to talk about secession, but in reality no one is going to risk anything now days to make it happen. Trump talked a good talk to get elected but he too will roll over to the Left.
It won't happen, the Civil War of our past for the most part not about right or wrong or even slavery it was about State Rights and loyalty to the State! The States (internally) in the South wasn't as heavily split as it is today including the politicians including the Northern States. The thought of an second American Civil War is so far fetched it doesn't even have a scale for the possibility of one!
Won't happen. Can you imagine the tax burden on any state seceding from the Union? Not to mention, the anti-gun crowd is ill-equipped to fight a revolution. What are they going to use for weapons? Rolled up gender studies degrees and participation trophies?
One thing to keep in mind, Any secession from the Union would bring on a world wide financial catastrophe today! Does California really think it could do better without the Union? As Gaz stated, the taxes would be astronomical given all Federal funding has ended, Also, does cali really think it could do better negotiating trade deals on it's own. No, this would guarantee a TEOTWAWKI. Since our financial system is heavily woven throughout the worlds financial system does cali really think the world won't have something to say not counting the Union!

I can see third world countries recognizing the country of california... who else?
I am 60 yr's old I have never seen anything like this before numbers wise the people are split almost evenly,what are the chances of a split from the Union and which states would go,,,,if it did happen in the end the Clinton people are doomed to fail,,,,what do you people think and do you think it could come to your state,,,,,,,,,

First off any state trying to go the succession route is doomed to fail period........I live in the first state to do it during the Civil War....Remember the motto "United We Stand Divided We Fall" these liberals need to think about that.
Wow I just found this thread and I think grayghost is right. Its gotten by far more divided since even this post. We know have cali threatening to leave. We have the libs rioting looting and burning and threating to kill electorates and the new president screaming for a revolution. Their threatening to burn the united states down and shutting it down. But their so affraid of guns and are completely antigun so idk what their going to fight with and dont believe they have the strength and fortitude to fight a war but they sure seem ready to start one. But no it wont be a civil war. States wont break off and fight each other. Not to mention the states are just as divided so theyd fight themselves over which side to join. So no it wont be a civil war. It would be more a revolution in how its fought. It would be pockets in the states fighting the other pockets of people. More like a right vs left thing not a north vs south thing.
I can see a day when the USA may split up,,,,,I would hate to see it happen,it failed once it will fail again,,,,,the USA is the greatest country in the world,,,,,,,,,,,,,MAY IT STAY THAT WAY FOREVER

SECOND best :) the best country in the world is the one that created YOURS :) but I salute your patriotism, pity the democrats dont share the values of your founding fathers.
ever since 9/11 and our own 7/7 I have been expecting civil war in my own country, not that there will be anything "civil" about it, and nothing so far has made me change my mind.

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