Clarification, please note guys

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Silent Earth

Awesome Friend
Sep 25, 2013
watching from afar
I realise there is a lot of contencious political posts around lately that I participate in, Can I just clarify that when I criticise or condemn governments like Russia, Poland, EU, UK, American etc I am NOT refering to the PEOPLES of those countries, only their government policies. Why? because I think most are corrupt and morally bankrupt and I can see they are steering us AGAIN towards repression and conflict. Damn them all.
If you live in a place that allows you to criticize Government then be thankful .

Its a few years ago but an EU commissioner ( bit like a Senator or governor) said he wanted to criminalist criticism and condemnation of the EU and its leaders. But either way in the UK today whenever there is another attack by Muslims ( today Manchester 5 stabbed in a Mall by a muslim) No comments are ever allowed in the media. if a Gay or Trans paedo gets convicted no comments are ever allowed, To even object to the increase in Islamifation in the UK is treated as a hate crime.
Like president Roosevelt once said" walk quietly and carry a big stick" be aware of your surrounding and all that happens near you and yours. Your only defense is a overwhelming offense in the face of a fanatic wishing to kill and maim, while having no fear of reparation or death. They want to die, they want to be killed for Allah. If you want to survive such a motivated fanatic, you must be more than motivated to survive, more aware of your surroundings and ready to return the 10 fold in anger. GP
From Wikipedia: Murphy’s Law is an adage that is typically stated as: “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong”.

1. Food, you still don’t have enough

2. People without back up shelters might be without shelter

3. People with guns and no food are finding out that people with food have guns too

4. Look hungry, they might leave you alone.

5. Seed bank, the new source of wealth

6. Insects, It’s what’s for dinner

7. Gun shots, they attract unwanted attention

8. Ask everyone if they have food or water, Jedi mind tricks might work on desperate people

9. Wood burning stoves, they are like pots of gold

10. The less people you know, the better off you are

11. Mormons, suddenly they have a lot of new friends

12. Friendly hungry people…..aren’t

13. People who thought they could make it with just a survival knife are finding out they can’t

14. Satellite Dishes, they make great family dinner tables

15. If invited to a dinner party and you can’t figure out what’s on the menu, it’s you

16. Houses full of food attract the unwanted envy of hungry people

17. Friends who show up without food are not good friends

18. Electricity, the good old days

19. Dog Food, who knew

20. Cash, its a great way to start a fire

21. Alternative energy, you’re kicking yourself now for not investing in it

22. Watching your garden grow, the new Sunday afternoon sport

23. The Government, it will feed itself first

24. Large groups of people with guns make the rules

25. Bad water & Montezuma’s Revenge, they have come to America

26. People who thought the Government would save them, found out that it didn’t

27. Hospitals, no longer a place of healing

28. EMP, now everyone knows what it means

29. Sandy dry soil, suddenly not such a cool place to live anymore

30. If food is the new currency then fresh water is a hot commodity

31. Gold coins, they don’t taste very good

32. Toilet paper, should have bought more of that stuff

33. Ham radio operators, who are the nerds now?

34. Burning Green Wood = Smoke / Smoke = Attention / Attention = Bad

35. Trying to start a fire with two sticks? Should have stocked up on more matches

Please add your Murphy’s Laws of TEOTWAWKI
I realise there is a lot of contencious political posts around lately that I participate in, Can I just clarify that when I criticise or condemn governments like Russia, Poland, EU, UK, American etc I am NOT refering to the PEOPLES of those countries, only their government policies. Why? because I think most are corrupt and morally bankrupt and I can see they are steering us AGAIN towards repression and conflict. Damn them all.
Thomas Jefferson once wrote "were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter." Part of what he was saying was the people should be able to control their government. In a lot of countries the government controls the people, or the system that should allow the people to control the government has broken down. I think sometimes it's because the people don't bother to pay enough attention - in the USA, at least right now, the people could control the government if they bothered to stand up to anything, get out and vote, and think about what's important and what's going to help long term instead of what's going to get them better entitlement benefits or help force their opinions on others. As a libertarian, I certainly agree with Jefferson's sentiment and am not a fan of government in anything other than the most minimal sense.
Yes ma'am, I not only agree with your lines of thought, I could believe your thoughts could be spread out to cover any sort of self-enriching person in any office or place of so-called, church, club, etc.

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