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Apr 10, 2017
Idaho, USA
I've been prepping for several different scenarios. But certainly I think nuclear war is in there somewhere and needs to be prepared for. Whether it's a nuclear strike or an EMP I don't know. Perhaps both. There are things that we can do to protect our homes and our food storage on some level, I don't have the means or the room for a bunker, but I am trying to do some things to protect my food storage and water.
I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas of what to do with radioactivity, or radioactive particles in our homes after the Fallout is over?
depends if its a ground strike or an air burst.
I've been prepping for several different scenarios. But certainly I think nuclear war is in there somewhere and needs to be prepared for. Whether it's a nuclear strike or an EMP I don't know. Perhaps both. There are things that we can do to protect our homes and our food storage on some level, I don't have the means or the room for a bunker, but I am trying to do some things to protect my food storage and water.
I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas of what to do with radioactivity, or radioactive particles in our homes after the Fallout is over?

If the food is air tight then no concern such as can goods (jar/cans even plastic containers) Purchase 5 gallon food storage buckets with gamma lids for other items not air tight like beans etc.. Anything sealed outside rinse it off with soap and water before opening.
An EMP (HEMP) device is exploded 250 miles above ground for desired effect, air-burst very little fallout if any more strategic than anything such as airports with runways of 10,000+ feet main arteries such as bridges and rail yards military bases, the only thing with air-burst is over pressure 12 to 20 miles out from the explosion, most of the ground burst are going to be on harden fortifications like silos, command and control structures. Almost all warheads are smaller today given most with russia are MIRVs 700kt or less. Most of the data people are using today to form destructive opinions are using older data from SAC 1959 when weapons were more powerful, that's not the case today never the less fear is being built from old data and propaganda from anti-nuclear activist. Most of the data FEMA has is hand-down from the CD 1967/68 public release of the SAC 1959 data in other words much of the information on the internet is inaccurate for the modern warheads ;)