Colloidal Silver/Copper question

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Jul 10, 2024
NE Georgia
I’ve have recently gotten interested in making some colloidal silver and colloidal copper. I figure these would be the closest thing to antibiotics, antifungals, and antivirals that could be readily made on short notice. I.E. shtf and someone gets a nasty cut, lack of proper hygiene leads to fungal infections, etc…

Colloidal silver seems easy enough from what I’ve read. Hook up some silver to a positive and to a negative charge in some distilled water and let it ionize. Yes, taking it in large doses internally can make you into a Smurf but I’m thinking more so of externally with the occasional ingestion when sick. Not large doses over a long period of time.

Colloidal copper on the other hand, I’ve seen the same process mentioned being used but adding a small amount of salt or baking soda to the distilled water. But this in turn gives you copper hydroxide (not safe). Is there a way to make actual colloidal copper at home?
i amke colloidal silver regluarly for years and like it, use it for differetn reasons. just got to only use fistilled water to make it. im not sure about colloidal copper. ive not heard good things aobut it long term use, but i honestly dont have experience with it
Dry Element a company that makes water treatment also sells colloidal silver/copper, small amounts added to the water to be filtered keeps slime from growing and clogging the filters.
When I click on the link, it says I do not have permission to view it? I have read some of your posts on the thread about “educate me on colloidal silver” and found them highly informative.

The thread was under the corona virus board which became a political hot potato and got put under the political section. You have to contact one of the mods to get permission to see or post in the political section. That section is hidden from web search engines and looky lou's.
DW takes colloidal silver every day.