Colonial Pipeline attack: Clock ticks for gas supply

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Awesome Friend
Dec 29, 2012
The largest US refinery shut two crude units in Port Arthur, Texas this weekend after hackers caused the Colonial Pipeline to shut down.

Temporary idling production on the two CDUs reduces production at the Motiva’s refinery by 45%.

The ransomware attack on the Colonial Pipeline, which moves more than 100 million gallons of fuel daily from the Gulf Coast to Linden, New Jersey, is a major artery in our energy delivery system — if it is down for an extended period of time, it could have major ramifications for gas prices, as well as the availability of supply. While there was an initial price spike in gas futures before pulling back on word of steady supply, the clock is ticking.

East Coast supply is good for about five days. Colonial Pipeline has not at this point offered a restart date. A prolonged shutdown brings us closer to Memorial Day, which marks the start of the key summer driving season. Prices at the pump are currently averaging $2.96 per barrel, according to AAA.

"It's an all-hands-on-deck effort right now," said U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo Sunday on CBS "Face the Nation," noting President Biden had been briefed on the situation. The White House has created a task force and is considering waiving the Jones Act. That will allow non-U.S. flagged oil and gas tankers to be able to move fuel to the U.S. to help ease supply constraints in New York Harbor.

The Biden administration also lifted oil tanker driver restrictions so they can truck more supply from Texas to the East Coast: it is allowing tanker drivers to drive more hours to move supply to where it is needed. Another issue is that security for supply will incur higher costs for U.S. consumers as companies spend more money on security. The real threat is the fact that this happened and it could very easily happen again.

This goes beyond just gas and diesel prices, it is a threat that puts lives and the country's security at risk. Our enemies are watching and we need to aggressively address this threat.

Colonial Pipeline attack: Clock ticks for gas supply
New Jersey and New York want to go green, well have at it. Jump out front and lead America to a green economy. It won't be easy or cheap but they voted for green and now is the time for them to live it. No doubt there are some loons on here that will say going green is good but I'm sure they won't really be on board with it unless the red states are suffering too. Make no mistake, they'll be fine with red state energy sector jobs suffering. I'm content with Texas leading from behind in this instance, which liberals have taught me that leading from behind is certainly valid.
New Jersey and New York want to go green, well have at it. Jump out front and lead America to a green economy. It won't be easy or cheap but they voted for green and now is the time for them to live it. No doubt there are some loons on here that will say going green is good but I'm sure they won't really be on board with it unless the red states are suffering too. Make no mistake, they'll be fine with red state energy sector jobs suffering. I'm content with Texas leading from behind in this instance, which liberals have taught me that leading from behind is certainly valid.

Exactly. They were too good to have an oil refinery in their state. They thought they should be allowed to use refineries in other states, let them deal with the problems, and just ship the gas to them. Now it is time for the hens to come home and roost. I have no sympathy for NY., NJ., CT., MA., MD, ME., VT., NH. I think PA. still have refineries, don't they?

The other thing is you never know what you will be prepping for. I wonder what percentage of those populations had any supply of gasoline stored? Probably very few.
This hack, or extortion, isn’t a political issue or anything right or left. It is criminal activity that has grown to become a huge problem fo all of us and our way of life here in the states, and even the whole world. These ransom ware attacks have grown exponentially in the last three years and will continue to do so. The reliance on computers and information is so in twined in everything we do now as individuals, businesses and governmental agencies. It’s also an achililies heel for us all. The sophistication of these attacks has grown into an untraceable way to make hundreds of millions of dollars. With that kind of incentive the threats will continue at an accelerated pace. I used to believe there was a decent chance of an EMP taking out our grid, but this threat is much bigger and more likely. This disruption will likely be resolved in a week or two, hopefully, but make no mistake, these kinds of threats are going to become worse and worse. We should all be aware of how it could impact our lives. This entire site has become a trump following political rally in the last few months. I strongly suggest everyone get back to the basics of prepping and remember what brought most here to the site.
So far this one attack has crippled 48% of the flow of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel to the entire eastern seaboard. I am currently 500 miles from home on vacation. At home one of my guys was about three hours from the shop and low on gas. He went by several stations that were completely out of fuel. He finally found an open station and waited for 5 cars deep to get gas. The town closest to my home is almost out of fuel now too. I was also able to get all our vehicles and available gas cans filled tonight at least. Where I am right now I’ve seen prices climb to 3.00 a gallon but haven’t seen any shortages yet. I still bought 4 gas cans and filled them and the tank for the ride home. That should just get me home without having to count on finding fuel on the trip back. I don’t expect to not be able to refuel but would always rather be prepared. All I am sure of is right now people are hoarding fuel just like what happened to toilet paper a while back. If this cyber attack isn’t resolved in under 10 days it will get a lot more expensive and difficult to source fuel for everyone on the east coast.
New Jersey and New York want to go green, well have at it. Jump out front and lead America to a green economy. It won't be easy or cheap but they voted for green and now is the time for them to live it. No doubt there are some loons on here that will say going green is good but I'm sure they won't really be on board with it unless the red states are suffering too. Make no mistake, they'll be fine with red state energy sector jobs suffering. I'm content with Texas leading from behind in this instance, which liberals have taught me that leading from behind is certainly valid.
Be careful what you ask for, because you might get it. The energy industry loves this kind of stuff. They decrease supply, which drives up prices and creates massive profits. Remember Enron?
When the Feds decide to subsidize electric vehicles the pitch will involve "remember when that refinery in Texas had to shut down because they were too stupid to install a firewall? Billions in profits but not a dollar for an IT department."
Unlike Texas, when it snows a foot, New York and Jersey don't have a problem keeping the lights and water on. With leadership like that, if Texas left the Union tomorrow, within six month the Mexican border would be in Oklahoma.
I bet this has something to do with Hunter Biden’s laptop.
If Barron Trump was in charge of cyber this would have never happened.
This hack, or extortion, isn’t a political issue or anything right or left. It is criminal activity that has grown to become a huge problem fo all of us and our way of life here in the states, and even the whole world. These ransom ware attacks have grown exponentially in the last three years and will continue to do so. The reliance on computers and information is so in twined in everything we do now as individuals, businesses and governmental agencies. It’s also an achililies heel for us all. The sophistication of these attacks has grown into an untraceable way to make hundreds of millions of dollars. With that kind of incentive the threats will continue at an accelerated pace. I used to believe there was a decent chance of an EMP taking out our grid, but this threat is much bigger and more likely. This disruption will likely be resolved in a week or two, hopefully, but make no mistake, these kinds of threats are going to become worse and worse. We should all be aware of how it could impact our lives. This entire site has become a trump following political rally in the last few months. I strongly suggest everyone get back to the basics of prepping and remember what brought most here to the site.
So far this one attack has crippled 48% of the flow of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel to the entire eastern seaboard. I am currently 500 miles from home on vacation. At home one of my guys was about three hours from the shop and low on gas. He went by several stations that were completely out of fuel. He finally found an open station and waited for 5 cars deep to get gas. The town closest to my home is almost out of fuel now too. I was also able to get all our vehicles and available gas cans filled tonight at least. Where I am right now I’ve seen prices climb to 3.00 a gallon but haven’t seen any shortages yet. I still bought 4 gas cans and filled them and the tank for the ride home. That should just get me home without having to count on finding fuel on the trip back. I don’t expect to not be able to refuel but would always rather be prepared. All I am sure of is right now people are hoarding fuel just like what happened to toilet paper a while back. If this cyber attack isn’t resolved in under 10 days it will get a lot more expensive and difficult to source fuel for everyone on the east coast.
Some people would call that a “joke”.

That is not a "joke."

This is a joke:
A blonde, wanting to earn some money, decided to hire herself out as a handyman-type and started canvassing a wealthy neighborhood. She went to the front door of the first house and asked the owner if he had any jobs for her to do.

"Well, you can paint my porch. How much will you charge?" The blonde said "How about 50 dollars?" The man agreed and told her that the paint and ladders that she might need were in the garage.

The man's wife, inside the house, heard the conversation and said to her husband, "Does she realize that the porch goes all the way around the house?" The man replied, "She should. She was standing on the porch."

A short time later, the blonde came to the door to collect her money.

"You're finished already?" he asked. "Yes," the blonde answered, "and I had paint left over, so I gave it two coats."

Impressed, the man reached in his pocket for the $50. "And by the way," the blonde added, "that's not a Porch, it's a Ferrari”."
With dopey Joe and the communists in office I fear that we'll see more fuel shortages across the country. So today I'm ordering another 525 gallon bulk fuel tank for gasoline, got one for diesel last year.
Yes Brent, politics does have a lot to do with prepping. Your team has made everything political.
More gaslighting.


NYT - "Since the shutdown there have been no long lines,or major price hikes"

Meanwhile, back in reality

US gas prices surge to seven-year high on fifth day of DarkSide cyber shutdown of Colonial Pipeline: Fuel distributors warn of 'catastrophic' shortages as Putin denies link to hackers

Gas prices hit highest level since 2014 after Colonial Pipeline hack | Daily Mail Online
Video: Lines form as gas stations begin to run out after ransomware attack | Daily Mail Online




Looks like ANOTHER retraction coming on page 18...
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I’ve been reading and Georgia and Tennessee are the two most likely states to be affected the most with this shutdown. I believe most of the outages and price surges are just from fear and over reaction so far, but it really dosent matter why stations are running out of fuel in the real world. Like I said, if this goes ten days without the fuel flowing then it will become a real problem. At least I have enough fuel to make it home tomorrow no matter what but I’m sure I will see some open stations along the trip, somewhere...
This incident just reminds me of the advantages of owning a Tesla, (or other electric car), and being able to charge it with solar panels.
With dopey Joe and the communists in office I fear that we'll see more fuel shortages across the country. So today I'm ordering another 525 gallon bulk fuel tank for gasoline, got one for diesel last year.
Yes Brent, politics does have a lot to do with prepping. Your team has made everything political.
Really? You don’t see any single sided partisan opinions here? I believe the majority of people on both sides are full of ****, and too much anger. The only way anything good will ever happen will be from intelligent moderates that understand working together and meeting somewhere in the middle makes sense.
This ransom ware has nothing to do with politics, just theft and greed. And it’s been a multi billion dollar business for more than three years now.
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This time last year we were only at $1.54 a gallon. Hunny told me when he was last out it was $2.68
It was 3.20 yesterday in Georgia and I don’t want to know today’s price....
still a lot cheaper than what our international friends pay though so I won’t whine too much.
The NYT piece is propaganda, to a degree.
Yes, there are lines, there are shortages.
Fact is the supply has been cut off. The demand, even under normal consumption rates, is still there. Now, there is a degree of panic buying, increased demand, kinda like toilet paper last year.
IF this were to drag on for a week or longer, then we may see some real problems as the JIT/BAU system failure and the follow on second and third order cascade effects.
Then, it all fails.
With dopey Joe and the communists in office I fear that we'll see more fuel shortages across the country. So today I'm ordering another 525 gallon bulk fuel tank for gasoline, got one for diesel last year.
Yes Brent, politics does have a lot to do with prepping. Your team has made everything political.

Everything has been politicized.
To a degree it started likely back in the Nixon admin.
It has since gotten worse, namely with the Regan, Bush (I), Clinton admins, and then accelerated in the Obama admin and went Warp Speed with Trump.
The degree the MSM is carrying the water for the Biden admin is just plain obvious, gross, and dishonest.
It only goes to show the degree of division in the country.
Which I find sad.
FYI, here in the NE, wife went to town today for groceries, mostly perishable stuff that does not last a week or our consumption rates diminished our supply.
She also got gas.
No lines. No shortages. $3.06gal. Not too far off from the national average.

IF this were to continue for a week or longer, would be a different story. That is the point of a site like this. What to do not only in the short term, but prepping for the long term.
Most of the stations here are running out of gas but it due to panic buying, hell I saw a old guy this morning fill up his Prius, pop the trunk and filled six five gallon jugs. A lot of folks coming down from NC to fill up as well. Super unleaded was $3.39 a gallon and regular unleaded was $2.69 a gallon. It went up 20 cents per gallon since last night, hope this don’t last long . With multiple service vans on the road that’s going to eat into the already low profit.

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