computer crashed

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Awesome Friend
Apr 3, 2013
deep east texas
my pc crashed on me i got a hold of one,that use to belong to my which the power switch had gone i removed the one from the crashed pc.and installed it into the good pc..(tower) i got me a pc once again..
I'd have no clue. . . . a few months ago my pc wouldn't come on so ended up taking it in. It ended up being the power pack?? on it. Anyway, my computer lady switched it out and runs like a charm now.
im not sure.but im thinking that the power pack,is something like the power converter for certain the part of cell phone charger you plug into the which it brings the power down to a safe leave for the phone.but the power pack not only does that.but it sends power to where ever it's needed in the pc tower as well. including the mouse and key board if their the type that plugs into the tower..
They typically last about 5 to 10 years (power pack). But yeah, eventually need replacing (assuming you're using a PC that long, which most don't).

My laptop just went. For some reason, it isn't seeing the hard drive. All connections seem fine, so guessing a software thing. I'm still working on that I have other laptops, so not a top priority, but still, I really liked that one, and it was the main one I used.
My Pc is probably at least 10 years old. Have taken it in a few years ago to increase whatever it is that they put in it to make it faster and more up to date. This is my second computer in my lifetime if that tells you how long I keep them around, but them I got a later start in the techno world ;)
late bloomer in the techno world here as well....i thought i had problems with my nook,when it comes to where i plug the power cord in i went to where i bought it at today..turned out to be the power cord it which i got getting a new cord for it.and its a freebie..:p..
I wish I knew more about electronics. I saw my son build a gaming pc from parts he bought, and it looked pretty plug and go. Still way over my skill level though. I love the iPad, as its dependable and simple. (Kind of like me!). The problem with the iPad, there is no user fixes to it. Some places can replace the battery, but not too much beyond that from what I hear.
my nook is pretty much the same way as your ipad. someone,might be able to replace the battery.a memory card can be added to which anyone can do.but that's it.
I used to tear apart and rebuild my PC a lot when I was younger. Back when the hardware used to advance like every few months. It was crazy there for a while.

My roommate and I were single, and he was a hardcore computer guy. I knew enough to be dangerous (again, Jack of all trades, master of none).

He'd upgrade his with the latest and greatest, so I'd then get the hand me downs. My hand me downs, went to a 3rd PC we built, for guests....and we had a LAN (local area network) setup so all 3 could play together, as well as all being hooked up to the internet.

I love LAN gaming. It's so much more fun to blow someone up, then hear them cursing in the next room, hehe...
my nook is pretty much the same way as your ipad. someone,might be able to replace the battery.a memory card can be added to which anyone can do.but that's it.
I really like simple! The only complaint with the iPad is it has no port. At least you can wirelessly connect to stuff like the printer. I guess it's good enough for what I do.
I've been thinking about my moms printer.seeing how its wireless.but im thinking that i'll have to plug the printer into the nook.and i dont think we have the cord for'll be great if we do
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