Concealed Carry Permits For Women Up 270 Percent Since 2007

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Awesome Friend
Apr 3, 2013
deep east texas
Good that women are finally standing up to defend themselves. . . not always going to be in your hunny's presence ladies and you HAVE TO be able to defend and take care of yourself! And some times even a lousy hunny unfortunately. Women are more likely to be victims in either a domestic abuse or sex crime & even a robbery. Can't make yourself vulnerable and fight like hell.
It is ironic that every time they talk about banning, or even limiting, any ammo or gun, sales skyrocket. I do think they should include a mental health check of not just the gun purchaser, but of those in their household as well. It may not be a fail safe, but might help with some of the crazies.
Concealed Carry Permits For Women Up 270 Percent Since 2007
Leah wrote about some great news over the weekend regarding concealed carry permits. The Crime Prevention Center reported that the number of permits has increased since 2007–and the murder rate has dropped. The main reason is that President Obama has possibly become the greatest gun salesmen of all time (I may be exaggerating).
I'm glad to see women taking personal security a bit more seriously.

If memory serves when Australia banned guns crimes against women skyrocketed
Even if there is a mentally ill person in a household, I do not think that a perfectly sane person should be denied a permit or to buy a gun. Just cause they are mentally ill does not mean that they are psychotic. In most cases that person will need to take more precautions to secure the gun, like when there is a child around. They still have a right to defend themselves and their families like everyone else. Even if I knew I had a 'crazy' living in the house, I think I would feel safer having a gun stashed away for my protection. Just my way of thinking
It is ironic that every time they talk about banning, or even limiting, any ammo or gun, sales skyrocket. I do think they should include a mental health check of not just the gun purchaser, but of those in their household as well. It may not be a fail safe, but might help with some of the crazies.
I don't like the idea of denying people based on other folks in the household having some crazy in them. I agree with danil54grl... I don't want to be without a gun if I have a nut in the house.

In fact, I have a brother that once pulled a weapon on my mother and father while I was there. He was drunk and I swear he's crazy as a sh*t house rat(My mom thinks he just needs to grow up a little even though he's 30 years old). My mom makes all kinds of excuses for his behavior, but he almost got put down that night. Lord knows I wouldn't have wanted to do it, but there was no way I could have let him hurt or kill my mother, father, wife, and/or other family members just because he doesn't know how to act. I wanted to call the police once it calmed down and I let my mother talk me out of it. Either way, I don't feel like I would want to be without a gun if I lived with him. Even if he "Couldn't" get a gun(By lawful means anyways, he could still steal one though), he could use a knife or who knows what else. My parents are elderly and I'm not in the best shape of my life, either. I wouldn't want to face that situation unarmed. This isn't the only time he's done this either. He insulted one of our brothers on another occasion and got put in his place. He went for a gun that time too, but he was so drunk I was able to snatch him up first and hold him down until he stopped acting an ass.

Ultimately, even a crazy person has the right to self defense and the protection of their civl rights(Albeit not at the risk of others well being). I can't see stripping them of that unless they are a threat to others, like my brother. I don't think he should be able to own a gun, but his record allows him to.
I don't like the idea of denying people based on other folks in the household having some crazy in them. I agree with danil54grl... I don't want to be without a gun if I have a nut in the house.

In fact, I have a brother that once pulled a weapon on my mother and father while I was there. He was drunk and I swear he's crazy as a sh*t house rat(My mom thinks he just needs to grow up a little even though he's 30 years old). My mom makes all kinds of excuses for his behavior, but he almost got put down that night. Lord knows I wouldn't have wanted to do it, but there was no way I could have let him hurt or kill my mother, father, wife, and/or other family members just because he doesn't know how to act. I wanted to call the police once it calmed down and I let my mother talk me out of it. Either way, I don't feel like I would want to be without a gun if I lived with him. Even if he "Couldn't" get a gun(By lawful means anyways, he could still steal one though), he could use a knife or who knows what else. My parents are elderly and I'm not in the best shape of my life, either. I wouldn't want to face that situation unarmed. This isn't the only time he's done this either. He insulted one of our brothers on another occasion and got put in his place. He went for a gun that time too, but he was so drunk I was able to snatch him up first and hold him down until he stopped acting an ass.

Ultimately, even a crazy person has the right to self defense and the protection of their civl rights(Albeit not at the risk of others well being). I can't see stripping them of that unless they are a threat to others, like my brother. I don't think he should be able to own a gun, but his record allows him to.
I think about Adam Lanza having access to multiple guns and what he did to all those children. There are some that are so unstable that the kitchen cutlery should be locked up! I think my brother is nuts too, but am sure that if I had seen him actually point a weapon at our parents I would have kicked his ass so bad he would never do it a second time.
I'm probably less worried about a felon living in the same home than someone that's mentally unstable. Most families have someone that falls into one or both of those categories.
Amen, man. Trust me, he's been outcasted since these incidents. Our whole family knows he's nuts, but my parents are still going to leave him the house and what little inheritance there is because they think he's somehow a "Victim". My point is that these people should be outcasted by society. There are plenty of mentally ill people that don't do violence against innocent people. When you see someone like the VA Tech shooter that has had run-in after run-in with incidents of violence and threats, the society should make it known to him that they won't tolerate it. Instead, we're all looking to the govt to come along and save us from whatever we don't like or feel threatened by.

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