Congress passes automatic draft

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All males, US citizens and illegal immigrants, are automatically drafted or they will be when its all said and done. Now you know why Biden let all those illegals in, he's preparing for a war. But no worries, conscientious objectors and trannys are exempt.

So who exactly has to register for the draft? The short answer: almost all male US citizens and immigrants between 18 and 25... The first step would be a lottery based on birthdays. Men turning 20 that year would be called up first, followed by 21, 22, 23, and 24-year-olds if needed. The lottery would determine the order in which men are inducted.
Have they even looked at what today's 'men' that age are like? :oops:
'Basic training' would start with teaching them the alphabet and English. :rolleyes:
"Registering for the draft" is quite different from "being drafted". Registering for the draft is mandatory (for young men), and it's a felony if you don't. I think you've had to register since around WWI. There was a stint in the mid 1970's when you didn't have to, but that only lasted for a few years. I don't know if there have been other breaks when you didn't have to register.

What's going on currently is talk about automating the registration process. Moving it from "you are required to do this" to "we will do it for you". I believe some states already do it for you. You get a drivers license, and they register you for the draft if you're the right age.
"Registering for the draft" is quite different from "being drafted". Registering for the draft is mandatory (for young men), and it's a felony if you don't. I think you've had to register since around WWI. There was a stint in the mid 1970's when you didn't have to, but that only lasted for a few years. I don't know if there have been other breaks when you didn't have to register.

What's going on currently is talk about automating the registration process. Moving it from "you are required to do this" to "we will do it for you". I believe some states already do it for you. You get a drivers license, and they register you for the draft if you're the right age.
Back in the old days, they registered you for the draft when you got your Social Security number, when you turned 18 (which you had to have to get a job).
Selective service already covered American males, this is to add in illegals and let the transhumans stay home and protest while others fight wars that have nothing to do with us. Fighting wars over oil was one thing, but it looks like eventually we will be fighting so other countries can be socialists and hide embezzled money, that are pretending is humanitarian or military aid, for democrats.

I say draft the trannys! Nothing would be scarier than a bunch of make up wearing guys in pink dresses, purple hair, combat boots and rainbow colored plate carriers running up a hill screaming the lyrics to some old song by Cher.
About a week ago , Biden made a show of closing ( whatever) , tightening up.. the border flooding.
I suspected this was bull since he is just flying them in . Has been for awhile. Many articles of news about how hundred of illegal immigrants are living in or stranded in our countries airports. This corroborates what momkeywerks has been reporting on government contracted flights from South America to all the airports.
So I wondered if the closing the border bullshow was a first step in installing a draft.
They are still comming in.. undercover..
they will import cannonfodder and offer them citizenship if they survive..(looks like they got duped too now)
and..closing the borders is really about keeping anyone, US born or illegal from escaping a draft .

If we can gauge how they are handling drafts in other countries , like Ukraine or Russia..this seems to be in the playbooks.

Just my thoughts tho...

I'm betting the draft age will go higher and less picky on who cant be in the club at some point.
I wouldnt be surprised if they let the economy tank faster now to get more numbers too.
I say draft the trannys! Nothing would be scarier than a bunch of make up wearing guys in pink dresses, purple hair, combat boots and rainbow colored plate carriers running up a hill screaming the lyrics to some old song by Cher.
Just give the butch lesbians a shot at joining the military (pun). They hate all men! :waiting:
Selective service already covered American males, this is to add in illegals and let the transhumans stay home and protest while others fight wars that have nothing to do with us. Fighting wars over oil was one thing, but it looks like eventually we will be fighting so other countries can be socialists and hide embezzled money, that are pretending is humanitarian or military aid, for democrats.

I say draft the trannys! Nothing would be scarier than a bunch of make up wearing guys in pink dresses, purple hair, combat boots and rainbow colored plate carriers running up a hill screaming the lyrics to some old song by Cher.
How old are you?
Just wondering?
We used have a TV show that did just that .
It was called MASH.
How old are you?
Just wondering?
We used have a TV show that did just that .
It was called MASH.
I just saw a huey fly over..heard it miles out before I could see it. I havent heard or seen a huey is a long time!
It isnt too often that we see military aircraft up here in this part of Idaho. Occasionally..but not often.
Have they even looked at what today's 'men' that age are like? :oops:
'Basic training' would start with teaching them the alphabet and English. :rolleyes:
I know a man who went into the army more than 20 years ago and was released. I didn't realize that they released people who were not fit. I believe that he was released because he smoked a lot of pot. I would have imagined that they would have given him more duties, more fitness, more pain in the pattootie stuff.

This may be a way to whip some of them into shape, or to see what they are really about.
This does concern me.
It is as if they are setting us up for a war.
And based off the agreement Biden just sign for a 10 year committment to Ukraine, Trump nor anyone else may not be able to stop it.
They are setting up for a war against We The People on the Right. That's why they need illegals to fight against us. What most people do not realize is that the North in the Civil War used a large percentage of foreigners to fight against the South because many men would not answer the draft and fight against the South. The foreigners (immigrants) would fight for many reasons one being automatic citizenship if they lived.

The government is gearing up for a civil war and keeping Trump from the presidency should he win in November.
I just saw a huey fly over..heard it miles out before I could see it. I havent heard or seen a huey is a long time!
It isnt too often that we see military aircraft up here in this part of Idaho. Occasionally..but not often.
Montana uses state Hueys all the time to fight forest/grass fires. Hear them all the time. The military now uses Blackhawks and Chinooks.
Crazy people do crazy things, criminal politicians do sinister things and get away with them if the people let them.

Must be a stupid bunch of people to let a lying treasonous bunch of criminals run their government and not depose them.
Didn't we do just that in November 2020?
I will kick the 800 pound gorilla in the room. Why is it only males? What happened to all talk about equality? Why aren't females included?
I think the mandatory service like in Israel is a good idea. I can't speak to what basic training is like now but in the 70s it was brutal. It would also be good way of normalizing social order.

I will kick the 800 pound gorilla in the room. Why is it only males? What happened to all talk about equality? Why aren't females included?
But not on the front lines unless they volunteer. There are 80 jobs supplying and backing up every 20 on the front lines. Not everyone in the military have to be on the front lines.

But not on the front lines unless they volunteer. There are 80 jobs supplying and backing up every 20 on the front lines. Not everyone in the military have to be on the front lines.

True but women are exempt for being drafted in time of war by Federal law because women are equal don't you know.

BTW: There are no front lines or behind the lines any more. Battle Of The Bulge prove that including Korea, Vietnam, etc.
Is anyone else wondering how they will find the illegals on Boot camp day but they can't find them to deport them now. Unless they just go the where the welfare checks are being received.
I think the mandatory service like in Israel is a good idea. I can't speak to what basic training is like now but in the 70s it was brutal. It would also be good way of normalizing social order.


I agree. 2 years of compulsory full time military service plus 4 years as a reservist. I am even okay with creating an option for objectors called America-Corps where you clean ditches, fill pot holes, mow public grass and take care of older people, disable people and the elderly - especially veterans - by mowing, shoveling, grocery shopping, cleaning house, etc.
I think the mandatory service like in Israel is a good idea. I can't speak to what basic training is like now but in the 70s it was brutal. It would also be good way of normalizing social order.

When the draft ended, and the Army went to all volunteer in 1974, what was called Basic Combat Infantry Training when I was in simply became Basic Training and got soft.
When basic became co-ed it got really soft.

My Drill Sergeants in D-3-1 at Fort Gordon in 1968 would probably be court martialed and receive a General Discharge in 2024.

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