Congress passes automatic draft

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Like a number of others here, I was raised by folks who went thru the Great Depression, and then WWII.
My parents, school teachers, Boy Scout leaders, and many others paid their dues for freedom and liberty.

I was imbued with a strong sense of duty, honor, and country. And that everyone who valued the freedom they had by virtue of living in this country was duty bound to enter the military.
Yes, Mr Quark, having a strong military ensures that we remain free, because no other country would be foolish enough to try to enslave us.

Today, less than 1% of this country's citizens serve in the military.
That means that 99% are riding in the wagon that 1% are pulling. 99% are in essence, getting a free ride. And don't give me the jive that your paying taxes is enough. It's not.

I'm all for drafting women too, but certain MOS's should be off limits due to lack of physical strength. Infantry, Field Artillery come immediately to mind.
The question is what are we defending? With an open border there is no longer a US and with the DC Crime Syndicate engaged with Globalism (UN, NATO, SEATO, WEF, etc.) today's solider is nothing more than a foreign legion mercenary. As a philosopher I always why? And I in this case not only why but what am I defending?
Is this hyperbole? Or you actually believing what you are saying - that we should do away with our military?
I say what I mean and I mean what I say. Our military no longer serves or protects what use to be our nation. Our military does not protect US sovereignty but guarantees the sovereignty of every other country of the world. Our military is not allowed to stop the invasion at our Southern border but will back NATO and Ukraine's sovereignty against Russia. Our military will go to war against China and back up Taiwan's sovereignty but not US sovereignty. The military is not allowed to take out the Houthis and protect shipping. I could go on and on but our military for whatever reason is no longer allowed to protect US sovereignty or shipping and is not allowed to win a war and all that is allowed is to spend treasure we don't have and spill blood in fruitless wars that have no meaning than we why pay for a military that is of no use to the US.

War is a money making racket for the DC Crime Syndicate and the military/industrial complex and serves no purpose for us the common man.
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from Highlights page of bill

..."amends the selective service act to require the registration of weomen for the selective service"

the registrtion will be uatomatic like the guys. this guy at goshen preppings is former mil, md and worked at pentegon. hes pretty good at explaining gov-speak. so far ive not heard anything from womens rights groups--wonder if they know or are just staying shut up. pardon my french but this is gonna be a **** show fo the 18-=26yr olds. can you imagine the freak out and temper tantrums that is coming from the DEI group?

goshen prepping

Dang, I have been yanking my youngest daughter-in -laws chain for months that she has to register for the draft.
And now she will have too.
But she doesn't know that.
The senate version of the defence budget authorization bill requires women to register. Chip Roy said " hell no" but we will see.

My eldest granddaughter is 15.5 yrs. 2.5 years and she will registered. She would serve the country well if need be.

The senate version of the defence budget authorization bill requires women to register. Chip Roy said " hell no" but we will see.

My eldest granddaughter is 15.5 yrs. 2.5 years and she will registered. She would serve the country well if need be.

Well we'll see how it all shakes out. I have no problem making women slaves to the military/industrial complex and the DC Crime Syndicate. After all if men can be tortured and die for nothing and women are our equal I see no reason why they can't be tortured and die for nothing as well. Women have one advantage that men do not have and that is they can be ganged rape to death by the enemy and their are some enemies that would enjoy doing that very much.

I'm truly amazed at how many people are willing to make blood sacrifices of their children to the war God Mars.

I have one and only life and I'll chose who I die for.
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The senate version of the defence budget authorization bill requires women to register. Chip Roy said " hell no" but we will see.

My eldest granddaughter is 15.5 yrs. 2.5 years and she will registered. She would serve the country well if need be.

My oldest grand daughter is 6 years old, she already knows that she wants to be a "Warrior" like her Granny.
If this the life she chooses I am all for it.
What ever she chooses for her life, I will support her.
Military life isn't for everyone.
She doesn't want to be a "Princess", she will tell you those are a dime a dozen, most not worth a plug nickle.
I'm thinking about how they're updating the way the draft works.

People don't oil a tool they don't intend to use.
the registration per new bill will be automatic. they do it for ya---aint they nice?
Yup. Not enough people want to be indentured servants dying if foreign wars for no reason. So we need to institute involuntary indentured servitude automatically to get enough numbers of people to die in foreign wars for no reason.
I'm truly amazed at how many people are winning to make blood sacrifices of their children to the war God Mars.
I'm equally amazed that some think we should go without a military. I think we should better control what we do with our military. But going without a military because of past misuse is a cynical step too far. I'm a jaded cynic ... but I've been out-cynicked. How long do you think it would take for us to be attacked if we didn't have a military?
the registration per new bill will be automatic. they do it for ya---aint they nice?
Everybody misses the point.
The guvment already knows everything about everybody, (except the Amish), they are just going 'paperless'.
Instead of requiring eligible people to sign a paper (that they cannot refuse :rolleyes:), they are just putting check marks in the database they already have.
Why waste money mailing out a postcard, and then waste manpower punching it into a database that already has the info?
Everybody misses the point.
The guvment already knows everything about everybody, (except the Amish), they are just going 'paperless'.
Instead of requiring eligible people to sign a paper (that they cannot refuse :rolleyes:), they are just putting check marks in the database they already have.
Why waste money mailing out a postcard, and then waste manpower punching it into a database that already has the info?
I'm afraid you right.
I had an uncle who tried to get into the military but was medically unable. They drafted him and he smiled and reported for duty.

It was always my hope that I get drafted, as it might be the only way to join for me too, but not after everything I am and have been through I'm extra disqualified. :(
Back in The Nam period that was quite common. There were two types of draftees, those that were pissed that they had been drafted and those that were pissed that they couldn’t re-up when their two years were up.
Most American males of draft age will be rejected for obesity, drug use, or stupidity.
Most American males of draft age will be rejected for obesity, drug use, or stupidity.
That is what is happening today. I was somewhat obese when I went in but I lost a lot of weight. But today I see fat kids going into basic training and coming out of basic training just as fat.
Same here. Interestingly enough most young men White or otherwise cannot pass any type of physical which is another reason we are short manpower.
Yes, what has happened to genetics in the US? Seems like so many of our kids are unfit/unable.
That is what is happening today. I was somewhat obese when I went in but I lost a lot of weight. But today I see fat kids going into basic training and coming out of basic training just as fat.
My son gained 30 pounds in basic training.
My son gained 30 pounds in basic training.
That does happen. The DIs said the skinny kids would gain weight and the fat kids would lose weight. I was 18 and weighed about 220 at about 5"3-5". When I left basic training after eight weeks I weighted 168 and by the time all training was over I weighted 158. I haven't seen those weights in 55 years.
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Yes, what has happened to genetics in the US? Seems like so many of our kids are unfit/unable.
Drugs and a lack of exercise. When I was in college about 20 years ago I noticed all the young girls had big boobs and a spare tire around the middle. Being the type of person I am I asked why that seem to be the norm today. And the girls told me that is was because all kids are diagnose with some mental condition that needs drugs like anti-depressants and for the girls birth control. This made them fat. One girl who was married and whom's husband was stationed in Iraq for a year stop taking birth control and lost about 30 pounds just doing that alone.

All these kids today are on drugs and I'm talking about prescription drugs and no exercise plus a lot of fast food.

And not we have the transgender movement and even more drugs. Any wonder few kids can past a physical.
That does happen. The DIs said the skinny kids would gain weight and the fat kids would lose weight. I was 18 and weighed about 220 at about 5"3-5". When I left basic training after eight weeks I weighted 168 and by the time all training was over I weighted 158. I have seen those weights in 55 years.
I haven't gained an ounce since I was 15, 35 years ago, except for the 5 pounds I gained in basic (and lost some months thereafter). Crazy...
Drugs and a lack of exercise. When I was in college about 20 years ago I noticed all the young girls had big boobs and a spare tire around the middle. Being the type of person I am I asked why that seem to be the norm today. And the girls told me that is was because all kids are diagnose with some mental condition that needs drugs like anti-depressants and for the girls birth control. This made them fat. One girl who was married and whom's husband was stationed in Iraq for a year stop taking birth control and lost about 30 pounds just doing that alone.

All these kids today are on drugs and I'm talking about prescription drugs and no exercise plus a lot of fast food.

And not we have the transgender movement and even more drugs. Any wonder few kids can past a physical.
Not to mention what the DoD does to you. A reaction to their annual flu shot destroyed my spinal cord in 2017 and prematurely ended a career. Got my 20+ active duty years but was up for colonel and would have continued service.
Not to mention what the DoD does to you. A reaction to their annual flu shot destroyed my spinal cord in 2017 and prematurely ended a career. Got my 20+ active duty years but was up for colonel and would have continued service.
Another reason for the low enlistment plus how many service personnel were fired because they refused a COVID magic jab.
"Registering for the draft" is quite different from "being drafted". Registering for the draft is mandatory (for young men), and it's a felony if you don't. I think you've had to register since around WWI. There was a stint in the mid 1970's when you didn't have to, but that only lasted for a few years. I don't know if there have been other breaks when you didn't have to register.

What's going on currently is talk about automating the registration process. Moving it from "you are required to do this" to "we will do it for you". I believe some states already do it for you. You get a drivers license, and they register you for the draft if you're the right age.
I joined up straight out of high school.
We are standing around talking about the drift & the Sargent says you have to register for the draft, we remind him we are already in service. He says it does not matter, you have to register anyways! :oops: :oops: :oops::rolleyes:

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