Couple Allegedly Tries To Sell Their Baby In Exchange For 1K, ‘6-Pack Of Beer’

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Couple Allegedly Tries To Sell Their Baby In Exchange For 1K, ‘6-Pack Of Beer’​

(Benton County Sheriff's Office)
(Benton County Sheriff’s Office)
OAN Staff Abril Elfi

10:45 AM – Saturday, September 28, 2024

An Arkansas couple has been arrested after allegedly trying to sell their two-month-old baby in exchange for a six-pack of beer and $1,000.

The couple, Darien Urban, 21, and Shalene Ehlers, 20, face felony charges of endangering the welfare of a minor and attempting to accept compensation for the relinquishment of a minor.

An affidavit reported that on September 21st, the Benton County Sheriff’s Office received a call from the manager of the Hide Away Campground, who told them that the couple “tried to give up the baby for a 6-pack of beer and then wanted $1,000 for the baby.”
Before giving the boy to a man at the campground, the couple signed a letter granting custody of their child, which even included a disclaimer that the child could not be returned.
“I, Darien Urban and Shalene Ehlers are signing our rights over to Cody Nathaniel Martin of our baby boy [redacted] for $1,000 on 09/21/2024,” the letter reads. “Disclaimer: After signing this there will be no changing yall two’s minds and to never contact again.”
The affidavit also stated that there were multiple witnesses that corroborated the story.
When a deputy got to the scene, he discovered that the child needed medical attention. The deputy called emergency medical services to transport the baby to a hospital for evaluation for signs of neglect.
The Arkansas Department of Human Services is now taking care of the child.
The baby had a dirty diaper, and a witness reported smelling strongly of feces and ammonia. When the baby’s diaper was changed, the witness saw severe blisters, swelling, and diaper rash.
Law & Crime reported that a deputy also purportedly obtained cellphone video of Urban and Ehlers signing the contract with the man seeking to purchase their baby.
According to court documents, witnesses stated that Ricky Crawford, a campground resident, had previously spoken with Urban and Ehlers and offered to take the baby for the night in exchange for multiple beer cans.
Court documents state that Crawford appeared extremely drunk when confronted by authorities, slurring his words and having trouble staying upright.
Documents said that after Ehler allegedly approached another couple’s camper and asked them for beer, as she reportedly often does. However, when the couple declined Ehlers request, Crawford offered beer in exchange for keeping the baby overnight as he was worried for the baby’s safety to which the couple accepted.
Crawford later admitted to police that he had taken the child from the couple and given it to Cody Nathaniel Martin, who was lodging in an onsite camper.
The Kansas City Star reported that after that, Urban and Ehlers approached Martin and made an offer to sell the child for $1,000, according to court records.
Martin reportedly accepted the arrangement only if they signed a contract he drew up, which stated that they intended to give up the baby for $1,000 on Monday of the following week, when he was meant to receive the money.
The document was signed by Urban and Ehlers.
“He asked if he could have the baby overnight and provided Urban and Ehlers with several cans of beer in exchange,” the affidavit reads. “Urban and Ehlers agreed and gave the baby along with a diaper bag to Crawford. He then brought the baby to Martin at another camper at the campground. Ehlers and Urban then came to the same camper and spoke to Martin and Crawford before signing the letter.”
“Based on the totality of the investigation, it is believed both Urban and Ehler created a substantial risk of death or serious physical injury by abandoning their minor child initially with an obviously intoxicated male and ultimately with someone they did not know,” the affidavit reads.
Meanwhile, the manager of the campground learned of the arrangement and informed the police.
Before the agreement was finalized and no money was exchanged, Urban and Ehlers were taken into custody.
According to court records, Urban informed detectives that the child was with Martin and going through an “adoption.”
Urban was released on Tuesday, September 24th, after posting a $5,000 bond. Ehlers is still being held at the Benton County Jail with a $30,000 bond.
According to KNWA, they both have criminal histories.
Good thing, the baby shouldn't be with them anyway.
yeah it will be much better with child services ,NOT.
Sad state of affairs, but part of the Nanny state BS, no tribe or community support.
yeah it will be much better with child services ,NOT.
Sad state of affairs, but part of the Nanny state BS, no tribe or community support.
I've never fostered a kid but know several foster parents, any kid they have are much better off with them. I just remembered my grandparents fostered kids. My wife came across one facebook. It's been over 50 years and that guy still appreciated what they had done for him.
I've never fostered a kid but know several foster parents, any kid they have are much better off with them. I just remembered my grandparents fostered kids. My wife came across one facebook. It's been over 50 years and that guy still appreciated what they had done for him.
A lot of foster families are great people, that is a fact.
I know a couple that were foster parents for many years. One of their kids just bought them a nice new truck. They must have done a good job.
This is sexist but here's my thought. The guy didn't carry that baby within his body for 9 months but it's still his baby so he is only half batshit crazy. The women did carry that baby for 9 months & then even entertains a deal like above, that qualifies her as 100% batshit crazy. Neither should ever be allowed to have children again & both should be drummed out of the human race. Even most animals protect their offspring.
I looked at the pics, I am guessing they are 1st cousins born from 1st cousins. Either way I am betting there aren't many branches on that family tree.
Is it bad that this comes as no surprise to me?
They were born & raised in a country that kills life at a rate of over six hundred thousand a year.
At least they sent it to parents who would love it.
Ok. Take a look at the 2 people in the mugshot, and ask yourself this question:
If the couple had always planned to put the kid up for adoption and somebody offered them $1K and beer to be the 'chosen adoptee', what do you think they would decide?
What if the guy that offered the $1K was the 'good guy' that only cared about saving the child from the horror it was experiencing?
Would that probably be far better than the demise that thousands of unwanted children endure every year. :(
See a different picture yet?

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