Creating a survivable community

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New Friend
Mar 22, 2013
Arlington VA
It's clear that trying to prep on your own is way too expensive and not feasible. I've heard there are forums where people try to find other preppers to form groups. Would like to know of any such forums to reach other preppers in VA/MD/DC area. I'm convinced we need to buy some land, prepare a retreat in remote area; and suspect that without a group of 50 people are more it just won't be affordable or doable. Suggestions?
In my opinion, for what its worth, I'm not sure I would place my family in that type of situation if I did not REALLY know these people well.
This could end up a bad situation quickly. If you pissed of the wrong person you could be "voted off the island". Then where would you be? Alone, no preps, no housing, no weapons.
Or worse, enslaved or dead.
No, I would not put my self or family through that scenario.
Better to go it alone. IMO.
In a normal situation people will piss ya off. Throw their lives upside down and put them together you stand the chance of a lot of problems like Wiredog said. It is possible though. As much as I would like to be a one man band so to speak. I'm working on a core group of family and friends I can trust that have lost everything before and have a feeling of what that's like. No way in hell I would trust anyone I haven't known for years and been through some dirt with. You never know how people are going to react until they do. There has to be a trial by fire process.
There are a limited few that I would throw in with and there are some that would be welcome long enough for them to get back on their feet and then back on their way. However, I don't play well with others most of the time, especially if I don't know them well. I do think it is good to make friends and allies who can be relied upon and who can rely upon you when the balloon goes up. Be wary of who knows what you have and of what you are doing. Because those will be the first people on your doorstep when something happens, and they will be more than willing to hold hands and sing 'Kumbayah' in order to get to the food and other things you have stored because they couldn't be bothered to do it themselves.
i beleave thats a great idea.(BUT) going with 50 or more right off? i hope you know each and everyone of them real good.because like others could get voted out,then on down the road for ya with no food water or protection.or worse they might up n kill ya.thats why id go with just a selected few at first.and those few id know real good.then those few and me would sit down togeather and decide on who else (WE) can doing so,you'll have 2 familys.1 your parents n al..2nd family are for when SHTF and in both case's.they'll need to be folks you know will have your back when needed while you have thier back when needed..limit the amount of ppl you go with.i think 20 be a good number.that way ther'll be enough ppl for day/night watch while the others gets some sleep or eat a meal or what ever else they need to do..