Creating another 'topic'?

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Awesome Friend
Dec 7, 2015
A thought hit me earlier. We talk about conservative and prepping topics, but we don't have a topic focused on what the "left" is doing. You can call it 'spying on the enemy', 'liberal propaganda', or something like that. But the focus would be to share what the left is doing to push their agenda.

It's not that I want to spend too much time or effort on that, but it's important to understand you're enemy's strategy so we can be prepared for it and counter it. And some of these discussions we have on other pages here could be moved over there for those who don't want or care about it.

Your thoughts?
Too divisive for my taste. I think we should be figuring out a way to bring the two sides together, not perpetuate a foiled system.
Or get rid of the two sides all together.

Make a new side.

In the mean time, I'm game. I'm no longer living among the left, but they are still out there. New topic sounds fine.
I actually like the idea of starting a new party. I think both the right and left forgot they are supposed to be working to make things better for the country.
The Right understands that based on our founding principles. While the Left wants to turn the US in to a socialist/communist "Utopia", eg Venezuela, NK, Cuba etc. No, the Left needs to be put down hard and we need to restore the Constitutional Republic that our Founders created.
I actually like the idea of starting a new party. I think both the right and left forgot they are supposed to be working to make things better for the country.

I thought that's what we did?

The 'democrats' have been running left as fast as they can. The 'republicans' have been chasing them left. For a short time we had the 'Tea Party', but they were trying to work from inside the republican side. And now we have Trump. He's gutted the republican party, is kicking out the flakes and swamp-rats, and we ARE getting a new party. But I'm sure your idea would be Bill Clinton's approach which divided the conservatives in both of his campaigns. Sorry, not looking for that failing strategy again. But maybe the democrats should consider splitting off, one side being the wacko-lefties and the other side being just a little socialist? And in fact I think that is the war going on inside the democrat party today.

I also chuckled when you first replied that you were against this idea, of course you being one of the more leftist forum members! Why pray tell wouldn't you want the efforts of the left to be discussed...
I thought that's what we did?

The 'democrats' have been running left as fast as they can. The 'republicans' have been chasing them left. For a short time we had the 'Tea Party', but they were trying to work from inside the republican side. And now we have Trump. He's gutted the republican party, is kicking out the flakes and swamp-rats, and we ARE getting a new party. But I'm sure your idea would be Bill Clinton's approach which divided the conservatives in both of his campaigns. Sorry, not looking for that failing strategy again. But maybe the democrats should consider splitting off, one side being the wacko-lefties and the other side being just a little socialist? And in fact I think that is the war going on inside the democrat party today.

I also chuckled when you first replied that you were against this idea, of course you being one of the more leftist forum members! Why pray tell wouldn't you want the efforts of the left to be discussed...
I just feel that by perpetuating the wholesale across the board hatred of the ‘other side’ it only ensures that nothing will ever change. Even though I don’t like Trump I don’t dislike every idea he has. I also liked Obama but think giving money to people freely was plain stupid. Both sides have some good and bad. The saying ‘don’t throw the baby out with the bath water’ applies here. I simply think that finding the common ground and trying to build on that would be better for everyone in the long run.
A thought hit me earlier. We talk about conservative and prepping topics, but we don't have a topic focused on what the "left" is doing. You can call it 'spying on the enemy', 'liberal propaganda', or something like that. But the focus would be to share what the left is doing to push their agenda.

It's not that I want to spend too much time or effort on that, but it's important to understand you're enemy's strategy so we can be prepared for it and counter it. And some of these discussions we have on other pages here could be moved over there for those who don't want or care about it.

Your thoughts?

I mostly read the leftwing press to keep up on their world view. I don't enjoy it and it makes be angry before i have eaten my cereal. I am sure my girlfriend wishes I didn't because it makes me rant.
I just feel that by perpetuating the wholesale across the board hatred of the ‘other side’ it only ensures that nothing will ever change. Even though I don’t like Trump I don’t dislike every idea he has. I also liked Obama but think giving money to people freely was plain stupid. Both sides have some good and bad. The saying ‘don’t throw the baby out with the bath water’ applies here. I simply think that finding the common ground and trying to build on that would be better for everyone in the long run.

There you go with 'feelings' again. Feelings do not matter. As a conservative, my beliefs are pretty locked in with how our Country has been for nearly 250 years. At least a significant portion of the country. The "Left" is the side that has introduced the always-failed strategy of Socialism. The two cannot co-exist, it is failing everywhere it is tried.

Let me give a different example: Isreal & Islam. Islam and all the muslim nations have stated that they want to erase Israel from the face of the earth. It should not exist in their region and they want to kill every Jew everywhere. Israel and the Jews do not want to die. How do you find common ground there?

The Left was wrong about slavery. The Left was wrong about Civil Rights. The Left is wrong about socialism. These greedy philosophies must be defeated and washed out of thinking and teaching if our nation is to survive. "Common Ground" is exactly what Neville Chamberlain wanted with "peace in our time" and it nearly cost us the world, and it is wrong today. Please, everyone on this forum, put your two cents into this "common ground" comment.

PS: Note that I am not going with "hatred of the other side", I am not against people, I am against the philosophy. Hate the sin not the sinner. But if the Left refuse to step up, they will become the deer in the proverbial headlights.
There you go with 'feelings' again. Feelings do not matter. As a conservative, my beliefs are pretty locked in with how our Country has been for nearly 250 years. At least a significant portion of the country. The "Left" is the side that has introduced the always-failed strategy of Socialism. The two cannot co-exist, it is failing everywhere it is tried.

Let me give a different example: Isreal & Islam. Islam and all the muslim nations have stated that they want to erase Israel from the face of the earth. It should not exist in their region and they want to kill every Jew everywhere. Israel and the Jews do not want to die. How do you find common ground there?

The Left was wrong about slavery. The Left was wrong about Civil Rights. The Left is wrong about socialism. These greedy philosophies must be defeated and washed out of thinking and teaching if our nation is to survive. "Common Ground" is exactly what Neville Chamberlain wanted with "peace in our time" and it nearly cost us the world, and it is wrong today. Please, everyone on this forum, put your two cents into this "common ground" comment.

PS: Note that I am not going with "hatred of the other side", I am not against people, I am against the philosophy. Hate the sin not the sinner. But if the Left refuse to step up, they will become the deer in the proverbial headlights.

Seeking clarity, if you are against slavery and for civil rights, you are a liberal?
Seeking clarity, if you are against slavery and for civil rights, you are a liberal?

Exactly the opposite. During the unCivil War, democrats were the ones favoring slavery. And back in the 60's, the votes to support Civil Liberties were extremely lopsided, republicans voting for it and democrats voted against it (other than Johnson).

So historically, the Left (democrats) have bee pro-slavery and anti-civil liberties. And today that continues to be true. Democrats love planned parenthood and abortions which kill well over 50% of all black babies. Black unemployment skyrocketed under Obama and are at their lowest levels in history under Trump.

None of this is 'my opinion', these are all simply facts.

Exactly the opposite. During the unCivil War, democrats were the ones favoring slavery. And back in the 60's, the votes to support Civil Liberties were extremely lopsided, republicans voting for it and democrats voted against it (other than Johnson).

So historically, the Left (democrats) have bee pro-slavery and anti-civil liberties. And today that continues to be true. Democrats love planned parenthood and abortions which kill well over 50% of all black babies. Black unemployment skyrocketed under Obama and are at their lowest levels in history under Trump.

None of this is 'my opinion', these are all simply facts.

I would agree that traditionally the flag of democracy talks about freedoms and equality but usually it is a cloak for the exact opposite. They seek enslavement of the masses. Traditionally the right are more about individual freedoms. Take the EU for example. Probably the largest democratic movement the world has seen yet the people have hardly any control over their lives anymore. Just one big nanny state.
I just feel that by perpetuating the wholesale across the board hatred of the ‘other side’ it only ensures that nothing will ever change. Even though I don’t like Trump I don’t dislike every idea he has. I also liked Obama but think giving money to people freely was plain stupid. Both sides have some good and bad. The saying ‘don’t throw the baby out with the bath water’ applies here. I simply think that finding the common ground and trying to build on that would be better for everyone in the long run.

Common ground among US, here. But both parties in D.C. are about useless imo.

Both can go. Let's do something different.
To tell you the truth, I don't really know what to make of politics anymore. Other than you can tell when a politician is lying by watching when his mouth is moving. :confused:
I think most intelligent people in the country are feeling the same way
I believe Brent is wrong and history will show this. Common ground is a good and logical thing, when all parties want the same outcome. The democratic party and the republican party does not want the same outcome. One is mostly for the constitution and the other is not.
I believe Brent is wrong and history will show this. Common ground is a good and logical thing, when all parties want the same outcome. The democratic party and the republican party does not want the same outcome. One is mostly for the constitution and the other is not.
I firmly believe in everyone’s right to their opinion even when it’s different than mine. I can only wonder how much the country could accomplish without all the bickering and infighting though. I feel if we threw out all the far right and far left votes, and averaged the rest to make a firm and final decision on every issue it would cost us all a lot less and things would get done.
I am against anything that stereotypes any group. And I am tired of fighting. There are good people who support Trump for their reasons, and there are good people who do not.
Judging the current parties by what happened in the 1850s is not valid, as the parties platforms have changed. What was once supporting the status quo now is considered revolutionary. What was once the revolutionary party now defends the status quo or the established big business.

From my point of view, the current administration is tearing up the constitution worse than any previous president.

I am not sure what good a new thread would be when no one can agree on reliable sources of information.

I think the world as we know it is under attack and we are all at risk. What these risks are may seem different to each of us... I agree with Brent that a better path is to find strength in our commonality and our diversity, but not by divisiveness.

Sorry if that rambled some.

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This has spawned some excellent discussion, whether right or wrong, it is good to discuss these things.

I believe Brent is wrong and history will show this. Common ground is a good and logical thing, when all parties want the same outcome. The democratic party and the republican party does not want the same outcome. One is mostly for the constitution and the other is not.
You nailed it. Go back 75 years ago, we had two parties but both wanted our nation to defeat Germany and Japan. Today the democrats are wanting our nation to transform into something that guarantees failure and disaster for both the US and likely the world.

I firmly believe in everyone’s right to their opinion even when it’s different than mine. I can only wonder how much the country could accomplish without all the bickering and infighting though. I feel if we threw out all the far right and far left votes, and averaged the rest to make a firm and final decision on every issue it would cost us all a lot less and things would get done.
So your goal is to choose the lukewarm answer? Usually that is the 'do nothing' solution. I don't think that worked for Kennedy getting a man on the moon or for Reagan to win the Cold War.

I am against anything that stereotypes any group. And I am tired of fighting. There are good people who support Trump for their reasons, and there are good people who do not.
Judging the current parties by what happened in the 1850s is not valid, as the parties platforms have changed. What was once supporting the status quo now is considered revolutionary. What was once the revolutionary party now defends the status quo or the established big business.
From my point of view, the current administration is tearing up the constitution worse than any previous president.

Yes I referenced the 1860's (not 1850's btw). But I also referenced the 1960's and today. The Democrat party has not changed: they use blacks as a carpet to walk on and control. Lincoln was a Republican. Democrats were filibusting against the civil rights act and republicans in the House voted 80% for it in 1964. And republicans today are trying to reel back Planned Parenthood who's original goal was to exterminate blacks while democrats support Planned non-Parenthood in every way they can. What has changed here?

And to think that anyone has violated the US Constitution more than Obama requires illegal drugs to get to that state of mind. For anyone that thinks this way, I really have to encourage you to turn off your TV and other forms of media and learn "how to think" rather than consuming when they tell you "what to think".
Compromise is an art form that the GOP has not learned. The Dem's have learned it very well. They continue to get concessions and have no problem with coming back to the well over and over again. The GOP has to remove all past concessions and start fresh. Too much has been given away and not enough has been gained. It is time to completely wipe out the Democratic party at the polling booths and gut their past programs.
Compromise is an art form that the GOP has not learned. The Dem's have learned it very well. They continue to get concessions and have no problem with coming back to the well over and over again. The GOP has to remove all past concessions and start fresh. Too much has been given away and not enough has been gained. It is time to completely wipe out the Democratic party at the polling booths and gut their past programs.
That is still too general for me. I think that you have to look at things on a case by case basis. Not all dem things are bad, nor all things rep are bad. You take one thing away, you need a balance for it.

For example, I do not trust big companies to self regulate...pollution was virtually uncontrolled previously, both air and water were horrible. Look at LA in the 70s...all smog. The regulations cleaned it up quite a bit. Now, the EPA is dismantling many you trust them to do what is right if it costs them more? I don’t. I don’t trust commercially prepared food...nor big pharma. They are out to maximize profit, not to look out for the regular people. That is why I like food labeling...that hasn’t made it a requirement because the big companies don’t self regulate.

Perhaps more controversial here...preserving natural resources. Many of us here appreciate the forests and land, but many are protected by NPS. Without that, they could be clear cut. Some things would be lost archeological sites...

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You are right. There is nothing here or above or below that is always bad. Even satan was a fantastic angel, until he wasn't.

All companies have a balance. They want to maximize profit, and they know that to do that they have to keep a good reputation with the public. And in today's world of cell phone cameras and whistle blowers, it's really difficult to hide things.

But what do big companies have to do with Democrat vs Republican? Democrats are just as indebted to big corporations as R's. Look at Google, I think they had an office in the White House while Obama was president. Is that the 'healthy' democrat party free of big companies?

And the bottom line is that your divergence has nothing to do with UP's post. He said R's don't know how to negotiate and always walk away with almost nothing from the negotiating table. Trump has changed that.
You are right. There is nothing here or above or below that is always bad. Even satan was a fantastic angel, until he wasn't.

All companies have a balance. They want to maximize profit, and they know that to do that they have to keep a good reputation with the public. And in today's world of cell phone cameras and whistle blowers, it's really difficult to hide things.

But what do big companies have to do with Democrat vs Republican? Democrats are just as indebted to big corporations as R's. Look at Google, I think they had an office in the White House while Obama was president. Is that the 'healthy' democrat party free of big companies?

And the bottom line is that your divergence has nothing to do with UP's post. He said R's don't know how to negotiate and always walk away with almost nothing from the negotiating table. Trump has changed that.
Well, he said that the entire dem party should be wiped out, that is what I was responding to.

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