Cyber Warfare

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HCL Supporter
Sep 7, 2013
Cyber Attack on United States infrastructure is a Huge concern. The US participated in melting down Iran's nuclear program and setting in back several years. Now Obama is going to finance Iran's nuclear bomb. North Korea has nothing to lose as they are not dependent on the the Internet or inter connected by electronics. Any third world country or independent hacker out to make a statement may attack the non secured electrical grid of the United States. Shocking news- The federal government has NO plan to care for multiple states and 10's of millions of citizens if we lose power for over 5 days or lose the very large transformers! Just ask your local Office of Emergency Management what they are prepared to do beyond 5 days for your entire area
Lose a large transformer, and it will take like 18 months to replace.
transformer goes out here and the UK will be blacked out permanently, the parts aren't made in this country and have to be purchased by special order, from abroad, probably China.
That's where I get the 18 months from. Last I checked into it, this was the big concern for a grid attack, replacing these components.
yes, I was told closer to 2 years to replace all the components, that's if they can find enough qualified engineers to actually do the work, can you see anyone sitting patiently in the dark for 2 years for the lights to come back on? no me neither, anarchy would ensue.
this is the one thing that will stuff most of the "normal" population, no power for lights, cooking or heating, never mind not being able to recharge their mobile phones and all the other gadgets. someone who has never lived without power will not be able to cope without it and will go completely to pieces without all those daily "necessities" of life they are used to having, this is what will sort out the wheat from the chaff and no mistake, wait for the wailing to start!:p
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Watching the leftist Democrat supporters and the way They resort to rioting , attacking People , dirty politics , social media attacks . And any other means . Is it not plausible to expect a cyber attack by the ones trying to make this a Socialist Country .
Some of Us that are old enough can remember how the Communist sympathizers became the terrorist of the 1970's . The joined with the PLO and other terrorist groups . Don't be to quick to dismiss the threat from leftist groups .
Game On!

Kremlin website hit by 'powerful' cyber attack

(Reuters) - Hackers knocked out the Russian presidency's website several times on Friday and brought down the central bank website, the Kremlin press service said.

"A powerful cyber attack is under way on the (Kremlin) site," a Kremlin spokeswoman said,
Ted Koppel's book was enlightening. These cyber attacks are continuously going on. One country to another, back and forth, round and round.
Watching the leftist Democrat supporters and the way They resort to rioting , attacking People , dirty politics , social media attacks . And any other means . Is it not plausible to expect a cyber attack by the ones trying to make this a Socialist Country .
Some of Us that are old enough can remember how the Communist sympathizers became the terrorist of the 1970's . The joined with the PLO and other terrorist groups . Don't be to quick to dismiss the threat from leftist groups .
Please....this is much too broad a statement....I have voted democratic and I am not doing all these things, nor are my friends who are democrats!

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That book was frightening.

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Definitely an eye opener and written by a true journalist, not by some of these so called journalists of today. Did you see the video of the reporter from the weather channel making a big deal about the Florence wind, while two pedestrians casually walked by in the back ground? Hilarious. That is the kind of reporting we see a lot of today.
Definitely an eye opener and written by a true journalist, not by some of these so called journalists of today. Did you see the video of the reporter from the weather channel making a big deal about the Florence wind, while two pedestrians casually walked by in the back ground? Hilarious. That is the kind of reporting we see a lot of today.
Yes, I did. I know that the weather channel isn’t a news channel per se but really!!

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Watching the leftist Democrat supporters and the way They resort to rioting , attacking People , dirty politics , social media attacks . And any other means . Is it not plausible to expect a cyber attack by the ones trying to make this a Socialist Country .
Some of Us that are old enough can remember how the Communist sympathizers became the terrorist of the 1970's . The joined with the PLO and other terrorist groups . Don't be to quick to dismiss the threat from leftist groups .

If You support the modern Democrat party then You are envolved up to Your eyeballs . Look at the party leaders comments and justifying such actions , look at Their own actions of using phony intel and phony sources to obstruct what the American People have voted for . Look at the party leaders calling for the harassment of Citizens that disagree with Them .