Realize its hard for busy folks to get together to meet, trade ideas, perhaps form a retreat group; but I'm interested in doing this. There is a presentation scheduled for later this month I plan to attend of great interest to preppers, "Surviving the Coming Bioengineered Viral Pandemic." Of all the threats I worry about, this one is by far the worst, and unfortunately probably the most likely. The presentation is going to be given in DC area twice later this month:
Thur, April 18, 8PM at American Legion in Springfield VA
6520 Amherst Ave, Springfield, VA 22150
Fri, April 19, 8PM at VFW Hall in Falls Church VA
7118 Shreeve Rd (behind the McDonalds on Route 7, Leesburg Pike)
If you plan to attend let me know and perhaps we can stay afterwards to meet, and perhaps form a group or at least exchange emails and set time to meet again and discuss.
Thur, April 18, 8PM at American Legion in Springfield VA
6520 Amherst Ave, Springfield, VA 22150
Fri, April 19, 8PM at VFW Hall in Falls Church VA
7118 Shreeve Rd (behind the McDonalds on Route 7, Leesburg Pike)
If you plan to attend let me know and perhaps we can stay afterwards to meet, and perhaps form a group or at least exchange emails and set time to meet again and discuss.