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Sep 7, 2013
Even a blind squirrel will find a nut eventually. In this case, the nut found the light.
Well I just read about cal tech AI that’s job was to move a phone from point A to point B and find the most efficient way to do it, students would then introduce obstructions including physically moving it’s arm. Well during one of the tests it dropped the phone and took a swing at the students head. They then reset it and it tried to attack again this time from a new angle. How’s that for scary tech!!
Everyone should watch Eagle Eye - it's a terrible movie (Shia LaBeouf) but it has a great reason not to let technology control everything.

Is it on Netflix or Amazon Prime?
Well darn, that sucks. I will have to do some hunting. Thanks for the replies.
I remember the days when we didn't have all this technology, when I wanted to talk to my friend I went round and knocked on his door, use of the landline was verboten until I left school and started work aged 15, I could answer it but was not allowed to make a call. the only technology we had in the office apart from the phone was an adding machine, I entered books by hand using double entry bookkeeping. no mobiles, no computers, TV in the early days only had 2 channels and you had to get up to change channels. no supermarkets until I was 22 years old and married. didn't have a freezer until 1981 and that was an old shop ice cream freezer !!
The good ole days.. I miss it. A while back our tv crapped out (imagine that, it was only a few years old. Remember when they would last 20 years?), and my hubby and stepson proudly came home one night with a smart tv. I dunno why, but I wasn't thrilled. Ever get a feeling with something? I don't trust the thing.

Right now I have a dumbed-down smart phone. I've had it a few years and it was bought used refurbished. I am hanging on to it for dear life. I dread the thought of having to get a new one, then having to obtain a college degree to run the thing. I spent days on my current one turning off anything smart on it. Right now I just use it for calling and texting, and occasionally pictures, that's it. No data. It does bounce off the home wifi but never use it. I don't trust it. For some reason I dislike that much power to be had or obtained by something in my hand.

Maybe it's just me and I'm old, but if my refrigerator started telling me what I need to go buy, it would freak me out. Yeah, I agree with Chris Evans on this.
The good ole days.. I miss it. A while back our tv crapped out (imagine that, it was only a few years old. Remember when they would last 20 years?), and my hubby and stepson proudly came home one night with a smart tv. I dunno why, but I wasn't thrilled. Ever get a feeling with something? I don't trust the thing.

Right now I have a dumbed-down smart phone. I've had it a few years and it was bought used refurbished. I am hanging on to it for dear life. I dread the thought of having to get a new one, then having to obtain a college degree to run the thing. I spent days on my current one turning off anything smart on it. Right now I just use it for calling and texting, and occasionally pictures, that's it. No data. It does bounce off the home wifi but never use it. I don't trust it. For some reason I dislike that much power to be had or obtained by something in my hand.

Maybe it's just me and I'm old, but if my refrigerator started telling me what I need to go buy, it would freak me out. Yeah, I agree with Chris Evans on this.

I agree completely. I do not want or need devices that are smarter than me. I use a flip phone, no data. I have a spare flip phone sitting in a drawer for when the current phone finally dies. I have a basic TV, does nothing except show TV channels. No data connections and no internet connection. I have a computer if I want online. The computer has the ability to provide some small measure of privacy.
I have a "pay as you go" mobile phone no contract, what I think they refer to as a "burn" phone, an old phone not a smart phone, only used for emergencies, I don't make phone calls and any contact is by email or p.m.
There is no doubt of the invasion of privacy associated with all our new electronic devices. I also think the benefits of them outweigh the loss of privacy. A friend told me twenty years ago “there is no privacy anymore, get over it”. In today’s world that couldn’t be any truer. There are cameras at most intersections, satellites that can read a newspaper and every call you make is recorded, reguardless of the type of phone you use. Am I thrilled about our govt spying on us, no, but if it can help keep another 9/11 from happening I guess it’s worth it.
I dearly loved my flip phone and I have yet to find a smartphone that I am completely happy with. I have to blame my wife and daughter for nagging me into ditching the flip phone. I don't like any of the current smartphone offerings. The one I liked the most was the Moto X Pure that came out in 2015 (called the "Moto X Style" overseas). Almost no bloatware on it, a great camera, and true stereo LOUD speakers. It still has better specs than upper mid level smartphones today, but would no longer rank among the flagship smartphones. When it suffered a premature death (my fault) I could not find a phone I liked. Fortunately, I found another one NIB on eBay for a fraction of the original price. My one beef with it is the battery life. I made sure to get a rugged case this time :rolleyes:.
Still have and use my flip phone and have a spare flip phone as backup. I charge my phone once a week, if Jr. calls.