DeflateGate: 12 footballs can be softened in just 40 seconds

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Awesome Friend
Mar 8, 2013
Washington State - between 2 mountains and a river
what's the story behind this??

Deflategate: "is a controversy in the National Football League (NFL), stemming from an allegation that the New England Patriots deliberately or negligently underinflated footballs used in the AFC Championship Game against the Indianapolis Colts on January 18, 2015. The scandal was dubbed "Deflategate" in reference to the Watergate scandal"
What a joke, the investigation just found that Brady "probably knew about it"! Of course he bloody well knew! What a dumb s--t though, he was allready the best, why cheat?
Thing is, wouldn't this deflating help BOTH teams equally? So, in the end analysis, slap on the fines and move along. Not really rocket science.

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