Dehydrating fruits and veggies!

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Aug 1, 2014
I have to make fruits and veggies into hard chips since my son will not eat anything, unless it crunches. I discovered that you can dehydrate using your oven. I'm sure most people are aware of that, but some may not. My favorite is bananas and apple chips. I just chop them into little rounds and lay them on a slated pan. I heat the oven to about 225 degrees, sprinkle with a little cinnamon, and bake for 2-4 hours..or until they are completely hard. I am beginning to stock up and put back airtight packs of these, a lot of calories for your buck!

Here's a link for some more info. Enjoy!
My granddaughter and I are dehydrating beef into jerky in the oven tonight. It's still not quite done. We got a late start, but I only have her until Sunday morning so we try to squeeze a lot of learning into our short times together. This is my first attempt at dehydrating. Until I found a link similar to the one you posted, I didn't know I could dehydrate in my oven. Now I'm finding all kinds of interesting things to do. Tomorrow, after we pick the last of the pickling cucumbers and get them started on their way to becoming sweet Gherkins, then plant some zucchini and yellow squash (again) we're going to pick my basil, oregano, sage, parsley and mint and dehydrate those in the oven. We have a very busy day planned!
That's a good idea! And busy is good, busy is productive. :) I love dehydrating. It gives me instant gratification!!
that will be my next purchase, a dehydrator, found one, only need my bro to take me to the shop
can you actually do that?? always thought it was ok with apples and like that,but there must be a way to do it, there wouldn't be banana flakes in stores if it was impossible
I was going to try to dehydrate the whole bunch of bananas thankfully I only waisted one. I dropped one of the banana chips and our puppy wouldn't even eat it, sniffed it and walked away. Our 6 month old puppy who eats dirt, rabbit poop, dried up worms on the concrete and probably more than I want to know about and he wouldn't eat the dehydrated banana. That says a lot o_O

I've never been known for my cooking, my poor husband;)

I found this recipe here; you need a baking tray,cover it with that bakeing paper, brush it with melted butter,stray it lightly with sugar, put the banan slices on ,squeeze a drop of leomon juice on each slice, put it in the oven and roast/dry to perfection:)
does this help? I'm gonna try it 'cause them dryed fruits are so expencive here
I will try that, it sounds better than what I did.
It was so funny, I kept them thinking maybe it was just me! I was going to ask my hubby to taste them because my taste buds are a bit off because of my medication.They were sitting on the counter when my hubby got home from work. I heard him make the funniest sound. He came into the living room to kiss me hello and flat out said those banana thingys taste terrible! I said tell me how you really feel laughing, he said pitch them! Didn't have to tell me twice, out they went.

I hate throwing food away but I'm experimenting now before it could be a terrible hardship to throw food away after things are bad.

Here's to second attempts. Thank you for the new recipe Mr. Jonette
I'm gonna visit my foodstore tomorrow and get me some bananas, I'll have to try this myself also, have had a sweet tooth for many days now, and if I don't get something I'll go mad ;)
ok,whatever you do,use a real lemon,no juice,no substitute,I used and the result wasn't what I wanted,well another try tomorrow...I'm not giving up yet
time for my second try...let's see what the result is later..
I didn't see your post about using a real lemon and not a bottle of lemon juice...STRIKE TWO for me. Tasted really bad. Ran out of bananas will have to wait until I go to the market next time to get more. I read something about putting honey on the bananas chips. I just saw it briefly without having time to really read the article before having to leave and I can't find the article again. Well keep me posted how you are doing with your attempts. :p
second batch...well better but still not what I want..I forgot that lemon...sigh...more more try.., I still ate them all,but...don't give up..I'm not :D
I'll just leave that greasproof paper away this time and make 'em staright on a mesh, air will circulate better and moisture will leave 'em better
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I have tried bananas now 5 times and wasted close to 30 pounds of them. I gave up and started just buying banana chips. Cheaper in the long run and I don't waste it all. But yeah I enjoy dehydrating just not during the summer months though because it heats the house up to much.
I have tried bananas now 5 times and wasted close to 30 pounds of them. I gave up and started just buying banana chips. Cheaper in the long run and I don't waste it all. But yeah I enjoy dehydrating just not during the summer months though because it heats the house up to much.

Hello Ms. hlrive,
I waisted bananas too not 30 pounds but a lot. I gave up and I'm starting to purchase them as well.

On a different subject it the dog on your picture an Alaskian Husky? My niece and her husband are thinking of getting one. They live in Colorado and are huge outdoor activity people. I don't know much about that type of dog. If that is the kind of dog you have could you share any pros and cons with having that breed?

Have a good day,
The only folks I know who successfully dehydrated bananas, did it in fancy dehydrators. Really the best bet, as you waste less energy than a whole oven.
My granddaughter and I are dehydrating beef into jerky in the oven tonight. It's still not quite done. We got a late start, but I only have her until Sunday morning so we try to squeeze a lot of learning into our short times together. This is my first attempt at dehydrating. Until I found a link similar to the one you posted, I didn't know I could dehydrate in my oven. Now I'm finding all kinds of interesting things to do. Tomorrow, after we pick the last of the pickling cucumbers and get them started on their way to becoming sweet Gherkins, then plant some zucchini and yellow squash (again) we're going to pick my basil, oregano, sage, parsley and mint and dehydrate those in the oven. We have a very busy day planned!
I got a dehydrator for about 70 dollars a while back, and it's super easy to work with. It probably uses less electricity than an oven, but will take a while to recover the upfront cost. I made jerky from almost all of the venison I had last year, and loved the apple chips I did. (I dipped the apple chips in diluted lemon juice before sprinkling cinnamon on them). This winter I will probably dehydrate with the stove as it helps heat the house as well.
Hello Ms. hlrive,
I waisted bananas too not 30 pounds but a lot. I gave up and I'm starting to purchase them as well.

On a different subject it the dog on your picture an Alaskian Husky? My niece and her husband are thinking of getting one. They live in Colorado and are huge outdoor activity people. I don't know much about that type of dog. If that is the kind of dog you have could you share any pros and cons with having that breed?

Have a good day,

Yes that was our baby and he was killed by some neighbors children. We hand raised him with a bottle his mom never produced milk, and he was the sweetest puppy ever. We left him in the kennel one day and when we came back the kennel door was open and he had been strangled to death with a piece of rope. His siblings by then were all sold off, so we had no puppy to take his place. He died at the age of 13 weeks. My little Dakota will always be remembered.

As for the breed. Never have them around cats, small dogs, or chickens. My mama dog we got rid of finally. She actually killed 3 litters of puppies, and one litter wasn't even hers. My big Male Lobo we gave to a good home, and then we had just a sister and brother left. I thought they would be fine around the cat and the chickens. Nope. I lost a cat and 11 hens in one day. So they both went real fast.

You need a 6 foot high fence because they will jump a 4 foot one. Dakotas mom did that many times, and it would take days to find her. I had way to many issues with huskies. so we got rid of our kennel and everything. My husband still wants one, however it's the chickens or a dog, and right now my chickens put food on the table and money in the bank.
I got a dehydrator for about 70 dollars a while back, and it's super easy to work with. It probably uses less electricity than an oven, but will take a while to recover the upfront cost. I made jerky from almost all of the venison I had last year, and loved the apple chips I did. (I dipped the apple chips in diluted lemon juice before sprinkling cinnamon on them). This winter I will probably dehydrate with the stove as it helps heat the house as well.

Try doing pineapple that way. I did some and my kids love it. I have 2 dehydrators and I use one for meat and the other one for fruits and veggies.
Yes that was our baby and he was killed by some neighbors children. We hand raised him with a bottle his mom never produced milk, and he was the sweetest puppy ever. We left him in the kennel one day and when we came back the kennel door was open and he had been strangled to death with a piece of rope. His siblings by then were all sold off, so we had no puppy to take his place. He died at the age of 13 weeks. My little Dakota will always be remembered.

As for the breed. Never have them around cats, small dogs, or chickens. My mama dog we got rid of finally. She actually killed 3 litters of puppies, and one litter wasn't even hers. My big Male Lobo we gave to a good home, and then we had just a sister and brother left. I thought they would be fine around the cat and the chickens. Nope. I lost a cat and 11 hens in one day. So they both went real fast.

You need a 6 foot high fence because they will jump a 4 foot one. Dakotas mom did that many times, and it would take days to find her. I had way to many issues with huskies. so we got rid of our kennel and everything. My husband still wants one, however it's the chickens or a dog, and right now my chickens put food on the table and money in the bank.
I have had both a malamute and a Samoyed, (big white fluffy thing). They were both amazingly nice loving dogs, with people. Any other animal was considered a threat and was immediately attacked. The malamute didn't even like black people. I've heard before that one raised by black people may not like white people. This isn't racist, it's just to point out how much of a pack animal they are. They are loyal and loving to their family, but are large and fast enough to be a real threat to any outside threat. I don't consider the neighbors poodle to be a threat but she sure did. I could put my 150 lb malamute with a new born baby with no fear. She was gentle and caring with us. Great dogs as long as you're aware of their nature and take steps to contain them.
Ever since we moved to NC I have not found a dog yet that likes blacks. I had a cheagle that we put down last year that would have torn one apart had they of come in my yard. In Maine we had a Malamute, and I actually had him break a window to protect our youngest child from our 2 female huskies that were fighting. He stood over Paloma until when I could get to her and pick her up. They are very protective. I told my husband if I ever get another big dog it will be a malamute not a husky. I prefer them over Huskies.
get a good one,mine isn't the top of the line,but it works,no melting trays here...have dryied basil,parsley,apples,chive...even bananas,got them ok,not perfect..

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