I've debated for a few days, really where to put this information. However, with the latest shooting in Santa Barbara, Las Vegas and other points around the U.S. I decided to place this information for all preppers to consider. While I am not even going to begin to think of the what if's on this issue. It is interesting to note that in one recent shooting, a CHL armed civilian fired on the Active Shooter. Said civilian was a casualty during the event. As such, I'd like to post this Department of Homeland Security file for you and your loved ones to read. My family is well versed on these actions and I actually brief my students on the first day about how to prepare for an active shooter in a school. Our local school district does not have a training template to educate students and I took it upon myself as a teacher to educate my kids. Please consider using this PDF as a guide in educating your family. I hope you will consider it.
If their are Law Enforcement folks that would like to comment, please do.
If their are Law Enforcement folks that would like to comment, please do.