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Awesome Friend
Jun 9, 2013
N. Dallas, TX
Well, I joined, jumped in, then disappeared for awhile. Here is why...

My father has not been well the last few years.. he had a catastrophic accident resulting in a broken neck (C2 & C3), TBI in 2 locations of his skull, and 27 other broken bones. He survived and wasn't paralyzed - which all the doctors and surgeon declared miraculous. A couple of years ago his health started deteriorating and he was diagnosed with colon cancer - had bowel resection and reattachment and 9 months of debilitating chemo. The doctors were optimistic of a full recovery as tests indicated the cancer had not metastasized.

The last few weeks Dad was feeling poorly. He had a PET scan a week and a half ago. The PET found liver cancer. There are plans for an asap resection of the liver followed by more chemo. Honestly, I don't know how well his body will tolerate more chemo. The last 3 rounds of the last course nearly killed him. He still has lingering affects (neuropathy & "chemo brain") from the previous chemo, also. Dad is far weaker going into it this time.

In 5 years my larger than life, always busy and hardworking Dad has aged 25 years. I am sad and troubled as I try to prepare my heart for the possibility of loss that I am not ready to acknowledge or endure.

Those of you that pray - send some Dad's way if you would be so kind.
I will be praying for you and your dad both. I was the same way with my dad, but unfortunately lost him last year due to a MRSA infection and a stroke. It sounds like your dad has been thru a lot these last years, but it also seems like he is a trooper and strong willed. That in itself can do a lot to help the healing process. I can see that you love your dad and you are very close to him. Spend as much time as possible with him and cherish it. Whatever God decides, you will have all those precious memories to hold onto.
Prayers from down under Australia, coming your way MistiLoo.
While i cant imagine how you feel, in my adult life i have never lost anyone close to me. This is both good and bad, good because i have never gone through it. Bad because time has now gotten away from most.
Stay strong.

More prayers from Down Under - I agree with Bill, God is bigger than any problem. Hope all your family is going ok, and coping as best they can. Please keep us informed ok?? Just remember that you are not alone, this online family is here to help you any way we can.
Y'all are very kind. Thank you for the prayers and the reminders that Dad lives in the Father's loving arms, as do all His children. My heart rested easier last nite.
If time permits, this evening I'll try to figure out how to upload some pictures of Dad so you have a visual.
i lost my dad by the way of bone cancer in 1998.in which is a slow painful way for anyone to go..so i know what all of you must be going through as well as your dad..i hope n pray for the best for your dad,you,and everyone else...
Prayers here too. My guess is a hard working guy like that does not give up that easy. Having a daughter who cares does wonders. Try not to worry your heart too much.
He's on the prayer list.

Further testing - of all kinds - show that there is the one +1" liver tumor that showed up on the PET Scan and additional smaller ones that the PET couldn't see. This Thursday Dad will have resection of the larger tumor and ablation of the small ones. Also, the MRI shows that Dad's liver is misshapen. Dr. J says he won't know why until he get in there with his eyes.

Additionally, platelet counts persist at very low levels. So, following surgical recovery they will do a bone marrow biopsy.

Dad is sicker than any of us realized. He just isn't a complainer at all so we didn't know.

At this point I'm not doing any web research. What I find on the net may scare the he!! out of me and not even be pertinent to Dad's condition. I will wait and see what Dr. J says following the surgery.

We're all praying for healing and good news. And waiting. Lots of waiting... during which we play 42 and gin rummy and scrabble, etc. with Dad. Keeping him laughing and making his days go lighter. Oh. Pictures.. I have some time and will try to find and upload some.

Further testing - of all kinds - show that there is the one +1" liver tumor that showed up on the PET Scan and additional smaller ones that the PET couldn't see. This Thursday Dad will have resection of the larger tumor and ablation of the small ones. Also, the MRI shows that Dad's liver is misshapen. Dr. J says he won't know why until he get in there with his eyes.

Additionally, platelet counts persist at very low levels. So, following surgical recovery they will do a bone marrow biopsy.

Dad is sicker than any of us realized. He just isn't a complainer at all so we didn't know.

At this point I'm not doing any web research. What I find on the net may scare the he!! out of me and not even be pertinent to Dad's condition. I will wait and see what Dr. J says following the surgery.

We're all praying for healing and good news. And waiting. Lots of waiting... during which we play 42 and gin rummy and scrabble, etc. with Dad. Keeping him laughing and making his days go lighter. Oh. Pictures.. I have some time and will try to find and upload some.
Sorry to hear about your dad girl! Livers can regrow and heal themselves once a section is taken out. I will continue to pray for you both. I know what you are going thru right now and there is really nothing I can say to make it better. Big hug to you!
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Do what you need to do, we'll be here if you need to step away. And honestly if you find that you just need to vent and get angry about what is happening, I know for a fact that we have really good listeners here on this forum.
Here is an update... Its long, but much has happened

Dad had his surgery.

The misshapen image on the MRI was due to a loop of intestine overlapping the liver. Dr. J thinks it floated up post laproscopic gall bladder surgery about a year ago. The intestine was "stuck" to the liver...tissue grew together. To fix that and then perform the resection and ablations took about 4 hours.

Dad was discharged on day 4. I didn't like that as he was so weak...but home we went.

Post surgical infection became apparent to even us novices on day 7. ER visit that evening. MRSA level antibiotics prescribed for just in case and sent home.

On day 9 was apparent the antibiotics not clearing the infection, went back to ER as directed by surgeon's office. Was admitted overnite. Infection caused by suture line hematoma, not MRSA, thank God. Wound cleaned and packed. Home nursing arranged and coming daily for clean and repack.

Dad is very frail and has little appetite. My older brother is a chef and he and Mom make all dad's favorites...to little avail. He's lost nearly 30 lbs.

He came and sat at the dining room table with us at lunch today, but didn't eat anything.

The grandchildren are taking turns coming for weekend visits with their beloved Granddad and helping their Gran with chores while he sleeps. My sister flies in for a week later this week. Dad's youngest brother flies in from England soon and will stay awhile. Other of his brothers and sister will start visiting more...they live fairly close. My house is Hotel LooLoo's for so long as anyone needs a bed and a meal while here for a visit.

I'm either at work or at their house, coming home to sleep and wash a load of laundry here & there.

I just cannot tell you how heart breaking this is. Quite frankly I'm just mad as hell one minute and crying the next...

And that's about enough for today. The tears threaten and there's no time for them. Laundry calls.
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I know you are running ragged right now girl, in between your and your parents. Praying for you and dad right now

It's been a very long few months, but Dad is stubborn and hard-headed... must be where I get it from... has ha

Dad is getting well and building up some stamina. We're told it takes about a year to recover from liver resection so it's a long process. He spends a lot of time watching football and reading. We kept thanksgiving very small so he wouldn't get too tired.

I celebrate having Dad with us for another holiday season. We're so blessed. For Christmas I am making him all his candies that my Mama made for him when I was a girl. Date roll, divinity, green stuff (yes that's what she called it), pralines and another one I can't remember the name but I remember the scent of it and I remember Mama rolling it into a wet towel for it to set. I have a little sleuthing to do!

All the prayers meant so much and each is appreciated!

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