Disillusioned young people

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Awesome Friend
Jan 15, 2024
I just read that bills passed in Massachusetts upset many people. They passed an anti-gun bill, and are forcing taxpayers to pay billions to house, feed, and educate illegal immigrants, including forcing taxpayers to pay for illegals free college tuition. This is angering many Americans who are struggling to pay back college tuition loans. Why aren't college students protesting though? It's like Americans have become apathetic.


Today I read about the phenomena in America called the "NEETS" : Not employed, Not in education, Not in training. But it's young men, not young women. It looks like young people - particularly young men - have become disillusioned about the future and have pretty much given up.

What could be causing this apathy? Are they seeing how screwed up everything is and have just given up?

This is angering many Americans who are struggling to pay back college tuition loans. Why aren't college students protesting though?
Because the same people who are giving away freebies to the illegals are giving away freebies to the college students that you expect to be protesting - like canceling their college loans.

"Don't bite the hand that feeds you", even when you know it's a corrupt hand.

This ploy is the foundation of how Democrats stay in power. Buy your voters with freebies. If you don't have enough voters to win, add more freebies.
Because the same people who are giving away freebies to the illegals are giving away freebies to the college students that you expect to be protesting - like canceling their college loans.

"Don't bite the hand that feeds you", even when you know it's a corrupt hand.

This ploy is the foundation of how Democrats stay in power. Buy your voters with freebies. If you don't have enough voters to win, add more freebies.
I thought that loan forgiveness never went through for Americans?

However I do see your point about them buying votes with money they've collected off of our hard labor. How did this system get so corrupt?

Today I read about the phenomena in America called the "NEETS" : Not employed, Not in education, Not in training. But it's young men, not young women. It looks like young people - particularly young men - have become disillusioned about the future and have pretty much given up.

What could be causing this apathy? Are they seeing how screwed up everything is and have just given up?
They are just lazy. :mad:
Everything is not screwed up. There are plenty of jobs, and 'Help Wanted' signs are everywhere.
They are just spoiled to suckling the 'free-stuff' teat.
It reminds me of when I was visiting someone who lived in 'the projects'.
Their neighbor guy was whining nonstop about how hard life was, and saying '...if I only had a job, everything would be good:cry:'.
I went to a company that luved me,, and pulled some strings...
Went back to the guy and told him: "I got you a good job waiting for you, all you have to do is write my name down as a reference, and you will be hired.":thumbs:
His reply:
"Oh I can't do that, I will lose all my bennies.:("

So, don't buy lazy-people's excuses that everything is screwed up. That is a lie.:mad:
Young American men are more interested in video games, smoking weed, and watching porn on their phones than they are in actually doing anything productive. They aren't going to get up early and bust ass for the kind of entry level jobs that every other generation took when they were young. After high school I roofed houses for a while. Eventually I got factory work which then led to the railroad. None of those jobs let a guy have any spare time to look at his phone and they don't mix well with being stoned all day. There's a reason young Latinos are taking over all they physical jobs - they don't mind working and they're hungry to do the work.
They are just lazy. :mad:
Everything is not screwed up. There are plenty of jobs, and 'Help Wanted' signs are everywhere.
They are just spoiled to suckling the 'free-stuff' teat.
It reminds me of when I was visiting someone who lived in 'the projects'.
Their neighbor guy was whining nonstop about how hard life was, and saying '...if I only had a job, everything would be good:cry:'.
I went to a company that luved me,, and pulled some strings...
Went back to the guy and told him: "I got you a good job waiting for you, all you have to do is write my name down as a reference, and you will be hired.":thumbs:
His reply:
"Oh I can't do that, I will lose all my bennies.:("

So, don't buy lazy-people's excuses that everything is screwed up. That is a lie.:mad:
When I worked in the oil fields I offered jobs to many people who were whining about how hard life was. A couple people took me up on my offer and are doing quite well. But most said that they couldn't be gone for 2 to 3 weeks at a time. Even though they would be making a six figure income, AND have free room and board while at work, guaranteed 44 hours per week OT and still have 6 months of vacation per year! Some people deserve to be losers. F them.
Yes things are bad for the young generation . Homes , raw land for erecting a home , the huge hurtled place by the Biden regime to prevent people from getting a loan to purchase housing has all been implemented to drive the nation to communism . We can only hope next year we will install a leader in the United States that will cancel all these communist agendas set in motion since the Biden regime seized power by less than honorable means . Homelessness has skyrocket under the Biden regime with huge amounts of people sleeping under bridges , in cars and hidden encampments . -- However us older people , I hope foresaw this and bought land for our descendants " I certainly did " . We need to think in the terms of survival for the young generation as they did in the " great depression " . We are now in the " greater depression " despite what the same people that put this nation in this predicament purposefully , now claim " don't worry the economy is booming " . Many younger generation families to escape homelessness are " now " living with their parents on an escalated scale not seen since the touted " great depression " . --- What makes the situation worse is the older generation in many cases have moved to cities and towns , chasing the dollar they bow down to . They allowed themselves to just rent a small cubicle to exist in . Even a canary can exist in a small cage but their life quality is horrid . This group of dollar chasers are now in no position to help the children they themselves have created . -- The rural homesteader that in most cases choose less dollars and freedom are in a much better position to help the children they brought into this world .
They are just lazy.
Everything is not screwed up. There are plenty of jobs, and 'Help Wanted' signs are everywhere.
They are just spoiled to suckling the 'free-stuff' teat.
It reminds me of when I was visiting someone who lived in 'the projects'.
Their neighbor guy was whining nonstop about how hard life was, and saying '...if I only had a job, everything would be good:cry:'.
I went to a company that luved me,, and pulled some strings...
Went back to the guy and told him: "I got you a good job waiting for you, all you have to do is write my name down as a reference, and you will be hired.":thumbs:
His reply:
"Oh I can't do that, I will lose all my bennies.:("

So, don't buy lazy-people's excuses that everything is screwed up. That is a lie.:mad: t
That's disheartening to those of us forced to support him! I recall talking to people on a health forum who were all on disability. I asked a nurse why she didn't work from home (I was at the time). Her reply opened my eyes: "I don't have to work!" she said smugly, "We live in a wealthy country!" Now hearing her excuse disillusioned me! It was very hard working and paying taxes to support people like her. There are legitimate reasons why some people can't work but too many have gamed the system. So I know what you mean about lazy people.

I'm wondering if something deeper is going on among young people however. I used to talk to youth in our neighborhood and they said that everyone in their school was "toxic." The values that were instilled in me by my parents when I was young, were reinforced by neighbors, the school, and church. Today it's all bass-ackward. I can't imagine how these young people can remain level-headed with so much thrown at them.
When I worked in the oil fields I offered jobs to many people who were whining about how hard life was. A couple people took me up on my offer and are doing quite well. But most said that they couldn't be gone for 2 to 3 weeks at a time. Even though they would be making a six figure income, AND have free room and board while at work, guaranteed 44 hours per week OT and still have 6 months of vacation per year! Some people deserve to be losers. F them.
OMG 6 month vacations. I would think that people would jump at that. At times my husband had to get up a little after 3 a.m. to make the several hour long drive to a job site. But something happened in this country where people don't think that they have to work hard anymore. I don't know what it is.

I'll admit that I was disillusioned after talking to all these people on a health forum who were all on disability. They couldn't work but could sit on there all day chatting. One woman who collected disability said that she spent every day at the beach! It was very demoralizing to then go to work, knowing that I was supporting people like her.
When I worked in the oil fields I offered jobs to many people who were whining about how hard life was. A couple people took me up on my offer and are doing quite well. But most said that they couldn't be gone for 2 to 3 weeks at a time. Even though they would be making a six figure income, AND have free room and board while at work, guaranteed 44 hours per week OT and still have 6 months of vacation per year! Some people deserve to be losers. F them.
Yep, we got them good oil field jobs down here too.:thumbs:
...Always way more jobs than applicants. :(
And you don't hear a damword about immigrants in large numbers down here....
They know we will put their azzes to work! :waiting:
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Todays young, especially the males, are completely emasculated, uneducated, and pathetically lazy.

While I acknowledge the hardships they face today, I have NO empathy for these people whatsoever. Every generation has its problems, but these past 2 generations are beyond belief.
I don't know many that are disillusioned...I know two young couples that just bought nice homes. One of my sons just spent the last 7 years traveling for his job constantly, he is under 28 y.o., mind of his own. Paid for his wife's big degree. He just finished a year long course and is ready to take on the world; the other couple the guy is an auto mechanic and the woman has a bachelor's degree. They are under 25. Most of the kids I know are headed to a church college. One of my kids, under 30, military, raising a family.
Some of the young people are highly motivated, some have everything handed to them, and or are ignored, or their parents don't even try to connect with them.
Yes things are bad for the young generation . Homes , raw land for erecting a home , the huge hurtled place by the Biden regime to prevent people from getting a loan to purchase housing has all been implemented to drive the nation to communism . We can only hope next year we will install a leader in the United States that will cancel all these communist agendas set in motion since the Biden regime seized power by less than honorable means . Homelessness has skyrocket under the Biden regime with huge amounts of people sleeping under bridges , in cars and hidden encampments . -- However us older people , I hope foresaw this and bought land for our descendants " I certainly did " . We need to think in the terms of survival for the young generation as they did in the " great depression " . We are now in the " greater depression " despite what the same people that put this nation in this predicament purposefully , now claim " don't worry the economy is booming " . Many younger generation families to escape homelessness are " now " living with their parents on an escalated scale not seen since the touted " great depression " . --- What makes the situation worse is the older generation in many cases have moved to cities and towns , chasing the dollar they bow down to . They allowed themselves to just rent a small cubicle to exist in . Even a canary can exist in a small cage but their life quality is horrid . This group of dollar chasers are now in no position to help the children they themselves have created . -- The rural homesteader that in most cases choose less dollars and freedom are in a much better position to help the children they brought into this world .
I think that's probably a lot of it - what do young people really have to look forward to when most can never hope to achieve home ownership? At our old town our neighbors all had adult children living home. I read that one of the president's said "Leaders aren't elected they're selected." I don't think that our votes count at all. I think we've been lied to about almost everything.

A family member told me that that people were living in their cars on her street. We drove through Nevada in the winter and we saw a homeless encampment in a culvert with people out there shivering. All they had were thin tents. It really hurt to see it. All of the billions in our tax money wasted every year and Americans shivering in a culvert. If we pass by another I'm going to hand them out mylar blankets.

You have some wisdom there with having land to pass on.
I think what caused it is liberal mothers. My kids are not like that. Daughter is married has a kid and is in the Navy and son just graduated with a engineering degree ( will look for a job soon)
Liberal mothers that don't prepare their kids for real life and let them get away with stuff, plus don't make them do anything produces people like that. I have seen it
Liberal (often single) mothers let their kids sit in front of screens for hours at a time, eat junk , don't exercise and don't do anything with them and then pay for them to get a useless college degree in another state where they spend most of their time partying I am sure
OMG 6 month vacations. I would think that people would jump at that. At times my husband had to get up a little after 3 a.m. to make the several hour long drive to a job site. But something happened in this country where people don't think that they have to work hard anymore. I don't know what it is.

I'll admit that I was disillusioned after talking to all these people on a health forum who were all on disability. They couldn't work but could sit on there all day chatting. One woman who collected disability said that she spent every day at the beach! It was very demoralizing to then go to work, knowing that I was supporting people like her.
The jobs that I was referring to were rotational schedules, 3 weeks on and 3 weeks off and 7 12 hour days. I have worked as much as 15 months straight without a single day off.
From my observations, most people who are on "disability", vets included, are in perfectly good enough health to get a job. Many are in better shape than I am. Just like welfare, they've made disability too easy to get. A person just needs to whine enough. There are even advocates available to help them get disability. I've seen people in wheelchairs, with missing legs, working at places like Home Depot.
Todays young, especially the males, are completely emasculated, uneducated, and pathetically lazy.

While I acknowledge the hardships they face today, I have NO empathy for these people whatsoever. Every generation has its problems, but these past 2 generations are beyond belief.
You probably hit on part of the problem: the emasculation of males today.
I don't know many that are disillusioned...I know two young couples that just bought nice homes. One of my sons just spent the last 7 years traveling for his job constantly, he is under 28 y.o., mind of his own. Paid for his wife's big degree. He just finished a year long course and is ready to take on the world; the other couple the guy is an auto mechanic and the woman has a bachelor's degree. They are under 25. Most of the kids I know are headed to a church college. One of my kids, under 30, military, raising a family.
Some of the young people are highly motivated, some have everything handed to them, and or are ignored, or their parents don't even try to connect with them.
I had read about the "lying flat" phenomena in China - where young adults dropped out of the achievement-oriented society and just worked temporary jobs, enough to get by. Then today I read about the NEETS and it got me wondering why. It doesn't apply to everyone of course but there is apparently a subset of people that it's affecting. I know that the birth rate in America is way down - most young women are pushed towards a career. It's interesting that many reach their late 30's, early 40's and find out that their career doesn't fulfill them. I watched a documentary on it.
This is a conversation I had with a young person who was crying they could not afford a home
From memory not a quote
I need the government to give me a house I can not afford a down payment
Why can't you afford a down payment? Save some every week
Nothing left after pay day to save.
Why? I know what you make.
I have bills
Ok. Let's break this down
You have a wife and 2 kids what are your bills?
Every day stuff. Power. Gas, water sewer, cable, internet, cell phone
Whooooo up!!
Drop the cable, drop cell phones. You have 3 cars and only need one.

Oh no. We have to have cell phone and internet and cable.
No you don't, If you drop that stuff you will have money for land
No. The government needs to give u the money
Because I was forced to get a college loan
Who forced you?
I had to.
No you did not
You do not understand because Trump hates gays

Dude. I gotta go your stupid.
The jobs that I was referring to were rotational schedules, 3 weeks on and 3 weeks off and 7 12 hour days. I have worked as much as 15 months straight without a single day off.
From my observations, most people who are on "disability", vets included, are in perfectly good enough health to get a job. Many are in better shape than I am. Just like welfare, they've made disability too easy to get. A person just needs to whine enough. There are even advocates available to help them get disability. I've seen people in wheelchairs, with missing legs, working at places like Home Depot.
If it pays that well then it should still be a job that people would be grateful to get.

I knew a guy on disability for over 20 years who golfed regularly and took vacations yet claimed he couldn't work. It was very demoralizing to see him and others get everything for free.

I went to a party a few years ago and met a really nice guy - a vet. I saw nothing wrong with him yet he was given a free house. His girlfriend was a doctor and they married so that she could have her student loans paid for by taxpayers.
A lot of people tend to forget, or overlook, the fact that most of us have gone through hard times too. When I was 19 and married with a baby at home, I took a job as a welders helper making $5.36 an hour. Prior to that I was a ranch hand making $400 a month. On those wages I still managed to raise a family (the wife didn’t work), buy a house and invest for retirement. I went through many layoffs during those early years, taking any job that I could get until I was called back. Never needed unemployment and certainly never considered sucking off the government tit. Those early years were hard, but we survived. Within 4 years I worked up to management level, and in 5 years I sold that house and bought a brand new house for double the money. I spent 14 years at that job. Interest rates were up to 19% during those years. My sister bought a house at 13% interest. I bought a gold mine at 18% interest.
These thumb sucking crybabys make me sick with their whining. They don't have a clue about what hard times are really like.
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I read an opinion piece just yesterday about the number of young people, mostly male, that are on psychotropic drugs.
This is big business for doctors, and pharmaceutical companies. What used to be simply called "boys being boys" has now become teachers, and mothers, medicating these boys into submission.
The article stated that at least one third of young males are on these medications. Adderall, Ritalin, etc.
No wonder they don't want to do anything other than play video games.
This is doubly serious since each and every school shooter going back before Columbine has been on these drugs.
I "Suspect" (code for I really don't Know) a key part is the primary adult male in their upbringing. I was born at end of WW-II and raised by men just back from that war.

I think even young males which my father was, who had been trained by military, that you just "simply" do what you are told.

If I could choose just one recurring statement from my father to me, it is this. "It is not what you want that does you GOOD, it is what you get". Which I early on learned meant, Shut the "F" up and do what you were told to do.

I think that is what the U.S. NAVY pounded into his 17 y/o ass that never finished Sixth Grade. He could not read or write, but he was a no B.S. "shut-the-F-up" and get the job done.

Somehow, I think that is the education today's youth missed.
Young American men are more interested in video games, smoking weed, and watching porn on their phones than they are in actually doing anything productive. They aren't going to get up early and bust ass for the kind of entry level jobs that every other generation took when they were young. After high school I roofed houses for a while. Eventually I got factory work which then led esto the railroad. None of those jobs let a guy have any spare time to look at his phone and they don't mix well with being stoned all day. There's a reason young Latinos are taking over all they physical jobs - they don't mind working and they're hungry to do the work.
Yes but how did young American men get to this point? What went wrong? Was the culture here somehow poisoned intentionally?
I read an opinion piece just yesterday about the number of young people, mostly male, that are on psychotropic drugs.
This is big business for doctors, and pharmaceutical companies. What used to be simply called "boys being boys" has now become teachers, and mothers, medicating these boys into submission.
The article stated that at least one third of young males are on these medications. Adderall, Ritalin, etc.
No wonder they don't want to do anything other than play video games.
This is doubly serious since each and every school shooter going back before Columbine has been on these drugs.
OMG that might be it. Boys aren't permitted to be rambunctiously normal anymore. They have to slap labels on them and medicate them. This is a disgrace.
I "Suspect" (code for I really don't Know) a key part is the primary adult male in their upbringing. I was born at end of WW-II and raised by men just back from that war.

I think even young males which my father was, who had been trained by military, that you just "simply" do what you are told.

If I could choose just one recurring statement from my father to me, it is this. "It is not what you want that does you GOOD, it is what you get". Which I early on learned meant, Shut the "F" up and do what you were told to do.

I think that is what the U.S. NAVY pounded into his 17 y/o ass that never finished Sixth Grade. He could not read or write, but he was a no B.S. "shut-the-F-up" and get the job done.

Somehow, I think that is the education today's youth missed.
Today that would probably be labeled "child abuse" unfortunately. Today's young people need more no-nonsense role models.
OMG that might be it. Boys aren't permitted to be rambunctiously normal anymore. They have to slap labels on them and medicate them. This is a disgrace.
and it has been decades of it, 50 years, I promise you that. The generation of kids born in the 1970s is where it started with medicating the boys. 😭
Yes but how did young American men get to this point? What went wrong? Was the culture here somehow poisoned intentionally?
It has been taking place for years
Let this tin foil hat idea sink in
China. Makes / supplies 95% of ALL medications used in the USA

Ok. Now we have another thread about testing facilities.

Use your head for something besides a hat rack , China is poisoning our meds with girly hormones or something along those lines.
You do not have to believe me, Just use your head. They have announced to the world they hate us. They provide all our meds
It really does not take a genius to see they are manipulating the meds
I could be wrong but do not think so

I grew up in MA. I moved because the laws were so restrictive. I really miss the other states in new england like maine and new hampshire. In ne england I practiced a far greater deal of civil disobedience and would have been considered a felon for openly living the way that I do in the south where I now reside.

When I moved down south (2 months prior to when they redefined the assault weapons ban to include "copycat" rifles) I was able to immediately and openly be more myself without having to explain to every weak bodied liberal moron who felt entitled to tell me how to live my life.

I got into alot of fights up there- my temper was out of control. I felt constantly disrespected and it seemed like everyone wanted a piece of me- and i was happy to give them one... Everyone wanted me to conform, and when I didn't people felt it was an affront to their choices and would report, slander and in some cases literally attack me. The egos up there are unbelievable.

I left and have never gone back- despite having friends and family there I started over. It was only a matter of time before I ended up imprisoned or worse.

When I reached the south it was like people appreciated my independance- now many appreciate and even envy my abilities and lifestyle choices. Which i far prefer to the commonwealths often open hatred of independence and self reliance.

In MA the definition of being respectful was conforming to others, bowing to title and authority and above all else chasing status. down here in the south it means being tolerant of (and polite to) other people and minding your own life.

I was never a NEET. I actually have found significantly more of those in the south... which kinda baffles me. I have a few hypothesis on why that modern apathy is so apparent here- but suffice to say it's becoming a real problem.

I just wanted to take a proper **** on new england before showing I was critical of folks down here in the south, cause I do love it down here.