Do you consider yourself to be seriously & actively engaged in Prepping..??

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Mar 17, 2018
In a cabin, on a mountain, in "Wilderness" Alaska.
Which type articles do you read more often, Current Political news articles, or prepping for survival articles...??
Political news.....on both sides. I start everyday with the Huffington usually helps me wake up....

I don't read survival articles anymore, it seems they are all perpetual motion snake oil etc these days. I so far past the 'pop' survival level they are useless. Its really frustrating. I would like to learn more...but nobody is teaching beyond the basics.

I just read the political stuff to try and keep on eye on what the 'normies' are up to, to get an idea when its time to start dropping trees in my driveway.
Political news.....on both sides. I start everyday with the Huffington usually helps me wake up....

I don't read survival articles anymore, it seems they are all perpetual motion snake oil etc these days. I so far past the 'pop' survival level they are useless. Its really frustrating. I would like to learn more...but nobody is teaching beyond the basics.

I just read the political stuff to try and keep on eye on what the 'normies' are up to, to get an idea when its time to start dropping trees in my driveway.
Your posts/discussions here and elsewhere help other people more than they help you.

That is what happens when you get to the flatter part of the learning curve in any specialized subject matter.
Which type articles do you read more often, Current Political news articles, or prepping for survival articles...??

I have been scouring old historical books as of late looking for nuggets of information on how various cultures and people lived during certain time periods.

As of late i am looking into fish hooks and i knew a few things about them historically i have found old literature about various types and how they changed over the years.

Most articles i see are just get this and that and not deep into stuff enough and often its nuggets outside of dedicated prepping that i find most valuable.Case in point i seen some old native american film from 30's of an old timer.He dropped a nugget about a food source.I know about it but its often high up in mtns and he talked about how they knew when it was harvest time by not traveling up to the high places checking it out.Theres a bush that grows near by this source and when it turns bright yellow he knows the food source is ready to gather.
Which type articles do you read more often, Current Political news articles, or prepping for survival articles...??
I read widely, although I generally avoid the mainstream news. Politics is nothing but theatre and you can't trust many alternative news sources either so it's hard to find quality information so I'm still looking through information that's out there.
I graze through prepping , political and survival articles about equal . I suppose preppers just are interested in such matters , particularly in the time we presently are in as we sit on the precipice of " world war three " , the now ongoing hunger from the depression that is making food and other every day needs unattainable . I find even of interest the folks that can not bear to bring themselves to face such matters and try to pretend everything is trucking along just fine . If people can not face it now , as things worsen their reactions will be pure panic .
I have been scouring old historical books as of late looking for nuggets of information on how various cultures and people lived during certain time periods.

As of late i am looking into fish hooks and i knew a few things about them historically i have found old literature about various types and how they changed over the years.

Most articles i see are just get this and that and not deep into stuff enough and often its nuggets outside of dedicated prepping that i find most valuable.Case in point i seen some old native american film from 30's of an old timer.He dropped a nugget about a food source.I know about it but its often high up in mtns and he talked about how they knew when it was harvest time by not traveling up to the high places checking it out.Theres a bush that grows near by this source and when it turns bright yellow he knows the food source is ready to gather.
Pretty much sums it up for me as well
I have been scouring old historical books as of late looking for nuggets of information on how various cultures and people lived during certain time periods.

As of late i am looking into fish hooks and i knew a few things about them historically i have found old literature about various types and how they changed over the years.

Most articles i see are just get this and that and not deep into stuff enough and often its nuggets outside of dedicated prepping that i find most valuable.Case in point i seen some old native american film from 30's of an old timer.He dropped a nugget about a food source.I know about it but its often high up in mtns and he talked about how they knew when it was harvest time by not traveling up to the high places checking it out.Theres a bush that grows near by this source and when it turns bright yellow he knows the food source is ready to gather.
Somewhat along the same line, and I have "NO" idea how this happened, was for sure not intended/plotted/planned. I found myself standing there making primitive tools and weapons.

Strange how it happened, was unreal. While working on one thing, that turned into useless scrap, I salvaged a part of it for protecting my door area, when opening the door to unknown humans.

Soon I found myself "not" cutting down straight & and perfect diameter trees for one application.......but carefully uprooting the same trees to make exotic weapons from the root system. I feel like a strange possessed prehistoric Neanderthal. This was not intentional, or a goal, just the result of a making one thing, and it turned into scrap.
I graze through prepping , political and survival articles about equal . I suppose preppers just are interested in such matters , particularly in the time we presently are in as we sit on the precipice of " world war three " , the now ongoing hunger from the depression that is making food and other every day needs unattainable . I find even of interest the folks that can not bear to bring themselves to face such matters and try to pretend everything is trucking along just fine . If people can not face it now , as things worsen their reactions will be pure panic .
I was looking for you! I couldn't recall your name. I don't want to hijack the thread but wanted to ask you the best way to protect ourselves if we were attacked by foreign soldiers on foot. Do you think that tripwires are worthwhile?
I was looking for you! I couldn't recall your name. I don't want to hijack the thread but wanted to ask you the best way to protect ourselves if we were attacked by foreign soldiers on foot. Do you think that tripwires are worthwhile?
Trip wires can be very effective . However I don't think in most circumstances they would be a good thing to use . The reason being for most folks , the possibility of targeting a child or some other unintended target is simply too high . -- My personal choice is , I normally allow my dog to roam about freely during the darkness . During the day the dog usually remains confined , to prevent problems with an unwanted attack on a delivery personnel or friendly visitor . For some folks , the dog security may not be viable as there is simply too many people in close approximately of their home to utilize such a measure . Thinking about it , a trip wire would also soon take out your own dog , if they were both being used . --- Just a few days ago my dog alerted me to a desperate person trying to steal gasoline by siponioning it out of my side by side . Indeed he got caught in the act .
Prepping. I include the economy sometimes in that, but not politics. I listen and read alot about people living out of the system, or doing things differently when times are tough. Old times. Simple times in some ways. It's not just reading, I spend alot of time in the kitchen cooking/preserving, so I listen to those topics on my laptop, too. Change it up with music. And visiting with locals. We don't talk about politics hardly, we talk about normal life stuff and how things used to be done. Our son in New Mexico calls daily, and we usually talk about something random, but never political. Yesterday we talked about ice bathing

I'd be a nutcase if I had to think about who is going to win, what banner to wave, what shirt to wear. I never have watched football, either.
Trip wires can be very effective . However I don't think in most circumstances they would be a good thing to use . The reason being for most folks , the possibility of targeting a child or some other unintended target is simply too high . -- My personal choice is , I normally allow my dog to roam about freely during the darkness . During the day the dog usually remains confined , to prevent problems with an unwanted attack on a delivery personnel or friendly visitor . For some folks , the dog security may not be viable as there is simply too many people in close approximately of their home to utilize such a measure . Thinking about it , a trip wire would also soon take out your own dog , if they were both being used . --- Just a few days ago my dog alerted me to a desperate person trying to steal gasoline by siponioning it out of my side by side . Indeed he got caught in the act .
I believe it will get worse with those trying to steal gas. They may be desperate but you need it too. I am grateful for your knowledge about trip wires. I bought razor wire but my husband refuses to put it out due to the wild animals so I have to find something else. I also read that they sell some device on Amazon shaped like a grenade but I forget what it was. It's supposed to be good if you have a group coming at you. That's a concern because if we are invaded there will likely be several well-armed soldiers at your door so I wondered also how to control a crowd.

I am seriously considering a dog. I don't like the thought of caring for one but they are the best alert system there is.
Which type articles do you read more often, Current Political news articles, or prepping for survival articles...??

I read prepping for survival articles, and seldom if ever read anything political. I agree with Aerindel, most are useless, but I try to find a nugget or something I have overlooked.
I believe it will get worse with those trying to steal gas. They may be desperate but you need it too. I am grateful for your knowledge about trip wires. I bought razor wire but my husband refuses to put it out due to the wild animals so I have to find something else. I also read that they sell some device on Amazon shaped like a grenade but I forget what it was. It's supposed to be good if you have a group coming at you. That's a concern because if we are invaded there will likely be several well-armed soldiers at your door so I wondered also how to control a crowd.

I am seriously considering a dog. I don't like the thought of caring for one but they are the best alert system there is.
razor wire on residential property is illegal here but post collapse all bets are off.
Both. I do read prepping articles but more so peruse prepping sections of Reddit, survival pulse and this forum. I will occasionally glean something I put into practice or keep in mind should I ever need it. I also read a few news sites, mostly military based but also some of the adversarial sites. Although I do that more to stir trouble amongst the ranks of the fragile and easily distracted. Playing "I am more woke than you!" is really entertaining and they turn on each other very quickly.
My son put up razor wire a few days ago . - A true story on razor wire - In Nam I had a enemy soldier that was trained in North Vietnam , but saw the error of his ways and defected to our side of the conflict , demonstrate how he had been trained to penetrate our defenses . Around our permitter was razor wire . He stripped down to a very meager amount of clothing and on his belly began to crawl through our razor wire moving each muscle slowly and feeling for the wire on his bare skin . It looked like a snake curving in and out as he slithered around and through the wire. He was soon through the razor wire . -- Seeing that I slept very lightly , knowing some would love to slit my throat as I slept . Beside me when I slept was a loaded and chambered M16 . a bayonet for close work and a live hand grenade .
Do I actively prep? Well not intentionally as a “prepper” but more because of the life experiences and the culture I grew up in. I grew up on a small family dairy farm in the 80’s. Nothing quite like a full on assault by the government to drive family farms out of business by starving them. It left a mark on my psyche and I have grown into preparing for any kind of event by gaining knowledge in all things related to actual needs. So an engineering degree, 20 years of military service in the guard, and working in the woods tends to make you lean into what some might call prepping. We have an acre that supports the growing of enough food for us and probably another 5 families and we actively process it for storage and use it. More of a mini homestead but productive beyond my wildest expectations. I have a library full of books about every topic you might need to keep your family thriving in periods of chaos. Learning and using skills is just how we roll and my menfolk seem to go along with it.
I believe it will get worse with those trying to steal gas. They may be desperate but you need it too. I am grateful for your knowledge about trip wires. I bought razor wire but my husband refuses to put it out due to the wild animals so I have to find something else. I also read that they sell some device on Amazon shaped like a grenade but I forget what it was. It's supposed to be good if you have a group coming at you. That's a concern because if we are invaded there will likely be several well-armed soldiers at your door so I wondered also how to control a crowd.

I am seriously considering a dog. I don't like the thought of caring for one but they are the best alert system there is.
or the best hey look at me system if they aren't trained to shut up and stay shut up on command

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