Do YOU have a zombie plan? The government does...

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well,better to plan ahead than wait 'till you have something stinking in your pants :)
I would be concerned abt those bath-salt users then again you never know what our lovely scientists brew in thir labs
The old "bath salts" bit, eh? I'm still trying to figure out just what the heck happened with that little rash of face-eating. Have you seen the most talked about case victim? Poor guy looks monstrous. Messed up. Supposedly, the only thing they found in his attacker's blood was pot (which a) mellows you out, not making you a face eater, and b) could have been in his system for weeks), but you probably didn't see that mentioned much in the mainstream news.... For most, "bath salts" is the accepted answer, even though it isn't the case.
;) The govts. zombie plan was put together over 2 years and only cost 15 million dollars...............................................The best zombie response......double-tap head -shot........... Vegetarian or not !
Supposedly, the only thing they found in his attacker's blood was pot

They don't have tests for some of the "bath salts." Testing negative only means that he didn't have anything in his blood that they were testing for. This is one reason for their popularity - they DON'T show up in standard drug tests.

While laboratories struggle to keep pace with the proliferating new bath salt compounds, users continue to evade detection in standardized drug tests.
Since suspected though, you would think they would be SPECIFICALLY looking for such things, which is what I believe the articles around it hinted at. He was definitely on SOMETHING though, that's for sure.
you would think they would be SPECIFICALLY looking for such things

Here is the paragraph I quoted from above in toto:

"Several contract and research testing laboratories have used liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and liquid chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC/TOF-MS) testing platforms to develop qualitative and quantitative testing procedures for assaying bath salts in blood, urine, serum, and plasma (25–27). However, analytical capacity is still limited for several of the phenethylamine and tryptamine analogs listed in Figure 1. Further complicating matters is the expanding list of emerging drugs. Methodology also can become complex; for example, polarity switching is often required in mass spectrometry methods (14). While laboratories struggle to keep pace with the proliferating new bath salt compounds, users continue to evade detection in standardized drug tests."
Toxicology not withstanding, the guy was definitely on SOMETHING they couldn't trace.... Someone just doesn't go face-eating for no reason (I hope)....

A weekend night in October - the air is thick with chill. Downtown under moonlight, the streets begin to fill. The annual night is upon us, with Zombies everywhere. They crawl along from Pub to Pub, citizens beware!

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