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Awesome Friend
Jun 10, 2013
Wilmington N.C

This sounds very alarming. I think this Fukushima mess is a lot worse than we realize. If he is correct, I would not even want to touch the snow with my bare hands.

EDIT: Or could be from so many ChemTrails, or both. I have noticed around here every time I see ChemTrails within a day or 2 it rains. Sometimes it is just 2 - 3 ChemTrails, sometimes it is 5 - 8. Seems the more there are the more/harder it rains.
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Rain is caused by condensation and precipitation of excess moisture in the atmosphere.
Contrails are caused by condensation of excess moisture in the atmosphere. (some of which comes from the jet exhaust)

Here is your nexus: the more moisture in the atmosphere, the longer contrails will persist and the harder it will rain.

Whether the contrails have mysterious chemicals in them is another matter entirely, unrelated to the fact that you see contrails when the atmospheric conditions are right. If the air is dry, the moisture from the jet exhaust evaporates immediately and is invisible. What you are seeing is simply water. A contrail is simply an artificial cloud created from the condensed water in jet exhaust. The chemicals in a contrail ("chemtrail" if you prefer) are invisible. They don't condense the way water does.
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Here is a good example of the difference between Chemtrails, and Contrails.

I to have seen the same thing in this video. Hey remember how Agent Orange was spread during Vietnam? It was sprayed using airplanes. I am 46 years old. I can NEVER remember a time growing up seeing LONG (VERY LONG) contrails. Sure it is easy to say "Well you never noticed them before". I am sure at some point I would have noticed them. I have been to many different States, I have lived in several. Never once have I noticed them. I have seen countless photos of "Chemtrails" in grid patterns. I have read countless reports from Scientist, engineers etc etc. The clouds are clearly not as they use to be. As mush as I would like to believe our own Government/Military is NOT twisted enough to do such a thing. Other evidence proves they are capable, and twisted enough to do so, AND the technology to do so as well. I keep an open mind about EVERYTHING, and do my research. There are a lot things I do not believe in such as little green men with big black eyes from another planet.

Also check this out: Read some of the comments below also.

As I always say you do not have to believe me, I would not expect anyone to. I am saying do your own research as I have done. Search for Chemtrails, and Contrails.
Nanook , a-no-no.................Watch out where the huskies go , and don't you eat that yellow snow....................sorry , the dog made me do it.
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If you see a pink tint on top of the snow don't eat it or melt it for water without boiling it . Not sure what it is unless it's listiriea . Will make you sick .
Chemtrails....where to begin.

First off...MOTIVE. What's the motive, assuming we are being sprayed with chemicals deliberately...
Even the powers that be don't want to harm the backs their empires are built upon folks....just isn't good business.

Second...such a method is to believe this nonsense, you'd also have to believe that the elite are gassing their own wives and kids (as well as themselves). Kind of ridiculous, unless of course there is some magic antidote being passed around in Geronimo's skull or something.

Then, there's the sheer VOLUME of the atmosphere to consider. It would take way more chemicals than we produce to have any real effect being that diluted.

The science of contrails is not exactly rocket science, but is seemingly ignored by those who think we're all being gassed daily. Guess what...IF we are, then so are our lords and masters.
I could post many other links regarding Chemtrails, but I won't because that is not what this post is about. It is about alarming levels of radiation found.
Can't watch video where I'm posting from. Is there an article associated, or some results found? I think a lot of this is due to a lack of fundamental understanding of just how radiation travels, acceptable levels, rate of deterioration, etc. No doubt, it's an ecological nightmare, but it isn't going to kill those of us way away from the origin point.

Believe me, I was just as surprised as anyone to learn that even if a 5 megaton weapon hit some of the key target spots around us, we'd still see only minimal radiation, and nothing that we couldn't minimize and easily survive. I assumed we'd be ash shadows on the wall. The reality of it isn't near as dire as people think when they hear radiation.
Ah well... That is good to know that radiation has no dire effect on us, yet mass amounts of dead fish is washing up on shore along the west coast? People living around Fukushima are very sick now. Nothing to see here folks, high amounts of radiation has no bad effects on you. Keep watching those football games, and drinking the kool-aid. Gosh, forgive me for being a concerned citizen posting about alarming radiation levels that has no effect on us. Why do I even bother posting about things that are concerning? Guess I will just go back to keeping my findings to myself. Have a great day.
Not what I said at all.....
But Fukushima is over 6,000 miles away from the US, (and you're even on the other coast), so it may be just a tad

Of course people near the area are going to be sick, etc. But to apply that same concern to folks thousands of miles away is not exactly accurate. My point was simply that folks should look at all of it before jumping to the conclusion that a leaking power plant thousands of miles away, with quintillions of gallons of water, and square feet of air between us and them, is somehow going to have a real effect directly on us.
You know, when I read the name of this topic. I thought you forgot the word yellow.

Either way, the weather is indeed funky, whether it's chem-trails or other methods used to control the whether. there's far too little snow in Europe for the extremely dire winter they announced....
It's more of a cold early fall kind of weather then winter.....

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