Dramatic Pattern Change Brings Fall-Like Storm To the Northeast; South Catches a Break

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A fall-like storm is setting up for parts of the East this weekend, and it'll have people in the region wondering if it's the end of June or the beginning of October. The forecast is so out of season, meteorologists in Boston are warning it'll be downright "awful."

I was so greatfull for a break from the heat! I had several days off from work, with lots of projects around here planned, but had to take a break each day for several hours in the heat of the day. After some rain blew through, it was a so nice!
Our weather here in TX has been strange almost all of this year! I do tend to enjoy the overcast sky when it rolls thru. I got so sunburnt just a couple days ago weeding. It seemed that when I was stuck inside canning that the clouds would move thru and there was no leaving. . . Just my luck:( I did get a few breaks though
This morning was just awesome! Very cool for this time of year and even though I had a table full of ripe red tomatoes, I sad 'screw it, the garden is talkin to me louder!' Spent all day out there weeding and tending my tomatoes. Needed to take of some dead branches off them and staked them up cause they have out grown there cages. Still getting some blooms but not like at first.
This morning was just awesome! Very cool for this time of year and even though I had a table full of ripe red tomatoes, I sad 'screw it, the garden is talkin to me louder!' Spent all day out there weeding and tending my tomatoes. Needed to take of some dead branches off them and staked them up cause they have out grown there cages. Still getting some blooms but not like at first.
I'm getting tomatoes to eat now, but not enough to to can yet. Loads of green ones though. Luckily I still have about three cases of quarts from last season. One thing I've learned, you can't predict Mother Nature, so put away as much as you can on the good years. The heat has put a hurting on a lot of the garden here. Looks like the Cukes and squash are about played out. The broccoli was just about ready to start when the heat finished it off too. I did have a great go of red potatoes and onions at least. Carrots did pretty good too. The grapes are doing great, I guess they like heat, and I picked a gallon of blackberries today. I think I'm going to try a small batch of blackberry wine. I'm close to tilling for the fall planting, but that leaves a lot of time between now and then.
I'm in the process of closing in my front porch. I set the third of six windows today. I think I'm going to try some container gardening in it so I can eat fresh greens year round. I like the idea of having a little more control over the weather. It was nice having six days off work to get some stuff done around here, but I'm back at it tomorrow. Ughhh! On the other hand, I'm greatfull to have a decent job.
Glad you're getting a break there too. It was so nice today. If I was rich I would travel the globe and stay in spring like weather year round. The first time I saw the movie 'endless summer' I thought the guys were bums. The older I get the smarter they seem to me.

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