Drugs - (Just say no) - this makes me mad.

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Awesome Friend
Dec 14, 2012
New York
I'm sitting here watching Drugs Inc. on NatGeo. It's sort of a ritual of mine every week. It always makes me mad that Drugs Inc cameras can go where the cops can't or won't. All they have to do is flash a little money to a dealer, runner, or addict and they have the red carpet rolled out for them.

We should hire network TV to catch the criminals. At least they know where the criminals are.

Maybe law enforcement should take a lesson and start posing as network camera men and producers.
I'm sitting here watching Drugs Inc. on NatGeo. It's sort of a ritual of mine every week. It always makes me mad that Drugs Inc cameras can go where the cops can't or won't. All they have to do is flash a little money to a dealer, runner, or addict and they have the red carpet rolled out for them.

We should hire network TV to catch the criminals. At least they know where the criminals are.

Maybe law enforcement should take a lesson and start posing as network camera men and producers.

Hey Amy,
Tell me about it. i've got illegals and drug runners crossing my acreage a couple of times a month. Border Patrol, Sherriff, don't do much to alleviate the problem. So it's up to me to keep these dirt bags off my land. few years back I caught a couple of wets ( illegals from Mexico ) sleeping in a school bus we use for storage. I called BP to come get them and they said they were too busy. So I told them I had to go to work, and that I feared for the safety of my family. They still said they were not comming. I said OK, you can pick up the bodies later, I'm gonna shoot them and go to work. They said they would be there in 3 minutes.
I live a mile and a half from a BP checkpoint. Worse than that, my Dad was the first Director of the BP Canine Academy in El Paso, Tx.
It's not the Agents that are lazy, it's the politicians who tie the hands of the Agents with stupid policy.
My dad was a freight dispatcher. Every time I heard him say he sent a trucker to Nogales, NM I would think, "Oh no, here comes another load of drugs...."
My dad was a freight dispatcher. Every time I heard him say he sent a trucker to Nogales, NM I would think, "Oh no, here comes another load of drugs...."
Haha. I have freinds in Brownsville Tx that rent tractor trailers to haul loads into Mexico and back. They never know if the truck is comming back and if it does, what it will have hidden in it.
My husband got the idea in his head that he should move us back to Tucson, AZ where he's from originally.... after we spoke to the family he still has there and I learned about the illegals that would sprint through the back yards at night, I looked at him and asked him to pull his head out of his ass. His brother laughed and told me that it would all be okay because the illegals rarely came up to the house.o_O

So me, being the wonderfully genteel lady that I am. Hey, stop laughing. I informed them that we would have the best yard around because if I had to live there, I would be sitting on my back porch every night and pick them off as soon as they came over the property line. After all, didn't they know that blood makes the grass grow?

No way and no how could I live in AZ, NM, NV, CA or anywhere out west, I'm a Ozark hillbilly and I need my seasons and cool weather to look forward to.

As far as the drugs... Maybe we need to bring back public executions and use them for drug dealers and runners, just might be a deterrent once these people see how it's dealt with.
My husband got the idea in his head that he should move us back to Tucson, AZ where he's from originally.... after we spoke to the family he still has there and I learned about the illegals that would sprint through the back yards at night, I looked at him and asked him to pull his head out of his ass. His brother laughed and told me that it would all be okay because the illegals rarely came up to the house.o_O

So me, being the wonderfully genteel lady that I am. Hey, stop laughing. I informed them that we would have the best yard around because if I had to live there, I would be sitting on my back porch every night and pick them off as soon as they came over the property line. After all, didn't they know that blood makes the grass grow?

No way and no how could I live in AZ, NM, NV, CA or anywhere out west, I'm a Ozark hillbilly and I need my seasons and cool weather to look forward to.

As far as the drugs... Maybe we need to bring back public executions and use them for drug dealers and runners, just might be a deterrent once these people see how it's dealt with.
As for the executions, the Cartels have been doing that for years and they still get new competition.
Read about it ( in spanish with greusom pics ) on BLOGDELNARCO
The thing about drug runners is that they can't run too well if you cut off their legs... Or, my personal favorite, bear traps!!! All you hear is CLANG!!!! a second of silence, then AAAAGGGHHH!!!!

Love the idea!
Unfortunatly thats not " humane" and will get you thrown in the hoosegow!

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