Easy water finder.......

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HamRadio/Office of Emergency Services/Fire-EMT-SAR
Nov 13, 2012
Squaw Valley, California, USA, EARTH
This tool has been around for a long time. I was introduced to it years ago by my uncle who was trying to locate an old well on his ranch that had no surface evidence. I laughed at it in disbelief telling my uncle he would not find water with it. He never said a word except told me how to hold it and told me where to walk and wait for it to move. I was much younger and would not believe it would indicate where there was water. I walked around kinda giggling to myself thinking this was silly until the rods seemed to move. The rods did end up moving but it was my belief that I moved them. My uncle told me to back up and walk forward again and in doing so the rods moved again. I had to keep trying this because I didn't want to believe it. After many attempts to disprove this method and this tool I was convinced when we dug up an old well pipe. I was amazed and tested it in many ways.
I made myself one a few weeks ago and saturday went through the same process with my son. I found my septic and to really show my son that it does work I had him dig a small hole and fill it with water then cover it over. I asked him to tell me the general area it was located in and I walked about 4 minutes until the rods started to react and eventually got the rods to move inward until they came together. As my son watched I moved backwards until I could get the rods to point out straight then I moved towards the hole again and the rods moved in. He had to take it from me and do his own tests.
It really does work but I don't know exactly how. My uncle has stated that this tool can locate water several feet below the surface. My tests have confirmed it can find water 7 feet underground, at least thats where the septic tank is. I will keep it as a possible buggout tool.
Up here where I live underground springs can vary in depth. I have two wells, one had water at 820, the other, water was at 85 feet and they are only about 600 feet away from eachother.
wouldn't that be great, to use this and find a shallow spring just under the surface.
I'd like to take it south to the desert and try it out. I have dug only 2.5 feet east of palmdale in the desert and run into water.
Anyway, I thought I would share this cool tool. give it a try and you may surprize yourself.
It requires (2) two units, one for each hand.

This tool has been around for a long time. I was introduced to it years ago by my uncle who was trying to locate an old well on his ranch that had no surface evidence. I laughed at it in disbelief telling my uncle he would not find water with it. He never said a word except told me how to hold it and told me where to walk and wait for it to move. I was much younger and would not believe it would indicate where there was water. I walked around kinda giggling to myself thinking this was silly until the rods seemed to move. The rods did end up moving but it was my belief that I moved them. My uncle told me to back up and walk forward again and in doing so the rods moved again. I had to keep trying this because I didn't want to believe it. After many attempts to disprove this method and this tool I was convinced when we dug up an old well pipe. I was amazed and tested it in many ways.
I made myself one a few weeks ago and saturday went through the same process with my son. I found my septic and to really show my son that it does work I had him dig a small hole and fill it with water then cover it over. I asked him to tell me the general area it was located in and I walked about 4 minutes until the rods started to react and eventually got the rods to move inward until they came together. As my son watched I moved backwards until I could get the rods to point out straight then I moved towards the hole again and the rods moved in. He had to take it from me and do his own tests.
It really does work but I don't know exactly how. My uncle has stated that this tool can locate water several feet below the surface. My tests have confirmed it can find water 7 feet underground, at least thats where the septic tank is. I will keep it as a possible buggout tool.
Up here where I live underground springs can vary in depth. I have two wells, one had water at 820, the other, water was at 85 feet and they are only about 600 feet away from eachother.
wouldn't that be great, to use this and find a shallow spring just under the surface.
I'd like to take it south to the desert and try it out. I have dug only 2.5 feet east of palmdale in the desert and run into water.
Anyway, I thought I would share this cool tool. give it a try and you may surprize yourself.
It requires (2) two units, one for each hand.

I have often wondered if these did in fact work. I have seen them on videos, but that is never a guarantee of anything working.
I personally seen these work. They are used by what is a called a "well witcher". It is a skillful trait but also relies on a persons body magnetism. I watched an 90 year old man come do this last year on a rancher we purchased in eastern Oregon. The well was originally 100 ft deep and only got 20 gpm (gallons per min). He walked around with those little rods and did his magic and found an artisan spring 300 ft deep and with over 100+ gpm. So yes it does work. In the farming community it is a trusted source. If you ever have a chance to go watch it in person or pick the persons brain do it. The gentleman I met was beyond willing to share his knowledge about it.
It does have something to do with a persons magnatism. Something about your cores magnatism which has an effect on the earths natural magnetic lines and how the current being released from the ground and water is channeled through your body to complete a magnetic circuit . There are some of the old folks here that will not trust any new technologies and only rely on this tool.
they are diehards and always find the water.
I have also experienced this with varying success. No special handles just a metal coat hanger bent in an L shape will work.

My first experience with this method was when a friend showed this to me. His dad worked for the water department and would use this method to find water lines. I couldn't believe it until I did it for myself. Then I still had a hard time believing it. It was great, I could find water lines and sewage lines pretty accurately. I showed this to many people and it would work for about 90%.

I moved to a different location and I do not have the same success at my new home. I simply can't find anything here, even if I know there is a line there. I have a theory as to why I can not. We have several springs coming out of the ground around us here, I think that there is just simply to much water in the ground for me to pick up on a single source. someone more attuned to the method could probably still do it here.
The ones that I have seen made by some oldies where I live and the one I made, the handles are made of pine and the rods are just old hangers. Some say the rods should be made of copper as the copper seems to channel this magnetic circuit better than other metals. With old hangers in my case it does work as being curious and not believing from the start my testing has proved to me that it does work. I'm not a scientist so I don't understand the physics of it but there is definately some earthly science behind it's operation.
Follow the diagrams I posted precisely and give it a try.
I know some disbelieve in this as I once did. I told the "oldies", man of 89 with his own device like this that it was just some sort of trick he was playing. He moved to squaw valley when he was 2 years old and watch his father find water waaaay back then with this same device. My father, his brother and several old locals plus myself made it work.
Like I said, i'm not a scientist and don't understand how it does what it does. I do understand a bit about magnetic fields and do know that water has a big effect on the conductance of electrical energy as does the water that occupies a major part of our bodies. It's science.
For some reason water witching seems to work better with men. We had someone come out to witch a new well on my sister's place. Most water well drillers around here has someone that witches for them. I've tried with no success. If it works on magnetism, then that might explain it. I can't wear a watch of any sort because it will either quit or run backwards. My Mom and both of my girls have the same problem.
I have seem them try many many times and never find water. Never have I ever seen one work... I am a huge disbeliever.

We got our money back from three different people with guarantee to find us water, and countless other around us got their money back as well. The people we had come out to find and drill our wells found them in about an hour.

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