edc questions

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Super Friend
Dec 28, 2014
South Eastern N.C.
alright so im in the middle of trying to optimize the things i carry daily. somethings i need to start carrying and somethings i am removing from my pockets, as i am considering creating a edc organizer like a maxpedition pouch and leaving that in my car or toolbox (if im at work) and not carrying that every single place i go. then making a GHB to leave in the trunk or backseat of what ever vehicle im driving that day.

so, currently (on my person) i have.

- my SCCY CPX-2. loaded and chambered
- IWB holster
- Keys w/ cheap carabiner
- small single blade old timer
- 2 inch kershaw assisted open (not sure the exact model)
- wallet (check book looking one, slim and tall)
- cell phone, i phone 5s
- glasses and wedding ring
- fairly often i have a small pouch with a cigar or two, cutter, and a lighter. not always and it isnt something i turn the car around for just something i take from time to time.

i do not carry i huge pocket knife, and i dont understand why some people carry 5 plus blades on them
i was looking for a nice small flashlight to pocket carry but my phone has a pretty decent light and i just assume put it in my edc pouch, so im still open to any suggestions about a nice pen style flashlight (or equal). i never carried a pen or a compass for mainly the same reason... i could do all that with my phone, But... now im thinking it wold be nice to have a back up and it annoying having to look for a pen all the time if i have to sign something or write something down while im on the phone. so i shopped around and found a great deal on a fisher space pen. any feedback on those?
i recently ordered a citizen drive watch with a compass on the band also... so i have a back up clock and techinically 2 back up compass' as i can use the hands of the watch to navigate is all else fails.

so, is there anything else you guys would suggest for edc items that i carry in my pockets, something i should change? i hate having kangaroo pockets and dont wear cargo pants, just normal jeans. so i like keeping it simple or having a few item that are very multi use.
It's just the mag and I chamber it when I load it. I Was raise "if it ain't ready to shoot it's a paper weight". When it isn't in my holster I do unload it and store it safely.
Joke about blades... I'm one of those carry's 5 knives guys.. LOL More like 3 but, you get the point. You may need to reload. Knives break and you may need to throw one to make an opponent flinch or help you close the distance.
i carry the old timer for small stuff.... tags and strings or boxes etc. once in a while it ends up cutting my sons chicken nuggets haha the kershaw is for anything "dirty" i guess... its partially serrated so i cut rope and rips thru tuff plastics.

im not anti blade.... i just cant carry a big blade everyday.... well, i havent found a bigger bladed knife that i like to carry, and im not about to spend 80 plus on a knife im not sure about.
Start with cold steel voyagers. They go from 3 to 5.5 inches and have several blade shapes.
I'm a big fan of credit card multi-tools....the size of a credit card, but metal and can do screwdriver and wrench duty. Keep a couple in the wallet.

I'm also a fan of LED mini-flashlight keychains. Always handy.

A good Gerber multi-tool is a must have for me. (and fits the role of the pocket knife, but with other useful things)

Paracord bracelet (just too useful not to have)

Keep forgetting the Japanese name for it, but basically a little stick on the keychain you can use for pressure points (Kubatai, something like that?). Kind of handy too, as long as you know pressure points. More force than just a finger alone.

Lighter (even though I don't smoke)


However, I also keep an EDC kit in my laptop bag. I have all that in a post around here somewhere. But, since my GHB is in my truck, I figured, if I can't get out of the building for some reason, would be good to have some gear with me.
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have one of those Japanese kubotais also, just left the spikes away which were inside of it,suppose they are to throw but I'm no ninja and would probably hit my own foot ;)
Oddly enough, I'm an awesome shot with throwing stars. I just don't see how they'd do much damage unless you manage to hit the opponent in the face. Annoying and painful? Sure, but not very deadly, even the ones that are sharp. I still wouldn't want to be hit by one though...especially with some power behind it.

I can even throw those crappy ones (all bent up) at the Ren Fairs, etc. I usually like to really make them stick, and make the guy work at prying them loose, hehe... :D
They were meant as a distraction in a fight. They were also used as a grappling tool.

Most weaponry weren't ninja specific. The Samurai use them a lot. They where taught as distraction arts. Also used as a last second poison delivery system.
okay,time to dig out those little darts that were inside my kubotan..they're here somewhere...in the closet...
found them...
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Check out sporting goods stores for flashlights. The Dick's in my area had a sale in these Field and Stream lights that fit very neatly in a pocket next to a small knife, I got mine for fifteen bucks and I carry it daily. Very useful to have at work on a fairly regular basis. Takes a single AA which is ultra convenient. I really prefer standard battery sizes as they are readily available and often go on sale.
I haven't really gotten around to focusing on my EDC yet, but normally I carry my lockpicks (yes I practice with them), a gun ( .038 special 5-round revolver), and my wallet. Sometimes I'll also carry pepper-spray or a knife and my bump-keys. I also try to carry a pen and note pad, I leave this in my purse so I don't even have to think about it.
I'm with you on the battery sizes. And don't get cheap knock off brand batteries, at least not for your EDC or BOB/GHB. They don't last. Stick with Duracell or Energizer, etc.

i agree.. i use the energizer rechargeable batteries....i have a pair of D batteries,in which i've had since march 2009..
I haven't really gotten around to focusing on my EDC yet, but normally I carry my lockpicks (yes I practice with them), a gun ( .038 special 5-round revolver), and my wallet. Sometimes I'll also carry pepper-spray or a knife and my bump-keys. I also try to carry a pen and note pad, I leave this in my purse so I don't even have to think about it.

I would not carry lock picks or bump keys in VA unless you are a licensed locksmith. In VA, if you are found with them on you, you are automatically guilt of felony burglary and possession of them is considered proof of the crime. It is then your job to prove that you didn't intend to commit the crime.

Code of Virginia - § 18.2-94 - Possession of burglarious tools, etc. If any person has in his possession any tools, implements or outfit, with intent to commit burglary, robbery or larceny, upon conviction thereof he shall be guilty of a Class 5 felony. The possession of such burglarious tools, implements or outfit by any person other than a licensed dealer, shall be prima facie evidence of an intent to commit burglary, robbery or larceny.

"The possession of burglarious tools by one not a licensed dealer is alone, by the statute, made prima facie evidence of an intent to commit burglary, robbery or larceny. The presumption, however, cuts off no defense nor interposes any obstacle to a contest of the facts, and 'relieves neither the court nor the jury of the duty to determine all of the questions of fact from the weight of the whole evidence. 'It is merely a rule of evidence and not the determination of a fact * * *.' When possession is proven, the burden of going forward with the evidence shifts to the defendant, but this does not shift the burden of ultimate proof, or deprive defendant of his right to have the jury instructed on the presumption of innocence….
" In other words, when a person, other than a licensed dealer, has been shown to have in his possession burglarious tools, the burden of making a reasonable explanation to overcome the statutory presumption is shifted to him…." NANCE v. COM.

(Possession "by one not a licensed dealer" is considered prima facie evidence of intent to commit a crime. Our lawyers could find no definition of "licensed dealer.")
from my time in Ulster during the troubles I found a case hardened mini prybar far more effective and quicker than lock picks, , failing that my bayonet and after that a my size nine combat boot :)
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Dang, thanks I had no idea. but since they can't search me (legally) without a warrant, good luck finding them on me. However, I might just leave them at home, considering a felony is sorta a pain in the tush. Looking at the forms to become a registered lock-pick they don't look too bad. maybe I'll go ahead and try to go pro.
here's some things that are my everyday carry.the lil flashlight,i use quite often when there's not quite as much light as i like.

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I would definitely recommend a very good quality folding knife around 3-3.5" for EDC, 100.00+ you will recoup the value when you really need to use it for defense. As for a flashlight, again don't go cheap they just break or aren't bright enough, but for this I mean like 40.00 or so. Check out Ezetta, I have a Fenix E11 that isn't very expensive and has a great led light that is around 100-200 lumens, forget the exact number but it's quite bright, and takes 1 AA battery. I am amazed that some of you carry a Gerber every day? Very bulky for a jeans pocket and draws attention if worn in its pouch on the belt unless you are a person that would use it in their job such as myself when I worked. I carry mine everyday on my belt but everyone around me is used to me carrying something like that all the time. I also wear military type BDU pants everyday so plenty of room for me to carry a bunch of stuff. My EDC is listed in another post on the gun page somewhere, but here is the short list; Walther PPS 9mm in a custom made outside or IWB holster with 2 spare mags in matching holder, flashlight from above, Zero Tolerance folding knife(forget exact model), paracord survival bracelet(not one of the crappy cheap ones), sometimes I carry a CRKT folder instead of the Zero, Zippo lighter, don't smoke but always good to have a Zippo! I carry a spare flint in the lighter and spare fluid in the car, usually find a way to carry a carabiner either on a belt loop or in a pocket(just good to have one that can support someone if it's needed), always carry a tactical pen too since it's another weapon that can be used if needed(forget the brand but it's one that's not an obvious one), that's all I can think of and my hands hurt and I have a headache so going to try and sleep. Have a good night everyone and I hope this helped so,e people, if not I can answer more questions next time I am on the forum.
from my time in Ulster during the troubles I found a case hardened mini prybar far more effective and quicker than lock picks, , failing that my bayonet and after that a my size nine combat boot :)
Size 9! That's cute...

@TRICK620 , I imagine you've sorted this out by now. Here's my 2 cents anyways... I would carry a spare magazine. I've seen that go awry too often to think one will cut it. Not from a round count issue, but from a malfunction point of view. Maybe a better carabiner, too. I used to buy them from our local hardware store and they read, "Do not use to for repelling or supporting weight". I never gave it thought until it broke and sent keys to the ground. Luckily they were on "Sub-rings" so I just picked up 4 rings with keys. Still, if you buy a bonafide carabiner, it's not likely to crap out. Are you carrying this in your pockets? I'm a backpack guy, but I keep certain necessities on my person, gun & magazine included. I'll often have another mag or 2 in the bag, and sometimes another gun. It just depends on where I'm gong and a few other details.
i carry my gerber multi tool plier and my stanley utility knife on my belt everyday..and my flashlight as well now that i have it fixed up right so i can..i may of gotten some looks when it comes to my flashlight.on account,it's not a everyday carry for most ppl around here.but yet.it is normal to see a multi tool plier and/or utility knife on a persons belt around here thoe..
My Gerber is on my hip 99% of the time. My wife draws the line on the tape measure while at a nice restauraunt, but lost the battle on the multi tool. I would like a good light as the mini one I carry in my pocket sometimes is junk.

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