EMP and Satellites

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i have to say that it's somewhat possible.to very possible to happen with-in our life time(s)..but my question is.will it be from a solar flare emp,or a man made emp? and if it does happen with-in our life time(s),then the question is,when will it happen?
SATs generally require direct hits to take them out, they are designed to take a certain amount CME that rides with EMP. An HAEMP may not take out the SATs but may prevent earth stations from receiving the signals providing the explosions are within 200-325 above the earth but as killing satellites it would require a direct hit. All the enemy would really need to do is deny us access not necessarily kill for a certain amount of time in other words blind us during the first and second wave of the attack in hopes that a retaliatory response be limited ;)
Refer to my signature........................... its fine and dandy to enjoy the benefits of modern technology such as GPS Nav systems, Irridium sat phones, Satellite streamed data like the internet, satellite streamed TV etc................... but its borderline terminally stupid to rely upon it.

And never minds nukes and EMP I fear a CME causing another Carrington event far more than nukes
There is also afield of thought backed up by some experimentation that an EMP may not be as devastating as first thought especially with modern vehicles.

Whoops part of my post disappeared.

Modern vehicles are actually pretty good Faraday cages themselves you can blast them with mega voltages with people inside and the energy passes round the vehicle harmlessly before jumping to earth as the tyres act as insulators. And we use Faraday cages either purpose made or improvised old metal trash cans, microwave ovens etc to protect our valuable electronics.

And YES we Brits are completely insane.

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People are buying into the hype that an EMP would set us back to the stone age, that is furthest from the truth! The biggest problem is going to be communications and the grid but not the grid as a whole, sure, we may lose power or many intermittent disruptions though it doesn't mean the end, SE is absolutely correct in saying don't rely on electronics. As preppers/survivalist we shouldn't even concern ourselves with electronics given for the most part it's a matter of conveniences and really nothing more. If one uses electronic make sure it can be backed up mechanically/analog such as GPS Vs compass and know how to use it, learn to use compasses and printed maps together.

The biggest issue is going to be with people that rely on some form of life saving devices that require power and since funds are very limited with the majority of folks in this situation any type of backup is going to be cost prohibited for the majority, I can't offer any words that offers comfort, unfortunately that's a cold hard fact if we ever find ourselves in this situation though that doesn't mean we shouldn't prep if we are in this situation given there is generally more than one family member that doesn't rely on any form of power to survive, even being sick we must make sure our loved ones are taken care of in our absence even knowing the dire straights of our situation, the best hope is knowing we done all we possibly could have done with what resources we have had to make sure our loved ones have a chance to survive!
for most,it would be the stone ages.those would be to dependent on electronics transportation of all kinds,that depends on fuel of some kind, and all..but it'll be very much like going back to the 1800's for the rest..
Take an American EMD 40 dash 2 and remove the electronic gubbins that makes it a dash 2 and you have a very reliable Locomotive than can haul goods and generate electricity through its DC generators ( yeah its actually slightly more fiddly but not impossible) and it will run on biodiesel cept in the far nortrh where they will need to dd wood alcohol to stop it turning to wax) All is not lost. I reckon we will go back to the 1950s rather than the 1900s.

One aspect I try to encourage UK preppers to consider when they are looking to move home is to try and buy a play as close to Navigable waters and Heritage Railways as possible, because Steam, Sail and Horse Drawn boat / trains aint affected by EMP at all.
4000hp @ 165-240 gallons an hour at notch 8 delivering 2250-3000kw's were at idle would use 8gal an hour, lot of fuel usage for this power plant.

ooooh you pedant :) OK then a GP15 or similar short line loco, they already have basic electrics but can still provide enough power for a small community, AND you dont need 24 / 7 power in a SHTF scenario just enough to shift water to tanks, chill the freezers, recharge the comms and power tools etc.
ooooh you pedant :) OK then a GP15 or similar short line loco, they already have basic electrics but can still provide enough power for a small community, AND you dont need 24 / 7 power in a SHTF scenario just enough to shift water to tanks, chill the freezers, recharge the comms and power tools etc.

I didn't know the fuel usage.. I was surprised, my Daughter n law father is a retired engineer who ran the electromotive's... I texted him to ask :)
I didn't know the fuel usage.. I was surprised, my Daughter n law father is a retired engineer who ran the electromotive's... I texted him to ask :)

Biiiiig greedy two stroke 12, 16 and 20 cyl diesels, crazy fuel hungry but very simple and reliable. Back in the day a Loco from EM could theoretically power the essentials of a community.

Oddly enough the the modern successors of the EMD Geeps and SDs are now utterly dominant in the UK and EU where they are called the Class 66. We have about 500 of em running around here.
a EMP is a major concern they will fry most everything not protected,,,,,but will one take out our satellites and turn them into chunks of scrap metal,,,,,so far I have not found anything on this subject

The EMP would actually be more directed towards targets on the ground, though you can bet both sides have some weapons designed for taking out the others' satellites.
Wasn't there a CME back in the 1870's or 80's that took out a lot of telegraph lines in at least part of the US? I think any operators using the telegraph at the time got a good shock too.
And in the 40'or 50's wasn't there an EMP over Hawaii? I'm hoping that someone here has a better memory than me and has the details. Heck, it could have been in a movie I watched years ago.
Wasn't there a CME back in the 1870's or 80's that took out a lot of telegraph lines in at least part of the US? I think any operators using the telegraph at the time got a good shock too.
And in the 40'or 50's wasn't there an EMP over Hawaii? I'm hoping that someone here has a better memory than me and has the details. Heck, it could have been in a movie I watched years ago.

Yeah it was called the Carrington Event but it happened in 1859 read about it here:

There was a high altitude nuclear test in Hawaii they called it Starfish Prime.
This is not in the year range you indicated though.
Yeah it was called the Carrington Event but it happened in 1859 read about it here:

There was a high altitude nuclear test in Hawaii they called it Starfish Prime.
This is not in the year range you indicated though.
Those were the ones I was referring too! I have extremely limited internet access here on my phone so I may have to look them up next time I'm in town.
a EMP is a major concern....

Grayghost...if you're interested in solar fired EMP's (CME's & filament releases), this a link to a daily morning report that I start my days with. Strictly science based, usually about 3 0r 4 minutes long, it's a great way to get a heads-up on what risks our star may have in store from us. We WILL eventually get hit with another Carrington type event....it's just a matter of time. A little 'advance notice' could be a good thing. ;) This is the report from this morning......
