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HamRadio/Office of Emergency Services/Fire-EMT-SAR
Nov 13, 2012
Squaw Valley, California, USA, EARTH
Hello preppers, I have recently been informed by an x-coworker who started working for Lawrence Livermore Labs back in 2002. He is a graduate of UC Stanford with a major in aerospace engineering and electronics. He called me a week ago to tell me, or inform me to be more prepared. I asked him prepared for what? He said for either an EMP or CME, electro-magnetic pulse or caronal mass ejection.
He has never told me what his job is there. He always jokes and says if he told me he'd have to terminate me. his information is regarding a new project that started in October of 2014. his part is an engineer on some part of this program or engineer on a specific part(s) of this new piece of hardware. He tells me that LLL has started a new project for protection from a CME or EMP. He says that LLL has sped up a completion date of January 2017 to June of 2016. This new project is a huge priority and the project size is large enough that it would take 10 semi trucks with lowboy trailors to move this object in pieces.
Trying to get detailed info from him is like trying to grow hard boiled eggs.
bottom line is the government is really interested in protecting something from cme's or emp's. He claims that LLL along with other federal agencies are very serious about protecting something and they want this project finished yesterday.
Ok, I have been preparing for emp's and built 2 cages large enough to put my wifes scion xa in it. It's not for the car but I have a lot of communications items and many other electronics that I want to protect and these cages have been tested and will do the job, when and if they are needed.
Of the info that was shared with me I can say something has changed with NASA and something they have been watching has either changed course or done something to set off alarms. Maybe it's new activity on the sun. what ever it is there will not be a press conference to tell us that a massive EMP has occurred on the surface of our sun and it will be here in 8 minutes. I can't figure what protective device could be so large as to require 10 semi's to move. He says there are other facilities around the US doing the same thing or building the same thing at the direction of some federal agency.
I'm going to hound him again for more detailed information. I guess it doesn't matter too much as a cme or emp are not going to give much warning other than it occurs on the surface of the sun and shows up 8 minutes later. 8 minutes i think is close, it's just minutes it takes to get here.
I know the sun has done some very unexpected things in the last few months. some say it's because our solar system is moving closer to the central line of our galaxy and the Earth will be getting hit with energies that are created by the core of our galaxy. energies like gamma radiation which some at NASA and other scientists have agreed that this is already happening and it's heating up the surfaces of all the planets in our solar system including the Sun and our home Earth. What is also said by scientists is that gravities of all planets will also be affected a great deal affecting the stability of the surfaces and could lead to increased earth-quakes, volcanoe erruptions and severe weather changes around the globe.
I'm ready for whatever I can be ready for and what I cannot prepare for i guess it's a lounge chair, a cold corona and a prayer. I'm not afraid for the Lord has me by the hand.
There is an increased concern about emp/cme but there has been an increased concern about many things around the globe too. I guess I won't worry at all just make damn sure I have enough ice for my beer.
happy Valentines Day Preppers................................God Bless.
The only unexpected thing that happen to the sun was the magnetic field has flipped but that was in 2001, Wife haven't mentioned anything unusual with the sun? "our solar system is moving closer to the central line of our galaxy" FYI We travel around the galaxy sort of speak, our solar system doesn't move to center, it moves like it is in a vortex though without the funnel effect (stable orbit) our galaxy core is a hole around a black hole. ;)

I think we need to understand our sun is a very small star compared to all the other stars in our galaxy in fact it is so small it can't even go super nova. I think much of these stories about our solar system heating up is derivative from a newly found planet kepler 452b (so-called earth's twin) and it's very big sun and the affects of kepler 452b sun would have if in our solar system. EQs around the world haven't been increasing, not really a lot is out of the ordinary regarding EQs.
I think we're more at risk from a human caused EMP than a CME. I also doubt they can truly see CME's coming with much accuracy, at least not so far in advance.

Now, if we experienced an Earth pole shift, and CMEs were occurring during THAT....then we may be in trouble...so that's more probable of a scenario (and one they'd likely see coming).

Don't believe the pole shift hype, it would be disruptive, but not SHTF, though combined with large CMEs, that could be bad for modern conveniences and the grid in general.
If we do get hit with a CME I would hope we will be on the dark side when it does hit given that the dark side would be less disruptive though if we are hit with a HEMP then I would say we have a bigger issue than just losing power, in either case I pray we don't get hit by neither. The earths pole reversal isn't history making stuff, in earths time it happen quite a few times.

I also think CME/HEMP damage is over stated, most things not plugged won't be damaged, we actually deal with EMPs often like during an electrical storm, unplugging the equipment generally protects them.
Even though there are things that occur that are not making headlines because they have happened many times before there are things that are occuring that should make headlines. All the planets in the solar system are heating up including the sun and earth. They are also seeing changes in gravity of the planets in the solar system. we travel at about 72, 000 kmph and our solar system is getting into unknown areas our solar system has never seen before.
Much of what was said above is true. there are areas of our galaxy that are more energetic than others sending out more harmful things than other areas. I just read another update on this and there are several sites where you can read this easily enough about temperature rises of the planets in the solar system. I'm not a scientist and even the pro's may believe to some degree that this is what is occuring they are still not 100% sure that the reason for the temperature rises is our solar system coming in to an area that is more active with some sort of radiation.
They all agree that the solar system is being affected by something new and the gravities and temperatures are changing. whether this is true or not something is affecting our solar system and if it continues to affect our solar system in the way it is we could expect to see our sun change in a way that will affect the earth's temperature and gravity and will increase the possibilty of earth-quakes, weather changes and many other destructive things.
with a total of 9 facilities around the country building something to protect against emp/cme's it seems that enough is happening to create an urgency within the government/military/NASA to finish this project sooner than was originally planned. what is allowed to filter through the media for us to see/read may/may not be true as always. I've followed the story of this topic for a little less than 3 years and with each update comes a continued increase in both temperature and gravity effects on the solar system.
Our concern should be the intensity of the pulse or ejection. Using a faraday cage to protect your electronics will work as long as the pulse is limited but a pulse extremely high will just burn up the screen and everything inside. At that point we ourselves would not be safe.
CME or EMP? An EMP could come from a high-altitude explosive device like something mentioned that Russia has one and could use it against our military knocking out all electronics and taking away our militaries ability to control or communicate. It's just been talked about and if true, detonating something high up would send an EMP across the nation destroying all the grid.
my Father, rest his soul was a top ranking engineer for Lockheed-Martin and worked on the Tridents, sub launched nuclear missiles. Detonation would occur and everyone and everything within a 50 mile radius would reach 10,000 degrees in less than 1 second. The EMP from it would extend much further.
Who knows what may happen, all we can hope for is survival.
It seems many countries are flexing their muscle right now. Both China and Russia have been sending jets down the west coast and we have sent many jets ourselves to intercept with nothing serious so far happening. There is talk to that Russia has sent subs down the same path. The recent launch of a Trident II off the west coast is in response to this in sort of a message "Hey, we still have missiles we can control, launch and direct where we want", sort of flexing our militaries muscle.
They all agree that the solar system is being affected by something new and the gravities and temperatures are changing. whether this is true or not something is affecting our solar system and if it continues to affect our solar system in the way it is we could expect to see our sun change in a way that will affect the earth's temperature and gravity and will increase the possibilty of earth-quakes, weather changes and many other destructive things.

I hate to say it, but there may be something to a far planet out there. In fact, it's all but proven these days, which is really rather shocking. It made mainstream news a while back, but then faded. So far, just the math shows it is there, we really haven't SEEN it yet. But, this isn't the same Sitchen nonsense of Nibiru, etc. This is stone cold science.....(Caltech no less)


Brown notes that the putative ninth planet—at 5,000 times the mass of Pluto—is sufficiently large that there should be no debate about whether it is a true planet. Unlike the class of smaller objects now known as dwarf planets, Planet Nine gravitationally dominates its neighborhood of the solar system. In fact, it dominates a region larger than any of the other known planets—a fact that Brown says makes it "the most planet-y of the planets in the whole solar system."

So, if it was getting closer, it would explain a few things. Or, this middle-aged hermit wizard just may be off his rocker....who knows?
Along the lines of this discussion..... I don't know if you have ever heard of this gal ( I had not) or seen any of her YouTube videos. This one is interesting..... but is it credible?

I think with the advent of the internet in particularly youtube folks take parts and half truth and create facts in way of how it is printed (youtube) for the general public ;) It's like these supposed influx of earthquakes or the experts say Yellowstone getting ready explode, many of these so-called experts are not experts at all or they don't really exist, I have already debunked many of these so-called EQs/Yellowstone crap. For those that don't know, my Wife works for the USGS/UW and is in constant contact with teams on the West coast from Berkeley to Seattle and yvo at Yellowstone, she's a mineralogist or as Northern Raider calls her, a rock doctor. All I'm saying, be cautious to what is on youtube and the entire internet, facts are only in 1/10 of 1% of what is printed on the internet. "it must be true, I've seen it on the internet"

The Solar system as will as the Galaxy goes through events every now and then that may not be seen again for generations, fluctuations in solar activity is a normal occurrence 'in time'! In Longs written piece in journal Science he has shown that earth experienced a period of “solar global dimming” from 1960 to 1990, during which time solar radiation hitting our planet’s surface decreased. Then from the mid-1990’s onward, the trend reversed and Earth experienced a “solar brightening.” A grand minma solar activity in the 19th century took place and in the 21st century solar physicist's have said the sun is going into a grand minima again!
Also, here is a place you can go every morning to see what (if anything) as happened on our sun. It's called Suspicious0bservers .This site is strictly science with the purpose of pre-warning us of any flares, eruptions, or potential of CMEs incoming, along with predicted arrival times. We get it with minor & medium CMEs on a regular basis and it is only a matter of time until another Carrington class event takes place. Within the last couple of years we have narrowly missed 2 or 3 'kill shot' events, one of them (around April? of last year) close enough to hitting us that if it would have happened about 18 hours earlier, it would have been a direct hit on the Earth. I go to this site every morning with my first cup of coffee to see if there is anything to be concerned about. So far, so good!

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I think with the advent of the internet in particularly youtube folks take parts and half truth and create facts in way of how it is printed (youtube) for the general public ;) It's like these supposed influx of earthquakes or the experts say Yellowstone getting ready explode, many of these so-called experts are not experts at all or they don't really exist, I have already debunked many of these so-called EQs/Yellowstone crap. For those that don't know, my Wife works for the USGS/UW and is in constant contact with teams on the West coast from Berkeley to Seattle and yvo at Yellowstone, she's a mineralogist or as Northern Raider calls her, a rock doctor. All I'm saying, be cautious to what is on youtube and the entire internet, facts are only in 1/10 of 1% of what is printed on the internet. "it must be true, I've seen it on the internet"

Exactly! But, some YouTube stuff is credible. That's why I was wondering if anybody knew about that gal.
I think you'll like the link I posted above to the Suspicious0bservers YouTube channel.
Along the lines of this discussion..... I don't know if you have ever heard of this gal ( I had not) or seen any of her YouTube videos. This one is interesting..... but is it credible?

@ the 5:30 mark emergency alert system her comment "not seen this every week" will she never grew up in the 50s and 60s then when it was known as the Conelrad system part of the Civil Defense! Conelrad become the Emergency Broadcast System that become Emergency Alert System, the EAS now include both the weather warnings and local civil emergencies and it is to be tested weakly, it was slated to be tested weekly since 1997 but the expense kept EAS from going nation wide until the last 10yrs, right now along our coast EAS/NOAA activates our new All Hazard Alert Broadcasts (AHABs) this replaced the old civil defense sirens along the coast.

...then she talks about M.A.R.S. being tied into EAS, this only makes since given that HAM radio would get the word out if all conventional communication means isn't available or off line, because of logistics the Military is used to one degree or another in emergencies and always have been ;)

In the end, the Government got caught with their pants down and it's an ooops moment, now catch-up time on many fronts, not just national but also on a local level. FEMA took the brunt of criticism for being ill-prepared during Katrina now that the Government is prepping all these red flags start popping up... we can't have it both ways! one thing people don't understand about FEMA is that it's nothing more than a giant phone book that call other agencies in times of a crises. It is the smallest agency with the smallest of all smallest budgets yes it does have warehouses with supplies but nothing like it's grandfather the Office of Civil Defense has had, good God, imagine the 50s and 60s government preps would cause with today's computer chair critics. For logistics purposes the Government wants to know where additional supplies may be housed be it surplus stores etc... including foods, this isn't new! The Office of Civil Defense also ask local communities to inventory what can be used in times of an emergency and supply the list to the local CD community administrator. While I take issue with the government on so so many levels we also need to keep things in perspective. Many of these arm chair critics wasn't even born during the red scare and really have no clue, FEMA is nothing more than a shadow of its forefather ;)
i was outside earlier,and suddenly thought.i have a head start on having a emp cabinet with shelves..i have a ply-wood cabinet,in which i bought in a yard sale years ago.all i need to do.is add aluminum siding,or what ever to the outside of it..
Something I found, when looking into putting mine together....aluminum tape. Don't forget to line the inside with something like cardboard.
Mine is covered with standard screen material and of course grounded to a grounding rod 3 feet in the ground and I made contact points at the door with 8 gauge wire conecting the door to the rest of the cabinet. Radios, tv's and cel have failed to work from inside even when the transmitting device is right outside. The nearest cel tower is about 3/4's mile away. even wifi doesn't work. tested and passes. found it quite interesting when the door is opened and I have cel coverage and a radio signal either through a local repeater or simplex then the door is closed and all signals are lost even when I try to talk simplex from a mobile at 50 watts inside to a handheld only a foot away from the screen. this is how it's supposed to work, nothing gets in or out. I'm going to cover it with something in order to hide to contents and protect things from rain.
not sure at this point what i'll use. I'm happy with it. You could even just cover and existing wood shed with screen and should get the same results just remember to make sure the door which is covered makes contact with the door frame. the smallest opening that is not covered will allow signals to get in.
Maverick, being with OES, RACES and ARES, i guess through state levels there has been some inventory process going on as to what county level ham clubs have. They have been inventoring repeater systems, what club members have been taking what disaster preparedness training and what gear individual licensed hams have in their shacks. It's quite a large operation but vital information they can use to get knowledge as to what is available for various situations when communications is compromised.
There have been a few times when hams in Fresno County were called upon to supplement communications for fire, medical and police and the annual disaster training is just that scenario. communications for all agencies has gone down and hams are what is left operating. so far things have worked well and i'm glad they keep the training going so we have many hams who know what to do, how to setup things and most important how to coordinate everyone and equipment to handle any situation where everyone is on the same page. At state levels this i think is what they are shooting for. a standardized way to do things so state level and county level operators are all on the same page. I started my community emergency responce team training a long time ago with RACES and ARES back in 1991 when each county did things the way they wanted but everyone was on a different page and it did not work with the county next door. It's been a long time coming but it's being changed for the better and this standardized way of doing things is a must if county and state level disaster service operators are going to get the job done right. FEMA has their hands in it and as you said, they are not going to do much except make calls to get state and county level emergency communications up and ready.
the smallest opening that is not covered will allow signals to get in.

That's the cool part about the aluminum tape, can use it to make the equivalent of weather stripping for a secure fit.
My Daughter n law is triage nurse and my Daughter is a triage/flight nurse both are involved with FEMA's ESF #7 and ESF #8 and are volunteers with ARC, my Son is a Deputy Sheriff who is involved with FEMAs ESF #13 who is also involved with meetings regarding Washington State emergency management division that heavily involves the Military (Washington Military Department’s Emergency Management Division (EMD) and add my Wife involvement with the USGS I get inundated with information, After 12yrs Military I worked with the USFS Enforcement Division then later as a Game Warden for Washington State so my knowledge isn't short on information ;)

After the Korean War my dad worked for the Department of Civil Defense so my whole young life was practically around Civil Defense. My whole thing is I want people to prep, I will tell ya FEMA nor anyone from the Government is going to be there for ya within 4 to 6 weeks in many upon many communities of a catastrophe, period.! The Feds are reactive and that isn't going to change anytime in the near future bureaucracy will always get in the way, if we ever have that supposed 9.0EQ here on the West Coast FEMA wont be able to mobilize in force with in 4 to 6 weeks until a full assessment is made ARC will be here way before FEMA arrives ;) The better we prepare as individuals the quicker First Responders can attend to one's that really need them! The Feds first primary concern is the infrastructure such as roads, communications, medical facilities, shipping docs etc.. not uncle dick, uncle dicks hope is with the First Responders not the Feds.

Our HAM Radio Operators are very much involved with the local and States Emergency Management as will as FEMA and very much part of the Emergency Alert System, we have many different types of potential catastrophes here in Washington from the Trident ballistic missile sub base to EQs to tsunamis to live volcanoes plus a big fat first and second strike nuclear target(s)
congrats rob with the licenses. Maverick knows the ropes well. I tell people don't rely on anyone but yourself for that 4-6 week period. a lot of the training put on is for community members to learn the basics in their communities. We have been trained by fire, police, medical and PG&E and verizon and AT&T. there are so many things to do that can prevent further problems with propane tanks, electrical utilities and much more not to mention what you can do at your own residence to prevent further problems. We had a quake a couple of weeks ago centered near 120/395 area. I live in squaw valley which in eastern fresno county, NOT the ski resort. I was sitting on the sofa programming a transmitter for my flightzone RC beaver with floats. I heard it coming, sounded at first like a big truck coming up the driveway but after 3-4 seconds I realized it was an earthquake. As it got louder and I started to feel it i started heading for the door. Before i got to the door it hit and I swear the house lifted a few inches then was dropped and it sounded like that truck (hihi) hit the house. We are at least 50 air miles or less from the quakes center and it was only i think 4.something. Like the one i was in at san jose, working as a cement pipe maker, i heard it coming and swung my platform out away from the machine so I could see at least 4 miles of RR tracks, roads and buildings and it was just like being on LSD. When you see something like this that does not register in your mind you think your seeing things. The tracks, roads, ground and buildings seemed to turn to liquid. It was weird.
anyway, ham radio is the way to go as far as communications and keeping in touch. The various agencies within ham radio and the training available from them is a gold mine if you want to really prepare. The knowledge is a must and with it you can share that knowledge with your community and make a difference and save lives. Thats why since I am now only a super over green EMT's and do traffic control when I can i keep my certs current because of the knowledge that will be very useful when the need arises.
My dad worked for Lockheed and was the lead engineer with the trident and trident II series and has been sent to Bremerton many times to update computer software and hardware while the nukes were still aboard a sub. I've been there and wouldn't want to be when a nuke was headed for that area.
I have done a bit of research on the jaun de fuca plate and the ergency around quakes in the Seattle area. I've heard from so many about the eastern border of the devastation zone being hwy 5 and everything to the west will be toast. FEMA has even put out a forecast with the help of scientists and usgs on what the losses will be down to how many fire stations, schools and hospitals will be gone. myself i think that area is more likely to go before the fault here in cal. Either way, if the quake we had recently was let's say a 9.6 with a much longer duration, my home would have been leveled and transported down the hill some 300 yards in a pile of rubble. Some people think if your in the mountains you are much safer. NOT so. We here are at the same risk level as people in san fran. The radiation in the ground as the energy is sent out is going to travel hundreds of miles depending on the power of the quake.
Thing is prep now because nobody is going to help you for weeks and the first few days when nobody comes to help is the most critical time. Do what you can for yourself and then gain transferable knowledge that you can train other people in your community. As stated, when I was headed for the door I was headed outside to shut down propane and electrical. Thats my first thought in a quake. If you gain knowledge you'll understand why it's important.
Everyone needs people who are trained and know what to do. There will be so many who will be lost mentally and stunned to the point they can't even help themselves. People will need some guidance and leaders that will help to make things get done with caution and people who will know what is a priority.Our priority is different than our governments and like what was stated, the government will take weeks to assess the situation before anything will start to get done.

Rely on yourself and don't wait for FEMA to come help you. Prep NOW because you will NOT want to go anywhere there are masses of people looking for help. In a situation like a massive quake most people are frantic and should not be trusted or at least be extremely cautious when approaching a city or town where there are huge numbers of people. There priority is NOT your well being, it is food, water and transportation.
It would be a great and smart idea to get a ham license, and at least a couple of handheld transcievers. Get involved with a local ham club and look into RACES, ARES, CERT and ask questions as to what types of training is offered to hams as well as community members. Taking a good training class is very well worth the effort and time it takes. The safety and well being of you, your loved ones and other members of your community should be a priority. Besides that, ham radio is a fun and important hobby and many many hams are volunteers with various groups who take very serious the business of emergency preparedness and being ready to go when the SHTF. they take pride in being ready when needed, doing a great job and they don't need a pat on the back. they do it because that's who they are.