ever look like a prepper when you shop?

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Awesome Friend
Apr 3, 2013
deep east texas

i dont think i look like a prepper when i shop..mainly because some if not most ppl shopping at same time is getting more then i am..but i have had some folks look at me as if im nuts or what ever,when i get more a certain canned food then i really need..
Yes lol I go to the outdoors section every few days to see if they have any new stuff in stock. People always look at me like I'm a weirdo
Most folks are too busy wondering what the heck I plan on doing with a 25lb bag of carrots.

Simply put, that bag is about $16, whereas buying it any other way is $1 per pound (so $16 vs. $25). And the horses go through exactly one bag a month.

I tend to buy HUGE bags of rice also, mostly because you can really just save buying big on this. Shopping tip for all, look at the shelf tag, and look for the Price per Oz. and compare that way. Easiest way to tell if something is a deal or not. Bigger isn't always cheaper per Oz.
I know that I look like an extreme coupon shopper but that is how I hide my prepping! I buy only sale items and or items with my coupons (on hand at least 10-15 coupons per item) But when I hit the sales with the coupons I stock big time! Each week I pick a few items that fall into the sales/coupon deals and I but as much as I can! Over time I have built up a stock pile of items that will last 6-12 months worth. That frees me up to buy more of other items! Rotate is key!!
I'm sure I do sometimes. I know people used to look at me odd when I bought spools of paracord. Before the "Wrap everything in paracord craze" anyways.
We first got into couponing during unemployment periods. Once realizing the savings, hard to go back.
I got into couponing 3 years ago when we lived in apartment and my friend just got home and showed me what she saved! I started that monthand we started having contests to see who saved more. I loved what I was able to save! I now work on coupons and ad matching about 14 hrs a week and save about $345 per month. Some months are better that others. My best was last year at tax time I set $500 away for a stock pile trip and after my coupons I came home with $1112 worth of items for $405. So excited we went to dinner at Outback as a treat. Yes, I had a coupon for there too!!
Gettingreadymama has to win some kind of prize for that. That's like what, $800 in savings?!

I like couponing and shopping sales, but I should be better about it. I think I'll start paying a little better attention to things.
To get coupons you have to get the news paper right? I dont have time to read the paper and it just seems a waste to keep having it delivered.
I use to cut coupons, I know it pays off if you shop right!
just go to where they have news paper stands when they have the coupons in them.that way you only get that news paper,with out all the others
The real big way to save seems to be accumulation. Even though new coupons come out each week, they are usually valid for a month or more. So, after about 4 weeks, you've got a month's worth of coupons. Now, match those up with store sales, and really save. If you're in an area that has stores that double or even triple coupons, all the better. Also, realize that many stores will let you use a store coupon AND a manufacturer's coupon for the same item (or may even accept their competitors' coupons).
The more you can match coupons with sales the more you save. That is the savings you should put towards the items you still need, that you can not get on sale or with a coupon!! Some times the savings is not much, but if it helps in any way to off set the full coast of anything that is a "BIG DEAL"!

Happy savings in any way you can get it!!:)
Most folks are too busy wondering what the heck I plan on doing with a 25lb bag of carrots.

Simply put, that bag is about $16, whereas buying it any other way is $1 per pound (so $16 vs. $25). And the horses go through exactly one bag a month.

I tend to buy HUGE bags of rice also, mostly because you can really just save buying big on this. Shopping tip for all, look at the shelf tag, and look for the Price per Oz. and compare that way. Easiest way to tell if something is a deal or not. Bigger isn't always cheaper per Oz.
I normally buy 3 lbs of rice for $1 when it goes on sale. The bigger bag is not normally a good price for me. I did find the 25lb bag go on sale once and it was for around $5 a bag, but that has only been once and a few years ago.
everybody thinks I'm "strange" anyway!! I was asked once by a till operator if I was collecting tin(can) openers-they were on offer cheap so I grabbed half a dozen or 8- I said "YES"- end of conversation !!!!
Extreme couponer here. I buy inserts online when I can't scrounge them. Things I get for free or pennies include tp, pt, toothpaste, deoderant, shampoo, conditioner, razors, soaps, laundry detergent, milk, cereal, oatmeal, rice, pasta, canned veggies, feminine products, sodas, Mylar pouches of spam and Tuna.

Coupons usually matchup to sales about three weeks after they come out. Check here for inserts or individual coupons bought in bulk: http://www.couponfleamarket.com/default.aspx I use http://www.sundaysaver.com/ to locate store ads. I use several apps to maximize savings: Ibotta, saving star, aisle 51 and reciept hog.

I don't make friends when I shop lol but I'm not a shelf clearer. Got my coupons cut and organized in photo books in a bag for easy locating and removal. I got tired of the binder.
I like to mumble to my self as I shop. I keep a side eye on the crowds. When they start showing interest in me, I fake spitting to the floor and curse " Stupid Feds!". They hurry off real quick.
I love that story. ( Pee Wee Herman voice).
That's one of the nice things about using click n pull at Sams club, they have everything ready for you to go. All you have to do is pull in, go pay (if you didn't pay online) they will help you load up even. Once in a while someone will say, "you guys must run some sort of day care or something huh?" We just say "yup" and that's it. Sometimes at Wal-mart when we buy some of the bulk stuff, especially the Auguson farms stuff in the #10 cans or at grocery stores when we load up on sale items people will look at us funny, but I really don't care if they do. I like to start staring at their cart, then their eyes and back and forth like there is a dead body in their cart until they finally start looking away or it's my turn to check out.
sometimes my brother looks puzzeld when he looks at my shoppings,he knows I live alone...why is he buying so much cans etc. look,well I keep learning to have some extra just in case and have to be honest,havn't told anybody abt my supplies,like to keep a little secret ;)
most of our shopping anymore is done at costco with the majority ordered through them online and shipped to us, if we end up personally going to costco we fit right in as far as purchasing large quantity of stuff, the same with home depot, we very seldom go anywhere else! so, to answer your Q, no, I don't look like a prepper when we go out into town to shop.
I order a a fair amount of stuff online too, but not from costco, while we don't have a costco here, when we lived in Minn. their was one there and their is one in OR where my parents live, so I've been in them, but even if we had one here, I won't shop there due to their anti 2nd amendment policies.
I look like a bum , unshaven , dark cheap sunglasses , dirty work clothes , straw hat....... fart and talk to myself ..............folks get out of my way and let me go ahead of them in the line...............they're scared to look in my basket.................. wife says " Are you really going to town like that."..................Yep.............. "Well , take the dogs with you"
I order a a fair amount of stuff online too, but not from costco, while we don't have a costco here, when we lived in Minn. their was one there and their is one in OR where my parents live, so I've been in them, but even if we had one here, I won't shop there due to their anti 2nd amendment policies.

while I agree regarding your sentiment about costco I to have a beef with them though I take a slightly different view, when SHTF places like costco will be the first to fall and while they are still able to conduct business I'm going to take advantage of it, this way I can put more money elsewhere. If you think doing business with an undesirable now is sickening, wait till you have to deal with the low-life's after the SHTF ;)
while I agree regarding your sentiment about costco I to have a beef with them though I take a slightly different view, when SHTF places like costco will be the first to fall and while they are still able to conduct business I'm going to take advantage of it, this way I can put more money elsewhere. If you think doing business with an undesirable now is sickening, wait till you have to deal with the low-life's after the SHTF ;)

Why would I do business NOW with someone I don't have to, especially when I get most of the same stuff for about the same price at other places that aren't anti 2nd amendment? In a situation where I might have no choice other than to deal with people I'd rather not deal with is an unavoidable situation that can/does happen, but I'll burn that bridge when I get it.:D
Most of the businesses I deal with are pro 2nd but I also have many conservative friends that are pro 2nd and also preppers that are ex military that get there auto insurance through progressive even home depot isn't overly gun friendly, even the good guys deals with the enemy from time to time, kudos to ya if you can get ALL your shopping through Pro Gun establishments :)
My family first thought I was crazy when I first started to prep. But when a huge storm came through town they knew I wasn't crazy. They saw I was smart.

i have to say that i do look like a prepper at times.and thats only because i stock up on certain items,when it comes to the foods i like the most.

:D:D i love my favorite foods.other then that,i think that i dont look like one
With the influx of a local Walmart Super Center, the small mom and pop grocery stores has been driven out of business.
Because we have been reduced to two grocery stores - one being Aldi's - it is very hard to shop and actually save money. Funny thing one of the stores is owned by Shop n Save..
The store augments the savings - double coupons on sale items by increasing the price of everything else. 2% milk is now $4.15 a gallon.
To entice people to continue to shop there, they started a program where they offered short term savings on gasoline.
Then the gas station raised their price $.12 cents more then the local convenience store - Sheetz.

Now in order to save money on everyday items, you either have to pay the going rate, shop at Walmart or wait until it goes on sale and then stock up.
Out of town grocery store excursions is the norm here.

I have reduced my grocery budget to about $30.00 a week.
Mostly bread and banana's and milk and cake / brownie mix, some meat - occasionally - if it is on sale - hotdogs if I can get them for $1.00 a lbs.

I buy Campbells soup and Heinz ketchup by the case when it goes on sale..

Average $30.00 over 52 weeks, that gives me a budget of about $1500 per a year.
This gives me a lot of buying power - when things goes on sale, and creates a starvation hollow type scenario when things are not.

Church food pantry's supplements my dietary needs.
You can also get some good deals dumpster diving - if you know the days when the places throws things away..

The potato chip distributor throws away hundreds of bags of chips per a week.
They took to stomping on them a couple of years ago, along with cutting open the bags!
A 1 gallon zip lock bag will hold 1lbs of chips...
Not too hard to figure out that if you bring home 20 bags - you can eat the crumbs - and live like a king for about $5.00 worth of Zip Lock bags!

If you are a real prepper - you would try to conserve as much of your resources as possible for tangible goods.. Once you drink a bottle of soda or eat a bag of potato chips - it becomes intangible.
Things like guns and ammo and tools and a place to stay is more important to me then having expensive store bought food or going out to eat..

My brother says I look like Winnie the Pooh when I am climbing out of a dumpster..
Potter County Man shall henceforth be known as the Dumpster Diver......................... beware of dumpster juice , dude.

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