Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy

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Awesome Friend
Dec 29, 2012

I'm honestly worried about where do they stop?? They want control of us, as in the entire world right now. Depopulation is big in their agenda right now with ALL of the new mrna vaxxs, Covid or Monkeypox. The Mrna is the start of from my understandings and how many million got the vaxx? They are merging AI technology with humans. I do not see this going very well at all! Feel like it will be way more than just a spying tool.
I'm honestly worried about where do they stop?? They want control of us, as in the entire world right now. Depopulation is big in their agenda right now with ALL of the new mrna vaxxs, Covid or Monkeypox. The Mrna is the start of from my understandings and how many million got the vaxx? They are merging AI technology with humans. I do not see this going very well at all! Feel like it will be way more than just a spying tool.

Make no mistake, this biotechnology is to control and remove humans from the earth. They’ve said it themselves. The way to Stop and Beat their takeover is to destroy their labs and destroy electricity. No electricity and they are stopped cold!
Make no mistake, this biotechnology is to control and remove humans from the earth. They’ve said it themselves. The way to Stop and Beat their takeover is to destroy their labs and destroy electricity. No electricity and they are stopped cold!
Agreed....The global elite are constantly trying to reduce the population.
Also wanted to add that the transhuman WEFers NEED 5G Towers to implement and carry out their evil plans. KNOW where these towers are at around you. Maybe even target the 3G Towers. Be prepared to make them useless!!!

Beware of the beginnings, Europe is 3 steps ahead of you and it takes shape here very quickly in terms of complete surveillance, Grandpa Joe will want only the best for you in the same.
If you don't fight it in the beginning, the system will make you a nameless slave with an ID number, and when you are no longer useful to the system or a danger, the system will make you disappear from the scene.
I must consider to emigrate to Siberia, rather a hard and not so long life in the cold, than a life in this matrix.

We do NOT have much time left.
Beware of the beginnings, Europe is 3 steps ahead of you and it takes shape here very quickly in terms of complete surveillance, Grandpa Joe will want only the best for you in the same.
If you don't fight it in the beginning, the system will make you a nameless slave with an ID number, and when you are no longer useful to the system or a danger, the system will make you disappear from the scene.
I must consider to emigrate to Siberia, rather a hard and not so long life in the cold, than a life in this matrix.

We do NOT have much time left.

So I have a question on the first article you posted. What if a home is run entirely on solar but has a hook up to the grid to sell back excess energy? Or do you have programs like that? Would you still be required to have a smart meter?
Here, all homes have been unupgraded to smart meters for two years and you have no choice. Even with solar on the roof you are connected to the grid and have smart meters, even if the things are not safe, they are installed almost everywhere.
The Energieleiferant can turn you off at whim, will happen in Europe this winter certainly so, you will see.
If you have Solanr on the roof and your Netzbereiber turns you off, brings you the solar stuff also no longer because the control without Netzstron funktionier, unless you have invested a lot of money in switches and batteries.
They have been installing smart meters here in the US as well. In Houston they put in over 2 million of these things into homes back in 2009. This past summer, many in the Houston area were surprised that they literally could not cool their homes below 83 degrees F because the electric company had taken control of their thermostats.

Trying to decide whether to stay completely unhooked with solar at the BOL, or hook up and sell the extra energy back to the electric company.
How does a smart meter prevent the thermostat from properly working? They are completely separate systems.
How does a smart meter prevent the thermostat from properly working? They are completely separate systems.
Even for the thermostat are alreday app-based systems aviable and the tech-freaks almost installed it to control the temperature at home from every place they have internet. And when you as an lil' private can do it - what do you think what the gov can do?
BTW about new cars in Europe: In Europe every new car needs to have an automatic emergency system who decides by an accident if police is required or not and call them automatically. Every new car has an system on board who sends permanently datas to the manufacturer like: Speed, how you drive, how you handle the car, which buttons you press, what kind of music and how loud you listen, and - always your GPS position too. Of course for customer support only - as they say and if you believe. And the same cars have already an remote installed which allows a shutdown from the outside. At the moment it's not really active because it's not allowed by law to do so. But law changes instantly as the state would like it.
How does a smart meter prevent the thermostat from properly working? They are completely separate systems.

You are right. Let me clarify.

Our A/C crapped out last year during the 110's we get every summer. My husband contacted the AC company. They put in the new unit and a new "smart" thermostat. I was out of town at the time and when I got back, not happy. He says to me : "But, they took $200 off the bill if we got this one!" FACE PALM. I can forgive him because being in IT, he doesn't exactly see technology as an invasion of privacy much of the time. He just doesn't think that way.

They put in the thermostat to be "compatible"? with the smart meter on the house (which I also found out about retroactively).

So apparently, if you have one, you need the other? IDK, electricity is not my thing.
So the real answer to my question is that the Smart meter do not need to be hooked to your HVAC system. Nor is a smart Thermostat required to operate your HVAC system. Tech people don't think through the issues, they only see ease of operation through their phones. SIASD.

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