My biggest weapon against the apocalypse is my faith in humanity. Do you know how easy it would be for anyone, even the biggest weakling ever, to kill you? Would be simple, even if you're athletic and carry a gun around. They could walk up behind you and shoot you. Why don't they? Because we're all in this together.
If there were a SHTF scenario, I wouldn't lock myself away and keep others out. This would go against what makes us the superior species to begin with.
So, I'm curious...
To bring this, if at all possible, back to prepping...
Imagine that you have a neighbor, no college degree (you have admitted previously that to you, this makes him inferior, less important to society) just say, a Union Electrician. Now, during the good times, he builds a water tower in his yard, and installs solar to run the pump.
Now it's SHTF, and you have no water. It hasn't rained in months. The stores have been looted of water. The taps don't work. You and your children are dying of thirst. Meanwhile, your neighbor is watering his lawn, and sometimes even just spraying his hose in the air to make a rainbow. You have tried to barter with him for water, you have begged, but he has just said no. To be completely clear, you are not getting water from him, period.
What now? Were does your "faith in humanity" stand in a situation like this? Is he a bad person, because he is refusing to share his bounty?
I would imagine you feel that you have a right to his water. He should be sharing. Since you are a pacifist, and depend on the good will of others in dark times, what do you do? Demand that someone make him give you water? That would be the socialist solution, for the government to step in, and share his wealth equally with all. But then again, you have a high degree, you are extremely healthy and fit and well educated. Shouldn't you get more water for you and your children, than say, a warehouse worker with a GED? After all, you are better for society in the long run, at least that seems to be your view from your posts. So shouldn't others suffer just a bit, so that you can be given more and ensure the survival of a better class of humans in the future?
So since I am sure you don't think that your neighbor, having had the foresight and worked hard enough to afford to have his water tower when the need arose, should get to keep and enjoy the fruits of his labor, who gets his water? Do those with college degree's go to the head of the line to rob this man? Do Teachers get 2 gallons, while garbage collectors get just one? When you (and the best class of society) have taken all his water, and his well is dry, what then? And what about the "max 50 people" you have chosen to house in this crisis, who are now depending on you and are guests in your home?
I suspect that despite your talk of morality and faith in humanity, you would be the first to sneak in at night, and smack your neighbor with a candlestick, before you let your lack of preparation sentence you and yours to death. After all, you are a superior human being, it's only fair. Right?
Simple question. Do you watch the light go out in your children's eyes because your neighbor doesn't agree with your faith in humanity? Or do you get that water, no matter what?