Family and loved ones + Prepping

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Awesome Friend
Jul 1, 2012
Southern California
How does your immediate family/loved ones feel about prepping? Do they feel the same way as you, or think its a waste of time?
How does your immediate family/loved ones feel about prepping? Do they feel the same way as you, or think its a waste of time?
My wife has come on board pretty well! She doesn't like me spending a ton of money, so I have to be covert about that. My kid thinks it's great.
My wife has come on board pretty well! She doesn't like me spending a ton of money, so I have to be covert about that. My kid thinks it's great.
Wish I could say the same, I'm having a hard time convincing my girl friend of how important it is. She thinks its silly that im stacking up on canned foods and storing water away.
If a earthquake hits and you guys have to tap into that stuff, wont be silly then. Just go shut the water off to your house and don't tell her, then break out your stash of water and BAM you are a hero.
If a earthquake hits and you guys have to tap into that stuff, wont be silly then. Just go shut the water off to your house and don't tell her, then break out your stash of water and BAM you are a hero.
I like it! I think I may do that just to see how the kids react and if they know what to do.
They got a rude awakening as did my better half when we had a forced evacuation due to a gas main leak about 2 months ago.
I have a few friends that see the need to prep but my hubby is still thinking on it. He likes the fact that prepping saves you money in the long run but still gets a little anxious when I buy big quantities of food that are on sale. The water in bottles in the basement surprised him but I think he got it when last week the city turned off our water for the day while working on a water main and we actually relied on those stores! Kids think I am a bit overboard but try to explain to them that an emergency can happen at any time and its good to have extra in order to take care of your family.
Wish I could say the same, I'm having a hard time convincing my girl friend of how important it is. She thinks its silly that im stacking up on canned foods and storing water away.
One of the things that helped me win my battle to show how important prepping is was when we had an evacuation in our neighborhood due to a gas main line rupture. It seemed to put things more in perspective.

Prior to the rupture she never tried to stop my plans, but she didn't really have as much interest in prepping as i do.
Wife is all onboard, I have 1 brother lives close that is doing the same, I have another that thinks we are crazy.
All it took for my wife to get on board was:
1) Tornado
2) 3 lightening strikes in our driveway. Yes lightening does strike the same place not twice but three times.
3) an ice storm that sent BIG tree limbs crashing to the ground.
She's on board now.
LOL, TBH, i have no clue what my wife thinks about it! one minute she'll be talken ****, and the next, she's pointen stuff out to go in the bug bag.
My wife is ok with it my dog loves it and my parents think its point less I have not told my brothers yet. My best friend is prepping with me and the only other people that know is you guys.
My girlfriend is on board and my dog loves the bunkers, my family don't know, and I have a few friends who are into it and I'm gonna get them to join this site :)
You are lucky you have so much support.
My wife and the kids are on board, but that is it for my family.
I am the only one in my family that is prepping... i try to talk my parents into it, and I even go so far as to put together first aid kits and give them tips/hints on things to use around the house in a pinch. They have recently taken a liking to target practice with bow and arrow, crossbows, rifles and slingshots for my daughter when she goes along with them. My dad was in the Army for years, and went to the first Desert Storm so he is knowledgeable when it comes to combat situations and weapons. Other than that they have no plan, no bug out bags etc. I can hardly keep up with affording things for my kids and stuff, now I feel obligated to save their asses too lol so i buy extras when i can, or when things are on sale. As far as my kids, they don't understand the need to prep yet, my daughter has a small grasp on the idea but i don't want to frighten her too much. Our boy is only 3 so he has no clue. My fiance has no interest in stock piling things like food and water or having a plan. His plan is, and I quote, "When shtf, I will be the mf'er going into walmart with my gun and taking what we need." With him being a marine, and a grunt who's seen action in combat, I think that he feels being a hard ass with a gun will save us, I don't think thats gonna cut it. Number one, you can't possibly get everything that you need to survive in one trip to walmart, and what about the rest of our town that's gonna be doing the same damn thing since they aren't prepared either? I can't seem to get it through his head that we need to do this ****. So I just do it in secret. I buy little things here and there when I can and I have become a member of a facebook auction site for my county and I bid/purchase things from there when something catches my eye that we may need in a shtf situation. He is the bread winner in the house but I am in charge of finances so it's a little easier for me to purchase smaller things without him noticing than it is for me to go out and get something pricey. So just this past week i've become gainfully employed :) Just a small part time job waiting tables up the street from our home at nights, but it's enough to put some spending money in my pocket and I won't have to feel bad about it lol
Congrats on the job, I think you are on the right path, build up your water an food supplies, maybe start some kind of BOB or emergency bag. Many spouse's are not on board with the prepping but eventually start to come around. I prep for earthquakes and things that might follow so my wife is on board with that.
I am the only one in my family that is prepping... i try to talk my parents into it, and I even go so far as to put together first aid kits and give them tips/hints on things to use around the house in a pinch. They have recently taken a liking to target practice with bow and arrow, crossbows, rifles and slingshots for my daughter when she goes along with them. My dad was in the Army for years, and went to the first Desert Storm so he is knowledgeable when it comes to combat situations and weapons. Other than that they have no plan, no bug out bags etc. I can hardly keep up with affording things for my kids and stuff, now I feel obligated to save their asses too lol so i buy extras when i can, or when things are on sale. As far as my kids, they don't understand the need to prep yet, my daughter has a small grasp on the idea but i don't want to frighten her too much. Our boy is only 3 so he has no clue. My fiance has no interest in stock piling things like food and water or having a plan. His plan is, and I quote, "When shtf, I will be the mf'er going into walmart with my gun and taking what we need." With him being a marine, and a grunt who's seen action in combat, I think that he feels being a hard ass with a gun will save us, I don't think thats gonna cut it. Number one, you can't possibly get everything that you need to survive in one trip to walmart, and what about the rest of our town that's gonna be doing the same damn thing since they aren't prepared either? I can't seem to get it through his head that we need to do this ****. So I just do it in secret. I buy little things here and there when I can and I have become a member of a facebook auction site for my county and I bid/purchase things from there when something catches my eye that we may need in a shtf situation. He is the bread winner in the house but I am in charge of finances so it's a little easier for me to purchase smaller things without him noticing than it is for me to go out and get something pricey. So just this past week i've become gainfully employed :) Just a small part time job waiting tables up the street from our home at nights, but it's enough to put some spending money in my pocket and I won't have to feel bad about it lol
Congrats on the job!
What I see happening with his walmart + Gun idea is a big shoot out. he, as i am sure you know isn't going to be the only one sporting a gun.
I have 3 young ones and I have them looking at the prepping as a game, but a serious one. mind you mine a re a little older than yours.
I know how expensive it can be to do this, but there are ways to cut costs and save money. we have some members on here who have saved a good amount of money by using ebay or craig's list.