Fears of Ebola becoming airborne transmitable

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If I remember right, from my reading though, is that there is little to no history of a bloodborne disease mutating to become airborne.

Can a bloodborne or body fluid-borne virus be transformed by a single mutation into an airborne agent (a "flyer"), as the scare scenarios imply? It's conceivable. But it's "probably unlikely," according to virologist Beth Levine, M.D., director of virology research in the infectious diseases division at Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons. "Single amino acid mutations can change the tropism [the residential preference] of a virus" in some experimental situations, Dr. Levine says, "but there haven't been any examples of such mutations actually occurring in nature, changing a virus from a bloodborne or bodily fluid route of transmission to a respiratory route."

So, says Dr. Levine, "The media's claim is not totally without scientific basis. But there are no precedents for it, and it's unlikely

So, while possible...would seem to be unprecedented. However, the key word here is "naturally". Doesn't mean it couldn't be weaponized and engineered into an airborne strain, and to me, that's the real danger here.
Pneumonic plague

That isn't airborne either. Has to adhere to aerosolized particles. Very limited in transmission range and circumstances. Ebola has been found to be like that too, but so far, only with pigs. Mostly, pneumonic plague is transmitted same way as others in that family. Also, this is bacteriological vs. ebola, which is viral.
I believe it is a great possibility of being/becoming airborne. I am very leery of what the government CDC & WHO is reporting and will be on the cautious side regardless of what is being said. Considering all the infected, does it really seem probably that they all came into infected body fluid? That just seems to be a hugh number to me.
this starts to feel like playing poker...no good hands given :(
While I realize it may not be airborne, it sure has no problem spreading in africa. The guy from liberia got it from helping a pregnant woman to the hospital. I really doubt the people in africa are taking NO precautions and wallow in the virus, but it is still on the move over there. Not to mention, they hired "the cleaning guys" to dispose of the contaminated material in texas. I'm not Mr paranoid, sealed in a sanitary clean room, but the handling of the texas case does not fill me with confidence.....
While I realize it may not be airborne, it sure has no problem spreading in africa. The guy from liberia got it from helping a pregnant woman to the hospital. I really doubt the people in africa are taking NO precautions and wallow in the virus, but it is still on the move over there. Not to mention, they hired "the cleaning guys" to dispose of the contaminated material in texas. I'm not Mr paranoid, sealed in a sanitary clean room, but the handling of the texas case does not fill me with confidence.....
No, he helped move the daughter of his landlord who died of Ebola the day after they moved her. He knew his chances of contamination were high so he lied about coming in contact with Ebola so he could get on a plane to the US where he would get better health care. Handling of that case here in the US has been deplorable. However, our health care and burial practices here are much better so our death rate from Ebola won't be nearly as high as it is in Africa.
The biggest fear here is that if enough people contract it, health care will be stretched beyond it's limits. A good question was raised on TV last night - does Obamacare cover Ebola? So many people are without health insurance now that many will think they have the flu and will stay at home for care. Or they will know they have Ebola but won't have the means to pay for care.
Did you hear the news?

The 1st confirmed case of the deadly Ebola virus was found in Texas.

At least 100 people who came into contact with the carrier are currently under government quarantine.

There's even talk of Ebola being used as a biological weapon in a full-on terror attack. That'd be like unleashing a "bio-nuke". And thanks to Obama, our borders are pretty much wide-open.


YOU are better prepared than 98% of the "sheeple" out there because YOU saw the writing on the wall and YOU took action to prepare for uncertain times.

That's precisely how you got to know me, and how you become a 4 Patriots customer, and why you're reading this email.

I'm so glad that smart folks like you are in our corner – patriotic and prepared.

Moving on…

With the scary headlines of Ebola dominating the airwaves, I've been hit left and right with folks asking me, "How can I prepare for Ebola?"

Well, it just so happens Glenn Beck covered this very topic on TV this week when his son asked that same question. I think Glenn's advice is spot on:

"Son, the best thing to do is have cash on hand. Lots of food in storage and be ready to go if needed. These things will unfortunately come. But they are going to come all over the world. No place will be different. There's no safe zone from what's going to happen.

Now, if that's happening, what does that mean for you?

That means: You better have food. You better have water. You better have some sort of alternative fuel: Electricity, logs, anything. You should have gold or silver or cash on hand because what happens if the banks — in a pandemic, it could very easily close. Your malls, your stores will close."

OK, let's drill down to the basics of what Glenn said.

1st up is FOOD.

You need survival food that's shelf-stable for 25+ years, stores discreetly, and tastes good. For survival food, I recommend Food 4 Patriots.

2nd up is WATER.

You need access to pure, clean water to stay alive in any crisis. For water filtration, I recommend Water 4 Patriots..

3rd up is POWER.

You need a way to keep your crucial electronics running – your freezer, lights, medical equipment, cell phone, etc. For DIY power, I recommend Power4Patriots. For done-for-you power, I recommend the Patriot Power Generator 1500 but it's practically sold out right now.

Glenn wraps up his advice on preparing for Ebola with some wise words:

"This isn't just helpful information to prepare for Ebola, but anything so you aren't left to panic when something unexpected happens.

You do these things now so you're prepared and you're not panicking. When my son wrote to me, if we weren't prepared, I would have been panicking. It's in Dallas. I would have been panicking. I know I have a plan, and he knows we have a plan. Follow the plan, and it doesn't involve panic."

DON'T panic.
DO prepare.
To your survival,

P.S. I had lunch in Nashville yesterday with a doctor who is really worried about the potential spread of Ebola and other pandemic diseases here in the USA. I'm trying to get him in front of a camera to make some insider videos for you. You'll be the 1st to know if he agrees. In the meantime, my advice is to follow Glenn Beck's advice and stock up on food, water and off-grid power.

P.S. i got this in a email..
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this community here have one huge advantage over the generalpopulation; WE PREP...and I wish and hope and expect that when panic sets in,we don't run around like a flock of scared chickens,we are able to think,sit down,take a coffee and think..then act

and I have propably said it earlier some where,but nature is the ultimate serialkiller of all time and unfortunately for us,nature will find a way..with our help it seems,when we transport patients all over the world..
i just read on a different site where someone mentioned halloween when it comes to ebola...then i thought of thanksgiving and christmas of this year...then there's easter of next year.then there's the birthdays between now and when ever..i have a feeling some holidays wont be celebrated....
I believe it is a great possibility of being/becoming airborne. I am very leery of what the government CDC & WHO is reporting and will be on the cautious side regardless of what is being said. Considering all the infected, does it really seem probably that they all came into infected body fluid? That just seems to be a hugh number to me.
I agree, too many health care workers infected to be so hard to catch.

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