Figured it was safer to post this here... proud parent.

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LMAO!!!!! Dude seriously! I am doing good to just make a simple call with the cell phone I have. I wouldn't know how to turn on an iphone let alone do anything else with it. Seriously, my voice mail isn't set up because I can't figure out how to make it go. Yes I know how pathetic that is. Toss my ass back into the 1860's and I'll be fine as wine, but I'm a screwed pooch in today's modern world. What do they call it, a Luddite?
LMAO!!!!! Dude seriously! I am doing good to just make a simple call with the cell phone I have. I wouldn't know how to turn on an iphone let alone do anything else with it. Seriously, my voice mail isn't set up because I can't figure out how to make it go. Yes I know how pathetic that is. Toss my ass back into the 1860's and I'll be fine as wine, but I'm a screwed pooch in today's modern world. What do they call it, a Luddite?
I know the feeling. My son teaches me how to work the phones. It's quite sad.
I am from the day of rotary phones that were connected to the wall by a cord, no remote controls, no video games, no cable t.v., pull tab soft drinks and beer cans, and no microwaves, t.v.'s requiring vacuum tubes.
I didn't want to get a smartphone for the longest time, but honestly it is amazing technology for people who live in nyc and are stuck on subway all day. Land navigation, quick ability to look up and review a restaurant or store, email on the go. The only thing I don't do is listen to music (battery life) or play dumb ass games on it. I hate, hate all the mindless zombies on the subway who ignore everything and play dumb games. I believe it is like and opiate or drug, made to sedate us like cattle. The only games I allow myself to play are ones that tax my mind and make me sharper or critical thinker like Sodoku, Chess, puzzles, or Go (Chinese Chess).

Sad about your inability to post, I heard good things about Windows 8 too.
Well I'm glad to hear you're so proud of your daughter, even if you can't post up a picture! Frustrating for sure. I was trying to get a picture from waterbricks to post up in Lindy's thread but to no avail. I use a macbook usually, so a lot of the picture stuff is simple but now and again I get reminded that I am a mere mortal and not capable of this ever-growing field of technology....
LMAO!!!!! Dude seriously! I am doing good to just make a simple call with the cell phone I have. I wouldn't know how to turn on an iphone let alone do anything else with it. Seriously, my voice mail isn't set up because I can't figure out how to make it go. Yes I know how pathetic that is. Toss my ass back into the 1860's and I'll be fine as wine, but I'm a screwed pooch in today's modern world. What do they call it, a Luddite?
they are cool and all but the bill sucks ass !!
my mom updated her pc to windows 8.and needless we both hate it..and she been thinking of reverting back to windows 7,in which is what her pc started out with..and as for smart phones and ipods ipads and iphones go.i have no need for them up to now.and unless it becomes mandatory in the way needs.i wont be getting one
I doubt it. It's taken me this long to just get a laptop. I can't do anything but punch in a phone number on my cell.
Too be honest, half the time I don't even know where my cell phone is. The theory is that I am 'supposed' to have it with me whenever I'm outside when I'm home alone, especially if I'm working with any of the horses or other livestock. Hubs says it is my link to safety if something happens and no one is there... I suppose he's right if I ever remembered to put it in my pocket.
I really wish I could figure out how to post a picture from my computer to here. I can copy and paste from something on the web, but I don't want to put her picture out there for just anyone to see. I know I sound overprotective, but that's how it goes.
Very smart not to post it anywhere. I'm not a trusting person and once you put it out there, you don't know where it will end up. If a child molester ever gets my daughters pic. he better never come around or he will be missing a head or maybe even TWO heads. I think child molesters should be shot, not put in jail where we have to pay for their incarceration. At least castrate the *******. Just my opinion. The opinion of a father.